Bakuken 4 – Imperial Phantom Legion

Updated: September 14, 2024

** This page is a Work In Progress **

Some time ago, we learned that there would be a 4th installment of the Bakuken series of stage plays, but I honestly don’t remember where or how we learned about that. You might find something worthwhile in the Search…

But, suffice it to say, the livestream announcing a bunch of information on the next segment in the Bakuken series of stage plays aired last night. I will be disseminating the information as we’re given it, so please stay tuned!

You can view it below:


About Suzuki Magoichi:
He was the leader of the Saika Ikki, mercenary groups in feudal Japan. This historical reference is super interesting to me because I used to live in Nagakute, Aichi, which is where a huge battle was said to take place (Nagakute Kosenjo). I’ll be interested to see what Yoko comes up with this.

About Amakusa Shiro:
(Amakusa Shirō, often romanized as Shirou), was a Japanese Christian of the Edo period and leader of the Shimabara Rebellion, an uprising of Japanese Roman Catholics against the Shogunate. His imina is Tokisada and he is also known as Masuda Shirō. [Wikipedia]

  • Ui Hinagata // 雛形 羽衣
     as Yatsume
    – YoRHa Ver.1.2: Rose
    – Thou Shalt Not Die Zero_KAI: Kuchiba


  • Since Michael traded his soul to save Yatsume, he has become a sort of wandering spirit known as Lucifer. We already know that Nobunaga tried to take Lucifer’s power and managed to subdue him in a way… so I imagine this sort of possession similar to Tyrann jumping from body to body in order to survive. Therefore, this announcement of Kyosuke Suga playing the role of Akiyama Yoshifuru seems quite plausible to me. We’ve already seen examples in which characters are introduced as their base personality (such as Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was actually possessed by both Nobunaga & Lucifer), so that may likely be the case with Akiyama as well.
  • The title is likely a play off of the actual title for the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA, 大日本帝国陸軍).
  • Yoko has said that Bakuken 4 takes place during that Taisho Period (1912-1926), but since he hasn’t written a line of the script yet, this might change. He mentioned that it might be actually something in the future that resembles the Taisho Period. Hmm…
  • The introduction of Sakiho Motonishi
  • Throughout the entire Bakuken series, many of the same actors reprise their previous roles, but they always take on a different flavor, so there’s really no need to worry about catching up with the previous installments. Everything is pretty fresh and new with each play.
  • Ono Zenki has the ability to switch between multiple personalities, but they’re not just mere personalities but likely REAL people… He might actually be possessed by multiple souls at once and he’s simply able to keep them all at his beck and call. We see this through his 3rd Personality, a female character that eventually sacrifices her “existence” (?) in order to help him. So, from this, we get more of a feeling that souls are able to float around here and there, and depending on the host, they’re able to either suppress or take command over those souls… or be drowned in their power.
    • This honestly gives me the feeling that Yoko’s been after all along… that there’s a reason why important points in history went the way they did… and that there was some sort of outside influence that triggered them to go a certain way. This sort of thought is ABSOLUTELY within the realm of the overarching Yokoverse, but unless such a thing is revealed directly by him, we can only speculate!


Tickets are on sale from CN Play Guide, starting from:

  • Monday, September 16 – 10:00am – Tuesday, September 24 – 11:59pm (JST)

There will be a livestream as well, but those details have not been released yet. Please stay tuned!

SINoALICE Manga to Be Released in English

According to Amazon, the SINoALICE manga by Yoko Taro and Aoki Takuto, with illustrations by Himiko and character designs by jino, will see an English release later this year! Please see below for more information.

Additionally, there seems to be a German release of Vol.1 on February 21, 2022.

These releases are listed by Square Enix Manga, but this is likely the same as the Square Enix Manga & Books label in Japan.

Additional Japanese Releases:

What game would you like to see remade in the modern age?

Since this topic is SUPER relevant to Terranigma and the campaign to push for a digital release, I would highly recommend anyone who is a fan of the game to please answer this questionnaire.

This is a Japanese questionnaire that might be good for all fans of Terranigma to answer! It discusses what game you’d like to see remade in the current era!

Answers may be used in the subsequent article, so please write about Terranigma if you’d like, and express what about the game impressed you the most!

This is a Japanese questionnaire, but I think it would be fine for you to at least write in English!!

Write your answers here →

English Translation →

Original Link →

YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a Stage Play

YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a Stage Play –

Check out the link below for my YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a stage play recap! It includes information on the creators and performers, details about the story, new insights into the world of YoRHa, and much more!

YoRHa Girls Ver.1.1a Stage Play

YoRHa Ver.1.3aa Stage Play Cancelled, Livestream May Still Be Happening

With the massive closures and cancellations of events due to Coronavirus fears, the YoRHa Ver.1.3aᵃ stage play is just one more addition to the growing list. All public performances of the stage play from March 12-15 in Tokyo have been cancelled. This news comes after the announcement of the NieR:Theatrical Orchestra 12020 in Tokyo has been cancelled.

The Livestream May Still Be Happening

Many of the actors in the play have been posting rehearsal updates on Twitter ever since practice began about a week ago, their latest rehearsal was just yesterday. This makes it seem like the play hasn’t completely been scrapped and that they will continue with practice to perform at least one time for the Livestream and later Blu-ray release.

This has not been confirmed yet at this time, but if what Yoko said about it means anything, they will likely perform to an empty auditorium merely to salvage something from this production. It’s still unknown whether or not the initial dress rehearsal will go on as planned (this is likely cancelled as well).

So, for the time being, the YoRHa stage play production team is considering what to do with the livestream as well as the new merch that they planned to sell. Once there is more information regarding this, I will post about it as it becomes known.