Additional Questions for Yoko Taro By Dengeki PlayStation

This is an old questionnaire in Issue Vol. 638 of Dengeki PlayStation magazine that I forgot to translate all these years. Below you can find a quick snapshot of this section on the page followed by my English translation.

It also appears that Chunsoft’s Zanki Zero is also featured in this issue! I’ll have to take another look at that later…

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4Gamer’s 2017 Game Creators’ Questionnaire

Siliconera recently posted the ambitions of various game creators, which was part of a four-part questionnaire by 4Gamer. I still need to look through more of the original article, but I believe Siliconera only translated a small portion of the overall article. I don’t exactly follow many of the people interviewed, but I’ll try to cover as many people that interest me as I can!

ーYoko Taroー

I was so very happy to experience the actual feeling of love my fans have for me… That’s why I set my sights on a girl who came to one of my signing events and followed her home. I did it for her, you see, but for some reason, she wouldn’t let me into her house. I couldn’t understand why she’d refuse me. After all, she was my fan, right? So, I beat the door down with something that resembled a crowbar and explained myself to her. Still, all she did was scream. She wouldn’t listen to a word I had to say. Before I realized, somehow she was down on the floor in a pool of her own blood. I didn’t do anything wrong and yet she refused to answer me. There was nothing else I could do, so I jumped down from her apartment balcony, and ran with all my might. I ran and ran until I finally made it to some unknown building. I crawled through a window in the back and hid. That’s when I felt as though someone had just returned home. Quietly approaching from behind, I raised the crowbar in my hand. I’m right behind you.

ーMatsuyama Hiroshiー

Q1: Out of all the games released in 2017, which one impressed you the most or gave you the biggest shock?

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
As always, it was a great game in which modern gamers were taken into careful consideration.

Q2: Out of all forms of entertainment released or announced in 2017, what title made a strong impression on you?

Left-handed Ellen by kappi
It’s been a long time since something’s impacted me to this degree. I don’t think anything will affect me this greatly for many years to come.

Q3: Personally, what single individual did you or are you still paying close attention to in 2017?

kappi (mangaka)
He’s the author who wrote “Left-handed Ellen” among other titles. I have a gorgeous image in my head that he–along with his works–will make it big. I think the world will rightly find out about him soon enough.

Q4: Please give our 4Gamer readers a message or tell us about your ambitions for 2018?

We’re going to release “the future vision for CyberConnect2” in February, 2018, so please look forward to that!

Source: 4Gamer

※ This post is a Work In Progress. Please reload to see if there are any updates since the last time you visited. ❤️

Famitsu Issue No.1494 – Questionnaire

Earlier in June, Famitsu asked its readers to participate in a questionnaire regarding our thoughts and opinions on NieR:Automata. The results were just published in this week’s issue of Famitsu Magazine, Issue No. 1494, as part of their 26-page feature on the game. The Questionnaire portion spans a total of 4 pages.

The magazine also published a short description related to each question as well as consolidating many users’ personal responses, of which I think they edited to save on space and clarity (Comments highlighted below may have been selected and used for this issuel). There’s also a few additional tid-bits of information that was answered in the Q&A segment with Yoko Taro from the official NieR:Automata Strategy Guide.

The following are the results of the 15 questions only. My answers are listed in red (Please note that many questions allowed for up to three answers). I’ll also include my own comments that I had written.


Q1: Who is your favorite character?

  • #1: 2B (2072)
  • #2: 9S (1303)
  • #3: A2 (1126)
  • #4: Emil (584)
  • #5: Pod042 (548)
  • #6: Devola / Popola (368)
  • #7: Pascal (327)
  • #8: Operator 6O (313)
  • #9: Eve (262)
  • #10: Operator 21O (185)
  • —– The Red Girls

Rekka’s Comment:
▶︎ A2: 舞台「ヨルハ」Ver.1.0Ver.1.1を実際観に行ってからずっと2号を気に入ったのです。またいつか出会うかしらと思って、やっとオートマタで再開しました。何より嬉しかったですけど、もうちょっとA2でプレイしたかったです。No2 has been my favorite character ever since I went to see both versions of the “YoRHa” stage play. I always wondered if we might see her again, and then we finally got to see her again in Automata. It was great that she returned, but it would have been nice to play as her longer in the game.
▶︎ Emil: 
今回はエミールがサブキャラクターとなったんですけど、前作の愛情が変わりませんでした。どんだけエミールの存在が悲しく思ってます。Even though Emil only played a minor role as a sub-character in Automata, my fondness for him from the previous game has not changed. Emil’s very existence is so tragic.
▶︎ The Red Girls: この子達も舞台「ヨルハ」以来から嫌いな存在だと思ったけど…最後に「気が変わった」と言う事で、混乱の中で再評価が必要ですね。最後は悪い奴らじゃないかと… ん〜 分からないが、興味深いですね。After seeing the “YoRHa” play, I thoroughly hated these girls, but I was really confused when they seemed to have “changed their minds” at the end of the game. Maybe we needed to reassess their motives…? Hmmm, I really don’t know what to think, but it’s pretty interesting.

Q2: What is your favorite weapon?

  • #1: Virtuous Contract (1311)
  • #2: Emil Heads (591)
  • #3: Iron Pipe (566)
  • #4: Virtuous Treaty (557)
  • #5: Engine Blade (375)
  • #6: Cruel Oath (273)
  • #7: Type-4O Sword (245)
  • #8: Iron Will (188)
  • #9: Virtuous Dignity (187)
  • #10: Cypress Stick (185)

Rekka’s Comment:
▶︎ Iron Pipe: もちろん前作に繋ぐ武器ですので好きです。懐かしく思い出します。I liked this weapon because of its connection to the previous game. It was quite nostalgic.
▶︎ Emil Heads: こちらのウェポンストーリーはかなり興味深いでした。オートマタより未来に起こってるから面白かったです。その時にもエミールが生きてますね。それは呪いか罰か… I thought the weapon story was really interesting, how it supposedly takes place further into the future after Automata. Is this a curse or some sort of punishment…!
▶︎ Virtuous Contract: デザインが凄く綺麗いで本物の模造刀が欲しくなりますね。The design of the sword is really beautiful; I want my own real replica.

Q3: What’s your favorite fish / junk item?

  • #1: Mackerel (1020)
  • #2: Machine Lifeform Head (377)
  • #3: Killfish (329)
  • #4: Oil Sardine (254)
  • #5: Beetle Fish (236)
  • #6: Basking Shark (227)
  • #7: Broken Firearm (226)
  • #8: Tire (220)
  • #9: Water Flea (211)
  • #10: Killfish Machine (184)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ Mackerel: Aji wo [K]utta
スクエニカフェで食べたら本当に死ぬかと思った、骨がいっぱいあったから…ww I tried the mackerel at the Square Enix Cafe and thought I was going to die. There were waaaaaay too many bones… haha
▶︎ Machine Lifeform Head: 初めて出て来た時の驚いた気持ちが今でもよく覚えてます。I can still remember how surprised I was when I first fished that thing. Shocked.
▶︎ Tire: 一番くだらないゴミだから好きかも。よく分かりませんww I thought this was the least interesting of things to fish out of the sewer or wherever, but that’s partially why I liked it. I dunno. haha

Q4: How satisfied were you with the shooting segments?

  • It was very “NieR-like”. (1555)
  • I grew to like shooters. (398)
  • Knock it off with the shooting segments, please. (777)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ シューティングがあまり興味ないですけど、ニーアらしく思ってるからよかったです。I don’t really like shooters very much, but it wouldn’t be NieR without it, so it’s all good.

Q5: Did you enjoy the hacking system?

  • Yes. (2312)
  • No. (449)

Q6: What is your favorite ending?

  • #1: the [E]nd of YoRHa (1847)
  • #2: flowers for m[A]chines (1004)
  • #3: aji wo [K]utta (935)
  • #4: meaningless [C]ode (595)
  • #5: childhoo[D]’s end (582)
  • #6: or not to [B]e (343)
  • #7: [L]one wolf (237)
  • #8: head[Y] battle (195)
  • #9: hun[G]ry for knowledge (101)
  • #10: deb[U]nked (84)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ E: 
発売してから一週間で全部がクリアしたので、どっちのエンディングはどっちかはよく覚えてないので、全部面白かったですけど、特にEエンドは一番よかったと思います。実況プレイして、最後のシューティングでたくさん泣きました。その悲しさや希望の願いを混ざった気持ちがすごかったです。素晴らしいエンドだと思いました。I completed the game within about a week, so trying to remember which ending was which is kinda hard for me, but I liked them all. Most especially E. I was streaming live through the credits portion and you can entirely hear me sobbing. I think it was amazing how my feelings of sadness and despair merged with the feeling of hope and camaraderie. It was truly a perfect ending.
▶︎ C: Cエンドでかなり泣きました、A2の最後のセリフで悲しいエンディングが好きかもしれないヨコオらしいですから。I cried a ton during the C ending, especially with A2’s final line. I tend to like sad endings the most… maybe Yoko does, too.
▶︎ Y: エミールのセリフが凄く悲しかったです。本当は殺して安らかにしてあげたかったです。ニーアやカイネの再開をしてあげたかったです。Emil’s lines were really sad. I wanted to kill him so he could finally be at rest… I wanted him to finally be with Nier and Kaine again…

Q7: What’s your favorite song?

  • #1: Amusement Park (781)
  • #2: Emil’s Shop (741)
  • #3: Weight of the World / the End of YoRHa (701)
  • #4: Weight of the World / 壊レタ世界ノ歌 (486)
  • #5: Song of the Ancients / Atonement (447)
  • #6: Vague Hope / Cold Rain (317)
  • #7: A Beautiful Song (299)
  • #8: Pascal (279)
  • #9: Weight of the World (English Version) (261)
  • #10: City Ruins / Rays of Light (251)
  • —– Memory of Dust

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ Weight of the World (English Version): J’Niqueさんの歌声がすごい!J’Nique’s voice is amazing!
▶︎ Memories of Dust: J’Niqueさんの歌声がすごい!生で聞いたら鳥肌になりました!J’Nique’s voice is amazing! Hearing her perform these songs live gave me chills!
▶︎ Weight of the World / the End of YoRHa: この曲も何回聴いても泣きます。This song never fails to make me cry no matter how many times I listen to it (I often have to skip it whenever it starts playing in my play list).

Q8: What aspect of the DLC did you enjoy the most?

  • The costumes. (1080)
  • Being able to play as the machines in battle. (287)
  • The fights with the company bosses. (230)
  • Other. (266)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ Other: 全体的にこのDLCはよかったと思いますが、もっともっと欲しくなりますので… A2のプレイ時間は少ないので、もうちょっとストーリーや何でもやりたかったです。それから、amazarashiのエンドで…どんだけ泣かされて… そのPVで何回観てもどうしようもなく泣きますので… わぁ〜 I think the entirety of the DLC was good but I really hope for more…and MORE! We didn’t get the chance to play as A2 very much of the game, so I’d love for a story DLC or anything, really. And the amazarashi ending… I honestly cannot watch that video without crying. It really gets to me no matter how many times I watch. Ahhh~~!

Q9: Which soundtrack do you like more, the original NieR Replicant/Gestalt soundtrack or the NieR:Automata soundtrack?

  • The NieR:Automata soundtrack. (1789)
  • The NieR Replicant/Gestalt soundtrack. (1148)

Q10: Did you watch the NieR:Automata “Memories of the Dolls” music concert?

  • No. (1524)
  • Yes. (1148)

Q11: Are you interested in seeing another concert?

  • Yes. (2461)
  • No. (199)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ Yes: 当然。何でもやってくれたら参加したいです。だから、どんどんニーアの世界やヨコオワールドをやってください!Of course. I want to go to any event that you might set up, so please expand further on the world of NieR and the World of Yoko Taro!

Q12: Did you… do that?

  • I did it once. (757)
  • I haven’t done it yet. (723)
  • I can’t say it loud, but I backed it up first then did it. (506)
  • I don’t plan to do it. (292)
  • I did it more than three times. (284)
  • I did it twice. (180)

Q13: Question from Director Yoko Taro: “It’s a hobby of mine to cut out the magazine articles about “NieR”, but it’s such a taxing job, I can’t stand it.  But if such a thing could be manufactured and sold in about half a year, I always thought it would be nice if Famitsu gathered up all their NieR related articles and cross-reviews and offer it for sale on demand as an e-book or online for 780yen or so. Additionally, this is completely off topic, but…  Producers have that image as though they have a lover, don’t they?”

  • Yes. (2111)
  • No. (602)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ Yes: ヨコオさんの作品何でも買いますので、ご安心してください。やったら私は必ず買います。忘れないでください。やったら必ず買いますので。やって、買う!I will buy anything Yoko makes, so there’s no need to worry there. If you make it, I will buy it. Don’t forget. Do it and I will buy!

Q14: Have you played the previous installment in the NieR series?

  • Yes. (1496)
  • I may play it later? (846)
  • I haven’t played it. (355)
  • I don’t plan on playing it. (47)

Q15: Are you playing “SINoALICE”?

  • Yes, I’m playing it. (1765)
  • I’m not playing it. (410)
  • I plan on playing it. (356)
  • I don’t plan on playing it. (235)

Rekka’s Comments:
▶︎ 当然!今の頃はいろんなサーバー問題がいっぱいあるけど、それがあっても楽しくプレイしてますよ!Of course! There’s a ton of problems with the server right now, but even through that, I’m having fun playing it!