This year marks the 3rd Annual Yosupi Santa special livestream in which Saito Yosuke is joined by many big names in the game industry for a fun sit-down talk show. This year, however, was entirely dedicated to NieR as part of its 10th Anniversary, organizing the show into multiple “corner” segments.
Here’s a quick run-down of each segment including the guests who appeared:
- NieR Re[in]carnation
- Yoko Taro – Series Creative Director
- Matsukawa Daichi – NieR Re[in]carnation Director (Applibot)
- NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139…
- Yoko Taro
- Ito Saki – NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139… Director (toylogic)
- Yasumoto Hiroki – CV: Weiss
- Kadowaki Mai – CV: Emil
- Okamoto Nobuhiko – CV: Young Brother Nier
- NieR:Automata
- Yoko Taro
- Taura Takahisa – NieR:Automata Senior Game Designer (PlatinumGames)
- Ishikawa Yui – CV: 2B
- Shiraishi Ryoko – CV: Devola/Popola
- Enako – Cosplayer
- YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a Stage Play
- Sekiya Makoto – YoRHa Stage Play Producer
- Matsuda Ichidai – Director
- Onishi Momoka – No9
- Koizumi Momoka – No21
- Sonoda Aika – No22
- Matsuda Saki – No3
- YoRHa:Dark Apocalypse
- Yoko Taro
- Yoshida Naoki – Final Fantasy XIV Producer/Director
- NieR Music
- Yoko Taro
- Okabe Keiichi – NieR Series Composer
- Hoashi Keigo – NieR Series Composer / Piano Performance
- Goto Takanori – Guitar Performance
The program also featured question and answer segments in which users submitted their questions via Twitter. A handful were selected to be answered during the show.
It was in this Q & A segment for the new Replicant Ver.1.22474487139… where we learned a couple new, interesting facts.
Q: Won’t Papa Nier be in this? I think many of us international fans like the story of father/daughter.
Yoko: If I were to say why Papa isn’t in this one, it’s because he didn’t sell the last time…
Yasumoto says that since he’s older now, he sort of understands how difficult it was for Papa Nier, but it’s an entirely different feeling from the brother/sister story. Saito says that if the relationship between Nier and Yonah is changed, it becomes an entirely different story.
Yoko says that he was told that a “macho” character would sell better overseas.
Yoko: Apparently international fans wanted a macho character but SQEX didn’t. When does that ever happen…?
Saito says that if Replicant Ver.1.22474487139… sells “a ton”, they’ll think about making Papa Nier.
Yoko: How much is “a ton?”
Saito: About half of Automata would be good.
Yoko: 2.5 million units! I’m sorry, but please forget about a Father version.
Q: What is the reason for the official site listing Nier as “Protagonist”?
Yoko: It’s because “Nier” isn’t his name.
Saito: Well, you’re able to name him yourself.
Yoko: Yes, NieR is the name of the title, it’s not his name. I keep telling people this, but nobody listens to me.
Saito: But Emil is always saying, “Nier! Nier!!”
Yoko: Well, actually it’s never said during the game.
Saito: Ah, because you can choose his name.
Yoko: Yes, that’s right. You can give him any name, so Emil doesn’t actually say his name anywhere in the game.
Yasumoto: Even this time (Ver.1.22…), too?
Yoko: Yes, it’s never said this time either.
Yasumoto: Oh, actually in Automata, it refers to him as “that person.”
Kadowaki: What about the Drama CD? Replicant High?
Yoko: Well, I gave up then.
Saito: So, you’re saying that someone along the way started calling the protagonist “Nier” and it just stuck, right?
Yoko: Yes, fans started calling him Nier and it kept on from there.
Yoko: Actually, naming him this way was an homage to Dragon Quest.
Yasumoto: I don’t think anyone understood that…
Yoko: When I was writing the novellas, I was told I had to give him a name, so I grudgingly used that name. But as far as the game goes, he’s simply the protagonist. Nier isn’t his name.
Yoko: Yeah, so when people played NieR:Automata and were like, “Why is this called NieR if Nier isn’t even in it!?” …I kept thinking, “But it’s NOT his name!!” and rage quit.
Everyone: It (NieR) is a concept, a general idea.
Yoko: Yes, the name of the title.
- NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139… is scheduled to be released in Japan on April 22, 2021 and worldwide the following day. View the international site here.
- NieR Re[in]carnation is scheduled to be released in Japan on February 18, 2021 for iOS and Android.
- Information on the YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a stage play can be found here.
Additional information on the YoRHa series of plays can be found here.