The Yokoverse Encyclopedia

Updated: 2023.02.5

Up until now I’ve translated many definitions from the Drakengard universe, but the majority of my notes are spread around so much that I can hardly even remember what I’ve translated and what I haven’t. This page will serve as my overall Yokoverse Encyclopedia that includes terminology that is used in all of Yoko Taro’s works.

Please be aware that some of these definitions as they are displayed in-game MAY BE LARGELY FALSE! This is an intentional misdirection from a narrative perspective. These such entries with proven falsehoods will be denoted with an asterisk.

Strangely enough, there are no specific definitions given for the following in any of the source materials:

  • Angels (天使) = Watchers
  • Mother Angel (母天使) = Grotesquerie Queen
  • Angelified Dragons (魔獣) = Daemons
  • Red Eye Disease (赤目の病)

Assorted Definitions

Accord / アコール
A recorder observing every world event. She also records Zero, a singularity, whose activity has triggered a divergence phenomenon in the world. Sometimes dubbed a doll from the Old World by Zero, it’s revealed in Branch D that Accord possesses a mechanical body. Many mysteries involving her, such as why she was created or why she observes the world, still remain; although, we first witness the existence of multiple Accords in Zero’s DLC. It’s unclear how Accord manages to record such complexities of the multiverse. Her name is derived from the musical term “accord,” which means “harmony” (調和) or “chord” (和音) in French. —DOD3 Complete Guide

Ancient Dragon / エンシェント・ドラゴン
Ancient dragons are a species of dragon with great abilities and whose existence alone is legend. Since they often fly at high altitudes, they are rarely seen by humans. They may have countless extensions from their initial body, and can alter their bodies into many different shapes and sizes. There are many mysteries within this ecology. Verdelet’s pact partner was also of this particular species.

Another World / 異界
“Ikai” or “another world” is a world where human beings classify the surrounding world, outside of the world to which they belong (recognize).

An entity recognizing a foreign world often assumes a group rather than an individual. In folk society, it means the world spreading out from our society, including the other worlds where the soul goes (the afterlife). Whereas the other world is recognized by spacetime, the universe is rather caught in space. For example, the world in which the youkai live is a different world, and it is distinguished from a ghost that exists after death. In contemporary society, the space of a heterogeneous society seen from a specific society is sometimes called a different world (in this case it is not a folk vocabulary but an analytical concept, it is also a buzzword in modern times).

The term heterogeneity is related to the structure theory when humans construct classification systems. In our self-centered view of the world, when we recognize internal and external binomial confrontation, the latter is a different world. Therefore, there are different worlds across the boundary to various degrees. For example, outside the house for your house, the outside against your own unevenness is a different world. In other words, there are a lot of unnecessary nested structures. ーWikipedia Note: This was a quick Google translation.)

Black Scrawl / 黒文病
A strange disease that rapidly spread and caused mass confusion all over the world. When it develops, what appears to be black script appears all over the body, hence the name. Both the cause and treatment are unknown, and those afflicted will inevitably perish. When Yonah becomes afflicted with the disease, it will forever change the fate of not only Nier but the entire world itself. Nier desperately seeks a way to cure Yonah, and sets out to collect the “sealed verses” that Weiss had lost. Replicants are afflicted with the Black Scrawl when a Gestalt, the source of the copied data, relapses due to an unexpected error. —DOD -World Inside-

The Cataclysm / 大災厄
A disaster that occurred in 856, heralded by a vast earthquake in the Iberian Peninsula. This was followed by a huge city appearing overnight and unleashing strange creatures worldwide. Church records suggest this was a world-changing event. —DOD3 Loading Screen

The Cathedral City / 教会都市 *
An enormous city created by the Cataclysm. It enjoyed prosperity under the Church and its Magic Academy, but an accidental magic surge in 995 turned it into a ghost town. Also referred to as the “Old World” due to its ruins and status as the origin of all magic. —DOD3 Loading Screen

The Church / 教会
A religious organization that has existed since antiquity. The group has grown rapidly since the Cataclysm, creating organizations like the Magic Academy to manage magic. Its multiple sects are known collectively as simply the “Church”. —DOD3 Loading Screen

Please note that this is NOT the same thing as the later Church of Angels/Cult of the Watchers (天使の教会).

Devola & Popola / デボル&ポポラ
Twins who play a central role in the village where Nier lives. With a brisk and lively personality, Devola is a sort of insider of the village. She loves singing and playing stringed instruments, and is often seen singing in the pub and near the fountain. She is someone to whom the villagers are able to voice their grievances and share their troubles. On the other hand, Popola, a quiet and gentle woman, is the director of the village library. She acts as the village chief, and although her words are polite and gentle, there’s something about her that gives the impression she has a strong foundation. Both of them take care of Yonah since Nier is often away, and thus Yonah is quite attached to them.

But this is merely a façade. They are actually called “Kanto Area C Managing Observer Alpha Devola” and “Kanto Area C Managing Observer Beta Popola.” They are androids created to aid Gestalts when they can someday return to their respective Replicants. They were tasked with extracting data from Gestalt souls and constructing new Replicant bodies. Conversely, they also played a role in returning the data of dead Replicants back to Gestalts. Additionally, the twins managed the Replicants for more than 1,000 years, delivering babies born to neighboring towns and villages and also mourning the dead. However, following the Shadowlord’s rampage, they chose to accelerate “Project Noir” by forcefully returning Gestalts to their Replicants. This plan was programmed into them by the World Purification Commission 1,300 years prior.

Much like the Replicants, the androids did not originally possess emotion. However, through the course of time, Replicants began to develop human-like emotion, which gradually led them to lead human-like lives. As the twins watched over the Replicants, a feeling of envy unconsciously sprang up inside of them, which also gradually led them to become more and more human-like. —DOD -World Inside-

Dragons / ドラゴン / 竜
[DOD1] The dragons were once known by the alternative name of “God’s Messengers” and were considered to be the strongest creatures in the sky. Depending on individual intention, the environment, and day-to-day experiences, dragons are able to evolve, increasing their vitality and power. Since the dragons have never once lost a battle for survival, other monsters dare not defy them out of instinctive fear and awe. Besides the species by which the Red Dragon, Black Dragon, and Ancient Dragon belong, there are some subspecies of dragons such as Wyverns among others; however, none of them share the same level of pride. Additionally, the term “Red Dragon” and “Black Dragon” are not labels used by the dragons themselves, but are rather names given to them by humans who needed a way to distinguish between individual dragons. The dragons themselves do not view this naming system as very correct.

[DOD2] In order to secure their survival as an elite class of creatures in the world, the dragons believed they needed to uphold their role in “God’s Plan”. —DOD -World Inside-

Among all the monsters on the face of the earth, the dragons, or the race of dragons, are the most powerful living creatures. With a long life expectancy that dwarfs that of humans, the dragons are said to have exceptional intellect and powerful body. Although there used to be a considerable number of dragon breeds in the past, this number has drastically decreased over time. By the year 1000, there is hardly a single sighting of dragons at all. This is partly due to the surviving dragons taking up refuge deep in sparsely populated mountain regions or in the sea of clouds. While dragons are the only existence that can destroy the “Flower”, the power of the “Flower” often seeks out strong humans to feed upon. With their extraordinary ability to regenerate, the Utautai can only be killed by the power of a dragon or by a weapon made from a part of a dragon, thus the Utautai’s regenerative powers cannot activate and they will perish. In addition to ordinary dragons, subspecies like the Ancient Dragon are also confirmed to exist. —DOD3 Complete Guide

6230 – The production and deployment of new “Dragon” weapons began to support the war effort in the “Kingdom of Night”.
NieR:Automata Strategy Guide

The strongest of all monsters. Possessing great intelligence, they live up in highlands and among the clouds, far away from human settlements. Ancient dragons and other subspecies also exist.—DOD3 Loading Screen

The Falldown / Fall Down
An unknown phenomenon that is described as a great collapse. In actuality, this event doesn’t take place in the game and any details about it are completely unknown. However, the moment Accord realized the danger this posed the world, she suggested to seal off all timelines. There was no doubt of the extent of this threat, which was as the name “Falldown” suggests: the complete and utter collapse of the world. This calamity could actually have something to do with the Cataclysm which had already occurred in 856 and irrevocably changed the world. —DOD3 Complete Guide

The Flower
The moment when Usubeni (Zero) is at the end of her life and curses the entirety of the world, a mysterious plant (it’s unclear whether it’s actually a flower or not) parasitically feeds off of her body. Its Re-program ability is said to be a sort of instinct for survival which can bestow great physical strength and regeneration ability to its host that far surpasses that of ordinary people. Even though Zero had already died, she is brought back to life by the power of the “Flower”. By feeding on its host, the “Flower” will continue to grow, and when it gains enough power, it will destroy all of humanity.

It is unknown who or for what purpose the “Flower” was created, but it is presumed that it is some sort of magical weapon created by an advanced civilization. In the year 1000, six women with the power of the “Flower” were dubbed “Utautai”. Zero, the strongest among the six, took pride in the power of the “Flower” that blossomed from her right eye. However, should the “Flower” that exists within each of the other Utautai gain enough power, the chances of the “Flower” materializing in them is dangerously very high. Additionally, with the power of the “Flower”, Zero (as well as Two) has the ability as a singularity to create separate branches in the timeline. However, it is unknown whether this ability of singularities was brought about by the power of the “Flower”. —DOD3 Complete Guide

Gestalt / ゲシュタルト
The human soul extracted through magic to avoid becoming infected by the White Chlorination Syndrome. Gestaltification is a technique that separates the soul from the body using maso and the cultured tissue generated from the Dragon’s corpse. It becomes apparent that, after a certain amount of time, those who undergo the Gestaltification process begin to lose their sense of self and cognitive thought, a conditioned referred to as “Relapsed.” In the beginning, the process of Gestaltification was only accessible to the wealthy who could afford preserving their bodies for a long time. There were also those who were opposed to the idea of extracting souls. Replicants refer to Gestalts as “Shades.” Gestalts also appear to be weak to sunlight. —DOD -World Inside-

God / 神
[DOD1] The one and only absolute Creator of every creature and person. All creatures act based upon the great “will” of God. However, God is unable to control mankind due to “free will” alone. Many people believe that God wants to eliminate humanity because they were “a mistake whose only strength is their ego.” —DOD -World Inside-

God? / 神?
This is the humming, painted with the color of insanity, that flowed from Manah’s mouth as she danced in front of the alter. Layered upon her own voice was the sound of a deep voice filled with apathy; its source unknown. More than likely, it was the voice of God who merely borrowed Manah’s voice. As previously mentioned, this world did not have any particular god that ought to be worshiped by all. Nonetheless, it’s difficult not to say that an entity who created the universe does, in fact, exist. Should such a being be called “God”?

Throughout the entirety of “Drag-on Dragoon”, God makes no personal appearance. That being said, there have been plenty of moments in which God’s hand in the world’s affairs can be seen ever so faintly. A small glimpse of God materializes in the world through such times as when a mysterious voice came out of Manah’s mouth, the time when the strange form of the “enemy” descended upon and destroyed the Empire, or the time when Furiae lost her human form and was transformed into a goddess of destruction.  For the human race, these are the manifestations of nightmares, not a single one depicting a merciful God.

From God’s perspective, the human race was a defective creation. That is why God cast a seal over the world, which should more accurately be called a program for destruction, and created the race of dragons to destroy all of humanity. Moreover, God created the Red Eye Disease that, when infected, it would drive the humans themselves to break the seals, inevitably leading to their destruction by their own hand. Did God hate humanity that much? If so, why didn’t God destroy humanity by his own volition? Certainly, the existence known as “God” should have the power to do so. So then why did he refrain from using this power and instead enlisted others to do his bidding?

It’s a question without an answer. Perhaps someone could appreciate this situation as a test given to humanity. How can we call such an existence “God” when it personally sought the complete annihilation of the human race? —DOD Perfect Guide

Legion / レギオン
Individuals infected with the WCS but have escaped death become ferocious and cruel. Due to the effects of the disease, the epidermis is chlorinated and turns white, decimating the individual’s intelligence while increasing their physical ability. They indiscriminately attack uninfected humans. One becomes infected with the WCS or becomes a new Legion when they are attacked by those who are no longer human but rather former humans. It’s thought that the purpose of the Legion is to continue spreading the disease which will eventually lead to the collapse of the world. Additionally, those with advanced symptoms begin to mutate, and in some cases, become huge monsters. A later study submitted to the government of Japan stated that whether or not an infected individual would become a Legion was largely determined at the genetic level (those with slight chromosome abnormalities have a high probability of becoming Legion). This information was never released, however, and the research results were later found to be in error due to fabricated data. —DOD -World Inside-

Maso / 魔素
Detected from the corpse of the dragon shot down by a Scarface aircraft during the [6.12] incident, Maso is the particleized form of the giant that disappeared. —DOD -World Inside-

Magic / 魔法
[N] Magic is the mysterious power that appeared at the same time as the Black Scrawl. In  legend, it was said to have been brought by “a red dragon that fell from the sky”.

In fact, research on the body of the dragon proved the “multi-world theory” from which the “art to create things from nothing” by exploiting energy from multiple worlds through sorcery. The Gestaltification Process becomes possible through the establishment of magic. —DOD -World Inside-

A method of gathering and utilizing magical energy for a variety of uses, both combat-related and otherwise. In this era, there is no active study devoted to magic, and only a few limited applications have been passed down from earlier generations. —DOD3 Loading Screen

The Magic Academy / 魔導院
An organization built by the Church in 910 for the research of magic. Its early history is murky, but in 995, an accident triggered at the Cathedral City’s Central Magic Academy wiped it off the map.—DOD3 Loading Screen

Miracles / 奇跡
Supernatural events beyond the ken of mankind. The Church calls them “salvation from the gods,” and many have been retold in folklore. Most people see the Intoners themselves as miracles, making them a common object of worship among the masses. —DOD3 Loading Screen

Multiple Worlds
The existence of parallel worlds triggered by entangled quantum matter has long been known. It is possible to shift, or branch, to multiple other worlds, although most such branches allow for travel in one direction only.—DOD3 Loading Screen

Multi-world Theory / 多元世界説
By studying the remains of the red dragon from the [6.12] incident, proof of another world that exists separately from our own was discovered. —DOD -World Inside-

The Nameless / 名もなき存在
[DOD2] Before the world had been connected with the “Great Time”, the so-called “Nameless” were the spirits of angels. —DOD -World Inside-

Original Gestalt / オリジナル・ゲシュタルト
This is the name given to Nier as the first Gestaltified individual to retain control over his own ego. It became necessary for the Original Gestalt to continually supply his maso to prevent other Gestalts from relapsing and to help sustain their ego. Additionally, Gestalt Nier entered into an agreement with the World Purification Commission to continue providing his maso for more than 1000 years in order to save Yonah, who had already begun to relapse. However, since there was no sign Yonah would be saved at all, Nier (the Shadowlord) realized he had been betrayed and thusly went berserk. —DOD -World Inside-

Project Snow White / スノウホワイト計画
[NieR] This is a plan by the Japanese Research Institute / National Weapon Laboratory, which has its own independent military, to create anti-Legion weapons. The experimental weapons No6 and No7 were created by this program. —DOD -World Inside-

Red Eye / レッドアイ
Red Eye refers to a portion of Legion that were greatly contaminated with maso and turned into Legions while still retaining their intelligence. The first instance of Red Eye was witnessed in February 2008. By controlling and organizing other mindless Legion, they effectively attacked uninfected humans. They came to be known as Red Eye because of their characteristic red eyes and the terror they instill. It should be noted that those who become Red Eye are said to be heavily influenced by a god from another world and have a favorable personality to make a contract with such a god who desires the destruction of the world. —DOD -World Inside-

Red Eyes / 赤い目 *Not to be confused with Red Eye (see above).
This refers directly to the eyes of believers in the Church of Angels (Cult of Watchers) or the name by which said believers call themselves. Those brainwashed by the Church of Angels, whether human or monster, have these characteristic red eyes without exception. Red Eyes are manipulated by the Suzerain and driven by an insatiable need to kill and destroy; however, they are unable to kill the Goddess. —DOD -World Inside-

Red Eye Disease / 赤目の病
The origin of the Red Eye Disease began with Brother One inadvertently spreading it himself as an Utautai, child of the Flower. Unbeknownst to him, he was inevitably the source of the Red Eye Disease through the Flower, which desires the end of humanity. Oddly enough, shortly after Brother One’s disappearance, or rather apparent death, the spread of the disease begins to decline; however, it spreads throughout the Empire later via Manah, who is a direct descendant of Brother One. Additionally, there are future instances in which a similar disease appears. This is never explicitly related back to the original Red Eye Disease, as it may have mutated throughout the years, so it is largely left up to imagination. An example of this is the Red Death in 1347, which is a direct reference to the Black Death in our own world history. —Rekka Alexiel

Relapsed Gestalts / 崩壊体
70% or more individuals are likely to “lose their ego and go berserk” some time after the Gestaltification process. These Gestalts are incapable of integrating with their respective Replicants, and much like the Legion, will attack anyone. All relapsed Gestalts will inevitably perish. No known treatment can save those who have begun to relapse. According to additional analysis, it was discovered that maso from the Original Gestalt needed to be given to the Gestalts continually in order to stabilize their ego. During the period of world purification, maso from the completely Gestaltified Nier, who had full control over his own ego, became essential as he was called upon to provide it. Later, however, an unexpected error occurred that caused Gestalts to relapse even if they had received maso from Nier. Devola and Popola postulated that the error had occurred due to a change in Nier’s ideas, and so they hastened to activate “Project Grimoire Noir”. Another theory suggests that the error was made intentionally by a Gestalt programmer who thought the Replicants should rule the world. —DOD -World Inside-

Replicant / レプリカント
A Replicant is a vessel or empty shell that is constructed based on the collected data from a Gestaltified human and has the exact same functions as a human being. However, they are no longer fertile and require a copy of the Gestalt data to reconstruct its body. Additionally, when a Gestalt enters a Replicant body, it is thought they can return to their original human form. Initially, Replicants had no subjective will, possessing only a pseudo-personality that was installed via magic to manage them; however, in 2764, something akin to ego begins to emerge. In the beginning, these personalities were underdeveloped and imperfect, but developed rapidly into normal human intelligence. Following this, around the year 3000, most Replicants have acquired their own will, developed under the influence of their environment, regardless of their original Gestalt personalities.

Re-program Function
A self-preservation program of the “flower”. When it senses a deadly threat to its parasitic-life (or rather its existence), it uses an astounding regenerative power to reconstruct its body or creates a copy of itself to maximize its chances of survival. Even still, this does not work against the power of dragons or the wounds inflicted by weapons made from the bodily parts of a dragon. 
DOD3 Complete Guide

Scarface / スカーフェイス
[DOD1, NieR] This was an aircraft belonging to the JASDF 6th Air Wing, 303rd Tactical Fighter Squadron. On June 12, 2003, it fired and shot down the red dragon that appeared in Shinjuku, Tokyo. The pilot of the Scarface aircraft that shot down the target reported via radio that it was “falling toward Kusumigaseki”. Thereafter, the Maso of the red dragon’s scattered remains caused the spread of the White Chlorination Syndrome. —DOD -World Inside-

Sebastian / セバスチャン
[N] A butler who takes care of Emil in a Western- style building beyond the Southern Plains. He is actually an android, a watcher of Replicants just like Devola and Popola. He is so honest and blunt that his master, Emil, says he lacks flexibility. In search of a cure for Emil’s “stone eyes”, he sent a letter to Nier because he was known as a “famous hero”, but Yonah read it instead and replied herself without fully understanding the letter’s contents. And thus, the futile exchange continued. Eventually, Nier and the others visit the mansion where Sebastian pleads with them to find a cure for his master’s “stone eyes.” He discovered method of depetrification, but it was encrypted. Still, he vows, “I will decipher it, no matter how long it takes.” —DOD -World Inside-

Singularities / 特異点
Persons, places, or things that can trigger a divergence, or branch, across multiple worlds. Branch phenomena occur when enough magic particles are in an area, and all relevant conditions are met. However, a singularity is not recorded as such until after a branch occurs. —DOD3 Loading Screen

Shikon (Violet) / 紫紺
Shikon was another girl that Usubeni (Zero) met at the brothel prior to the “flower” taking root in her body. Usubeni gave her this name because of her deep, purple eyes. —DOD3 Complete Guide

Usubeni / 薄紅
Abused by her mother from a young age, Usubeni was sold to a brothel and was forced to become a working woman. The name “Usubeni” was given to her by Shikon, a fellow girl in the brothel, because of her light pink eyes. She harbors no trust for others and is willing to sell her body or kill others in order to live. She eventually escaped the brothel and managed to survive by killing and stealing food and money, but after long, she was arrested and tried for her sins. At the time of her arrest, she was afflicted with an incurable disease. After her sentence was passed, she was shackled in chains and left in a town square to await her execution, and upon her last breath as she cursed the world, a “flower” appeared before her. This Usubeni and Zero are the same person, and although she is physically dead, obtaining the power of the “flower” allowed her to live beyond death. —DOD3 Complete Guide

Utautai / ウタウタイ – (Intoners)
This is the generic term given to individuals who have the ability to manipulate a power greater than any normal human by merely singing. This power is the product of the Flower, which resides within one’s body. Although Zero, herself, is an Utautai, when she attempts to stop the Flower by killing herself, it activates a reprogramming sequence. Five little girls are born from Zero’s body, each one taking a portion of Zero’s power. As the girls are born, they each take up the names of One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, and thusly retreat. Each of the girls possess their own sense of self, memories, and special abilities as well as speech and behavior. —DOD3 Complete Guide

People who can use the power of song to wield vast attacking force. Six of them, all female, have been recorded throughout history. The Intoners freed each land from the despotic rulers that once terrorized their people, and are now worshipped as saviors. —DOD3 Loading Screen

Utahime / ウタヒメ- (Intoners)
This is an honorific title for the Utautai girls. The term was forged when the girls (One, Two, Three, Four, and Five) defeated the Lords of the Land and saved the people from oppression with their amazing power of song. Each of the girls then took responsibility of leading each of the separate lands, Two governed over the Land of Sands, Three: the Land of Forests, Four: the Land of Mountains, and Five: the Land of Seas. As far as the civilians were concerned, they viewed the Utahime girls as an absolute existence worthy of their veneration. They would even go to the extreme of sacrificing their own lives if it meant protecting an Utahime. Even though the girls may share the same power of song, Zero’s singular goal means the death of her sisters, which is how she obtained the title “Utahime (Utautai) Traitor”. —DOD3 Complete Guide

Weapon Shops
Shops dealing in weapons and other items are located in each country. They chiefly run on an order-based system, and are largely unmanned as a result. Collectively, the stores are operated by a single person known as Accord.—DOD3 Loading Screen

White Chlorination Syndrome / 白塩化症候群
In December 2003, roughly half a year after the appearance of the red dragon and giant involved in the [6.12] incident, the outbreak of a strange disease is confirmed. It is contracted by absorbing the “Maso” particles detected from the corpse of the dragon (This particle was later found to be particles of the disintegrated and vanished giant that had affixed to the body of the dragon). […] —DOD -World Inside-

YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Manga Definitions

An Attacker Type specializing in close-range, sword-based combat. She is shy and has little confidence in herself because of her mediocre ability and simple personality. When she is suddenly appointed captain of the squad, she is thrown into confusion. Even still, she endeavors to respect and protect her fellow companions. —YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 2

An Attacker Type that excels in the use of swords. With an optimistic personality and excellent physical condition, she is rather keen and is often the more charismatic member of the squad. Even under the most dire circumstances, she never gives up hope or loses the strength to fight. —YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 3

A Gunner Type skilled at long-range attacks. She is rough-and-tumble with a tomboy-ish and simple personality. She’s not the greatest with her words, but her friendly side in relation to her comrades sometimes shines through the clouds. —YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 4

A Scanner Type that specializes in information gathering and analysis. As a non-combat Type, she analyzes and assesses the nearby surroundings with a cool and calm head. She also has a great desire to protect and help her friends. —YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 5

Commander White
Commander of the “Bunker”, the YoRHa headquarters in Earth’s orbit. Regardless of the circumstances, she prioritizes the execution of the mission, although sometimes she shows signs of great distress. —YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 6

Support android for the YoRHa squad. Although they have little emotion since they just rolled out, but they evolve little by little as they interact with the YoRHa squad.—YoRHa – Record of the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Manga, Chapter 7

  • Drag-on Dragoon Perfect GuideFamitsu, enter brain, November 6, 2003
  • Drag-on Dragoon World InsideSquare Enix, December 19, 2013
  • Drag-on Dragoon 3 Complete Guide— Dengeki, Media Works, April 10, 2014