I had some time today, so I picked this up again. I wanted to try learning how to use Illustrator more, so the majority of the menu windows were made from scratch in Illustrator, then I exported it over to Photoshop to do the rest.
※ Please beware of spoilers related to the YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0 stage play. ※
This is the secret file that’s in the very back of the YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0 stage play pamphlet. What’s interesting is that this is the only place where we’re actually given a specific location for this play: Madagascar.

Here’s a quick summary of what we learn from this:
- Voice Data Recording – There’s really nothing new here. This is taken directly from No2’s final words (a recording via SS, the prototype of Pod153) at the very end of the play.
- Mail – Again, nothing much here is all that surprising or new. We knew that No21 had been discussing sensitive topics with No22 about their future. It’s interesting that he brings up the “Kingdom of Night” here as well. What’s really sad is that No21 was well intended. The M Squad was unique in the fact that they were killed and brought back over and over again. As long as their Black Boxes remained in tact, they could be “restored” with the help of their Healer, who would make regular backup copies of their personal data.
- Personality Data Analysis Report – This is all new information about the Attacker No6. It appears that his superior intelligence and exceptional fighting ability helped to unlock the negative side of his personality, drawing out tendencies for sadism, cruelty, and hedonism. It’s because of this that he poses a greater risk to the team than he is otherwise useful; therefore, the No6 personality was deemed unsuitable for direct combat. This has great implications for our dear 6O.
See also the Secret File from the YoRHa Musical Ver.1.2 here.