NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 Blu-ray

My copy of the NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 came today! I haven’t had the chance to watch the whole thing again, but it seems like there are English subtitles for the whole thing! From what I’ve seen of it thus far, it seems like a pretty decent translation.

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8th Official Livestream – at STORIA (Part 1)

This is a quick look at the 8th Livestream @STORIA that was broadcast on NicoNico and YouTube tonight!

I’m trying to work as fast as I can here but still be as thorough as possible… But I’m going to have to break this up into two parts. It’s already 2am and I need to get up early to do some serious work on a gaming project that’s due next week…

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Additional Questions for Yoko Taro By Dengeki PlayStation

This is an old questionnaire in Issue Vol. 638 of Dengeki PlayStation magazine that I forgot to translate all these years. Below you can find a quick snapshot of this section on the page followed by my English translation.

It also appears that Chunsoft’s Zanki Zero is also featured in this issue! I’ll have to take another look at that later…

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NieR:Orchestra Concert Blu-ray Screening

To celebrate the NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 Blu-ray release on February 27, there will be two special theatrical screenings of the Blu-ray in Tokyo next week!

Special guests for the talk portion of the event include Yoko Taro and Okabe Keiichi (scheduled appearances are subject to change).

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