“YoRHa Boys” Stage Play Teaser1.0

And here’s the teaser for the YoRHa Boys stage play that will be held from January 31st to February 4th.

It starts with a line we are all very accustomed to by now…

Everything is designed to be destroyed.

Throughout the video, various words stream across the screen, many of which are terms and locations vital to the story. Here is a quick list of the words that I spotted:

  • 生存 – Survival
  • 作戦 – Mission
  • 武器 – Weapon
  • 人類 – Humanity
  • 沈黙 – Silence
  • 疑念 – Doubt / Suspicion
  • 学園 – School Academy
  • 訓練 – Training drill
  • 進化 – Evolution
  • 命令 – Commands
  • 夜の国 – Kingdom of Night
    This is what North & South America are called during this time due to the Earth’s locked orbit. That particular side of the planet is perpetually trapped in darkness.
  • 人類軍 – Forces of Humanity
    5013 – The formation of the Forces of Humanity began. New “battle type” androids were constructed.
  • アトランティス – Atlantis
    11502 – The sunken city is discovered by the Bio-machines; the Forces of Humanity dub it “Atlantis”.
  • 機械生命体 – Bio-machines
  • 二期生 – Second Generation
  • 九号 – No9
  • カグヤ – Kaguya
    11810 – This is the 6th satellite in Earth’s orbit where they were experimenting on Bio-machine cores; however, an explosion occurred during an experiment and entirely destroyed the satellite, which eventually plummeted into the ocean.
  • ラボ – Lab*
    11815 – This is the satellite that was put in use after the destruction of the Kaguya. The Lab was to be used for experimental research.
    11937, July 7 – The lab is heavily damaged by fire.
  • ブラックボックス – Black Box
    11928 – The black boxes were first constructed.
  • ヨルハ – YoRHa
    11932, April – The new weapons, YoRHa, were constructed to fight the Bio-machines.
  • 実戦部隊 – Active Combate Squadron
  • 奪還作戦 – Rescue Mission
  • 融合体 – Fusion body
  • ヨルハ部隊 – YoRHa Squadron
  • アンドロイド – Androids
  • 実験部隊 – Experimental Squadron
    11942, March 1 – The new experimental male squad rolls out and is dubbed “M002”.
  • M部隊 – M Squad
  • M002 – The experimental M Squad.
  • クーデター – coup d’etat
    11942, May 5 – A coup breaks out among the ranks of the M Squad but is brought under control two days later.

Open Auditions For Bio-machines in the Up-coming YoRHa Plays!

UPDATE: October 14, 2017

Auditions to become a Bio-machine on stage or other extra Resistance roles in the plays has been opened to *all* ages. So, if you’re currently in Japan and are free to participate, send in your application before 6PM on Friday!

▶︎ Auditions are for both the “YoRHa Ver.1.2” musical and the “YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0” stage play.

Check the tweet here for more info!

“YoRHa Boys” Stage Play Auditions

We’re getting more and more news on cast members for the up-coming “YoRHa Boys” stage play, so I will keep editing this post to add in the new information. Here’s the cast list that we know of thus far:


▼ No9 will be portrayed by Saito Naoki:

▼ No22 will be played by Terasaka Hiroki.

▼ No21 will be played by Murata Hisashi:

▼ No2 will be played by Ueda Shinichiro.

▼ No6 will be played by Doi Yuuto.

▼ No4 will be played by Oguri Ryo.

No4 is not a Scanner, but rather a Sniper. This unit type was originally used on the old DearStage web site in which No12, portrayed by Ichikura Yuna, was listed as a Sniper. This could have been an “transitional” designation between Gunners and Pods.

▼ No3 will be played by Shouji Masato.

▼ The role of the boy’s “teacher” will be played by Kikuta Daisuke.

Ishikawa Yui to Play the Role of No2 in the New YoRHa 1.2 Musical!

It was just revealed that Ishikawa Yui, the voice actress of 2B in NieR:Automata, will portray No2 on stage in the new updated musical YoRHa Ver1.2. She also wrote a little bit about this on her personal blog here.

I honestly don’t know how to feel about this. To me, I began my love of this series from the original stage plays back in 2014… and the one person that carried that emotion for me was Endo Ruka… so if she will “suddenly” be replaced…

But then again, for those who only knew of this story after playing NieR:Automata, I can understand how this was a must. I’m certainly not saying that Ishikawa *cannot* perform this role as well as Endo, but… it’s just a very curious situation I feel like I’m in now. It’s hard to even explain.

I know Ishikawa will do an awesome job, I’m just a little bit sad that Endo won’t return (maybe she’ll play Seed!?). I’m also worried about the other “returning” characters: No4, No16, and No21. I loved the original cast so much, it’s really, really difficult to accept anyone else in those roles. That’s really what I mean by all of this. The original actresses created the characters in my mind…and it feels really odd should anyone else be put in their shoes. 😛

Don’t worry; I’ll get over it. lol

I still hope that Matsukawa Takanori will at least get a role in the YoRHa Boys stage play. He had a relatively minor role in Yoko Taro’s stage play “Thou Shalt Not Die”, and as a Yoko fan himself, it would be really awesome to see him as one of the Scanners. I can entirely see him as 4S. <3