For the most part, I’ve finished decoding and translating the angelic script that appears inside the new necklaces of Grimoire Weiss and Noir that are currently available for pre-order on the Square Enix e-STORE Web site.
Here’s a quick glance at what they look like. Click on the images to go directly to the product page of the e-STORE.
So, you can see that there are two pages of angelic script. In the most recent livestream that showcased the NieR Orchestral Arrangement Soundtrack, we were shown a couple close-ups of the text that proved to be a godsend to even attempt to translate these before their release since the images on the SQEX e-STORE page were much too small to read.
Pictured below is the text that’s printed inside the boxes for the necklaces: Grimoire Weiss (left) and Grimoire Noir (right).
And here’s the tentative decoding / translation:
There are still several parts that I can’t figure out, so if you have any idea what any of the (?) parts are supposed to be, please let me know and I’ll update it! And I just noticed that there’s a line that I didn’t translate, so I’ll get on that shortly… orz
Lastly, when I was decoding the text for Weiss, Twitter user Riv helped me by pointing out that the last segment was actually…the words spoken by Weiss at some point… (spoilers). This made it much easier, then, to translate and locate the spoken line by Noir. Firen_hawk also helped me out with sending me some screenshots of the angelic script before I had a chance to watch the livestream (I couldn’t watch because I was performing in two separate concerts that weekend) and also reminding me that I hadn’t worked on this yet! Thanks a lot for getting me in gear!
> EDIT: 09/07/2018 3:17:59 AM
As an added bonus, I just spent several hours decoding and translating the additional angelic script that is within the top cover of the NieR:Orchestral Arrangement Special Box Edition.
From an image that Goto Takanori shared earlier on Twitter, we knew that a portion of it said “from Beepy”… but I never imagined that there would be an entire alloquy, a prayer to those who have been lost…
☆ There was some confusion regarding the fourth line,
but if you take a look at this page, you will see that the last
word of that line 「与えん」has the same meaning as「与えよう」.
It is not meant to be a negative but actually a positive,
“I shall give thee” sort of thing.