I wasn’t able to get my computer fixed or purchase a new computer in time for the live broadcast, but I did manage to watch it at a local Internet cafe (also had a slight earthquake while I was there). So, now I’m working on a long list of back-logged items that I wanted to get done. Since this is going to be slow going, I’m going to post whatever I finish, when I finish it.
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Various Stills

First look at the official titles for the two NieR:Automata songs that were performed at the concert. Yoko Taro states that the name “Weight of the World” was kept due to fan input as suggested by J’Nique Nicole.

This portion of the novel depicts the Shade attack on Nier’s village as seen by Kaine’s perspective. Tyrann is also shown goading Kaine on in this passage. This chapter or section of the novel is entitled “The Sealed Tomes” referencing the 13 magical books that were part of the Gestalt Project (ie. Weiss, Noir, Rubrum, etc.). The novel is written by Eishima Jun and pretty much the entire novel was OK’ed by Yoko Taro without even looking at it.

Saito Yosuke said that this glorious set is something that you shouldn’t regret *not* buying… but rather you should regret *after* buying… lol So, I guess you should buy it first and then formulate your own opinion about it! hahaha
Gameplay Footage
The Resistance Camp
Status Menus
Hammer – Charge Attack
All screen shots and English translations were produced by Fire Sanctuary.