Updated: 2025.02.20
Please refer to this page for any policies regarding the Site that are currently in place.
- Definitions
- Policies Regarding the Usage of Information on this Site
- Additional Notices
- References
- Square Enix Policies
1. Definitions
A. Site
The Fire Sanctuary Website: firesanctuary.com (since 2003)
Expired Domains: drakengard-3.com, nier2.com
B. Information
Any written text, which includes site posts, pages, translations, etc. are the sole property of Fire Sanctuary unless otherwise stated. Please refer to individual citations. This includes the unsolicited archival of material originating on this site, past or present.
C. Usage
The use of any Information found on this Site by a third-party is designated by, but not limited to, usage in a YouTube video, news or journalistic site, long-form prose, etc. regardless of whether its usage is for-profit or otherwise must be given the proper citation.
D. Commercial Purposes
Commercial purposes means to advance a person’s commercial or economic interests, such as by inducing another person to buy, rent, lease, join, subscribe to, provide, or exchange products, goods, property, information, or services, or enabling or effecting, directly or indirectly, a commercial transaction. (Read More)
E. Derivative Work
A derivative work is a work based on or derived from one or more already existing works. Common derivative works include translations, musical arrangements, motion picture versions of literary material or plays, art reproductions, abridgments, and condensations of preexisting works. (Read More)
2. Policies Regarding the Usage of Information on this Site
A. Terms of Service Agreement
By accessing this Site, you actively agree to abide by this policy and the content within.
B. Statement of Ownership
Please note that the Site claims no ownership of the original works that are discussed herein. Any translations found here was done strictly for study purposes. However, these translations are derivative works that are the sole property of the Site and therefore should not be redistributed without prior consent from the Site and the original Copyright holder.
All Rights Reserved.
C. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) [ View certificate ]
Protection: This Uniform Resource Locator or URL: https://firesanctuary.com/ is owned or published under permission by the owner of this channel. The audio and or video presentation is original content and or contains original content published under permission including but not limited to text, design, images, photographs, audio and video and are considered to be the Intellectual Property of the owner of this channel, whether copyrighted or not, and are protected by DMCA.com Protection Pro Service using but not limited to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Title 17 Chapter 512 (c)(3). Reproduction or re-publication of this content is prohibited without permission. This statement and the protection service connected to it is no way a replacement of or connected to any similar statements or services provided to the content owner by this service platform.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Is part of US Copyright Law. It addresses penalties for copyright infringement found on the Internet. This act protects content creators by “establishing procedures for proper notification” to OSPs when copyright infringement is identified online. Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), Title II is part of the DMCA as Section 512 to the Copyright Act and creates a conditional safe harbour to liability for copyright infringement by online service providers. These procedures allow proper DMCA Takedown Notices to be filed by the owner of this website or DMCA.com, as their designated agent, to an OSP in case infringed material has been detected on their servers.
D. Copyrighted Works
The following is a list of copyrighted original works discussed on this Site:
© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
NieR Replicant
NieR Gestalt
NieR Re[in]carnation
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…
YoRHa Stage Play: Ver.1.2, Ver.1.3a/aa; YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a
YoRHa Manga, Vol. 1-4
NieR:Automata ver.1.1a anime
Content on this Site is not sponsored or endorsed by Square Enix or any other outside entity.
E. Fire Sanctuary: Roles and Works
Fire Sanctuary is represented by Rekka Alexiel, a professional production manager, writer, editor, translator, interpreter, journalist, motion & voice actor, among many other tasks and roles in Japan. Any Information found on this Site is the sole property of Fire Sanctuary unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized reproduction and/or repurposing of any Information found on this Site is strictly prohibited without prior consent.
▶︎ For business inquiries, please write to: webmaster [at] firesanctuary.com
F. Regarding Copyright Infringement
Regardless of whether usage is for-profit or otherwise, action will be taken against individuals or groups who willfully and knowingly do any of the following without prior consent, the appropriate license, or proper citation:
- Copy and paste Information directly from the Site, whole or in part, to be used in third-party productions
- Redistribute or reupload copyrighted images that were produced exclusively by Fire Sanctuary
G. Requesting Prior Consent to Use Information
Anyone who wishes to use large portions of Information on the Site in a third-party production needs to request prior consent. Although these requests are typically accepted as long as the source of the Information is clearly stated, please be aware that circumstances may arise in which previously given permission is later retracted. Should this occur, please comply in a timely manner.
※ Should it later become aware that Information was taken and used in a third-party production without prior consent and/or proper citation, copyright infringement notices and/or take-down requests may be issued. Subsequent requests for consent to use Information after this point will likely be rejected. Please note that citing a source and adding a”Thank You” message is not sufficient.
H. How to Cite Information
Please understand that you may not take original content from this Site and simply restate it in your own words on your own website without including a proper citation for the original content. It is not necessary to get prior permission to cite text-based Information found on this Site; however, you must cite the source with the complete page URL.
※ The unsolicited reproduction of large passages found on this Site is strictly prohibited. (ie. reproduction of complete translations without prior consent, etc.). This includes but is not limited to archiving old or new pages for personal or archival purposes.
Single Sentence Example:
“Originally appearing in Drakengard 3, the companion manga series Utahime 5, and as a DOD3 collaboration character in SINoALICE, the addition of Accord in this version of the stage play was originally Sekiya Makoto’s idea.” – Fire Sanctuary
Block Paragraph Example:
Originally appearing in Drakengard 3, the companion manga series Utahime 5, and as a DOD3 collaboration character in SINoALICE, the addition of Accord in this version of the stage play was originally Sekiya Makoto’s idea. He dropped the idea when he, Yoko Taro, and others were out drinking one night, and he basically mentioned, “Wouldn’t it be interesting if Accord showed up?” – Fire Sanctuary
Improper use or reuse of any Information on this Site may incur necessary action via DMCA.
I. What You Won’t Find on this Site
I’ve been around for a good long while to actually see the shift of what is considered acceptable fan activities, so I’ve done my own due diligence to curb my activities in accordance with the various copyright holders. This is an entirely voluntary move as I have also grown as a creator in the past several years. Additionally, my fan activities have greatly intertwined with my actual profession, so there are some definite lines that must be drawn. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Additionally, raws were never available here, so it would be great for people to please stop asking for them. Thank you!
J. Archiving this Site and Information, whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.
No third party is allowed to copy or save any Information from this Site for archiving purposes. This includes third parties making unauthorized copies of the Information found on this Site available to other third parties.
3. Additional Notices
A. Comment Policy
Please familiarize yourself with the Comment Policy before submitting a comment. Understand that any and all comments are subject to moderation in accordance with the aforementioned policy.
B. Standard Privacy Policy
Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the Site for more information regarding how your information may be used.
C. Hotlinking Content
You may not hotlink to any material on this Site.
4. References
A. Associated Press (AP) Stylebook
Please refer to this for more information on how to cite sources according to the Associated Press (AP) standard. This is the most commonly accepted form of citation in journalism.
B. Citation Machine
If you have trouble finding where a source comes from, try this citation machine search engine. It can help you discover the original source of a statement.
C. The Basics of Getting Permission
This lists a helpful five-step procedure to getting permission.
D. [YouTube Video] Citing Sources: Why & How to Do It
E. Creative Commons Licenses and their Use
A common misconception about Creative Commons is the party in which it’s meant for. By getting this license, you are giving OTHER PEOPLE the ability to use your copyrighted material under said license, which means you must be the copyright holder. It’s not meant for people to take someone else’s copyrighted material, paste a CC license sticker on your derivative works, and be fully covered. That’s is a complete misinterpretation of CC.

F. How to Handle Copyright Infringement:
Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Helpful information in Japanese regarding copyrights, directly from the Japanese government.
5. Square Enix Policies
A. Guidelines concerning derivative works relating to the NieR series
Excerpt from the policy dated April 15th, 2021:
The rights to any images, footage, characters, scenarios, music or other copyrighted materials that make up the NieR series as described below (henceforth, the “Series” ) belong to Square Enix Co., Ltd. (henceforth, the “Company”), or are used by the Company with permission from the relevant copyright holder(s). Adapting, modifying or re-producing such content without Company’s prior permission is prohibited.
However, notwithstanding the foregoing, you are permitted to create certain creative works (henceforth referred to as “Derivative Works”) based on the Series without permission from the Company so long as you comply with the Terms of Use below. Company will judge whether or not a Derivative Work violates the Terms of Use in its sole discretion.
The Company reserves the right to change the content of these guidelines without prior notice and cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages incurred as a result of such changes.
(Read the Japanese policy)
B. Guidelines for Livestreaming and Posting Video/Images of NieR Series Titles
Excerpt from the policy dated June 8th, 2021:
Square Enix Co., Ltd. (“Square Enix”) permits you to distribute, post online, and otherwise use certain content from NieR:Automata and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… (collectively the “NieR Games”) subject to the following terms (the “Terms”). These Terms apply only outside of Japan; if you are located in Japan, or have obtained a Japanese version of NieR:Automata or NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…, please see the Japanese license for terms that apply to you. (Read the Japanese policy)
C. Group Customer Harassment Policy
Excerpt from the policy dated January 10, 2025:
Group Customer Harassment Policy
Should Square Enix determine that an individual has engaged in an action against one of our employees or partners that exceeds socially acceptable behavior or is harmful, we reserve our right to cease providing support services or to refrain from providing our group’s products and services.
Where such action is egregious or with malicious intent, Square Enix reserves its right to protect its employees and partners and to take legal action or criminal proceedings upon consulting the police and/or lawyers. Actions which Square Enix considers customer harassment or to exceed socially acceptable behavior or is harmful include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
- Act of violence, violent behavior
- Abusive language, intimidation, coercion, duress, excessive pursuit or reprimand
- Defamation/slander, denial of personality, personal attack (including email, contact in contact form, comment or post on the internet), advance notice of wrongdoing, advance notice of obstruction of business
- Persistent inquiries, repeated visits
- Trespassing by visiting or staying in an office or related facility without permission
- Unlawful restraint including via telephone calls and online inquiries
- Discriminatory speech and conduct regarding race, ethnicity, religion, family origin, occupation, etc.
- Infringement of privacy by taking pictures or making video recordings without consent
- Sexual harassment, stalking, repeated stalking behavior
Undue demand:
- Unreasonable changes or exchange of product or request for monetary compensation
- Unreasonable response or request for an apology (including face-to-face response or request for an apology specifying the position of our employee or partners)
- Excessive requests for the provision of products and services exceeding socially accepted norms
- Unreasonable and excessive demands for punishment of our employees