NieR:Automata Original Soundtrack

Today is the official release of the NieR:Automata original soundtrack, but I picked it up last night. I reserved it from the Shinjuku Tower Records store some time ago to get a chance to attend the signing event later tonight. I heard from other friends who were trying to get a ticket to participate in the signing event that it was pretty random how tickets were being given out. From my understanding, priority was given to those who reserved a copy of the soundtrack ahead of time, but apparently the time when reservations were made and the time when you went into the store to pick up your copy also had a hand in determining who would be given an event ticket. How much of this is accurate, I’m not really sure, since it was purely word of mouth from my other Japanese friends.

So, I was really nervous when I went to the store after work last night… but the clerk gave me a ticket like it was nothing. xD I tried to hid my excitement while at least showing some level of gratitude. 😛


I’m working on adding the track list in both English and Japanese here, but WordPress really dislikes tables… and I’m really particular when my tables don’t display correctly… 🙁 I’ll try to upload that as soon as I can.

Yoko’s Comment in Hex Decoded & Translated into English:

It was a place like heaven, with no hatred or sorrow, just like a warm spot in the sun. But might I have forgiveness to enter there? I have nothing, not even an android’s original sin.

<From the last record left in 9S’s memory>

More amazing 2B cosplay photos and videos by Kasane!

Kasane has a long history of creating some exquisitely, high-detailed cosplays for many fandoms. Especially for DOD/NieR fans, she has also portrayed any of Yoko Taro’s characters such as Kaine, Zero, and now 2B!

And this is another great video unrelated to Kasane herself, but somewhat on topic. This is a short video of model and sword-dancer Kaori Kawabuchi who did the motion capture for Zero and 2B among others (via Facebook):

Kaori Kawabuchi “Lady Samurai”

NieR:Automata Collaboration with Valkyrie Anatomia

It seems as though NieR:Automata will have yet another collaboration with a game. This time it’s for the iOS/Android game Valkyrie Anatomia -The Origin-. The collaboration event is scheduled for March 27th! 😀

2B will be a playable character and 2B’s signature sword, Virtuous Contract (replica), will be a ★6 weapon that any character can use.

Equip it with 2B herself, and her stats will go up! 2B’s voice actress, Ishikawa Yui, will also be lending her voice for the game!


Source: Gamer | SQEX YouTube

NieR:Automata Resource Material

I’m currently working on compiling a couple things from the game. I’ve got all the Intel Archives up (English only) and I’m in the process of typing up all the Weapon Stories (English & Japanese). Be sure to check back again soon to see what’s new!

Also, please take a look at the Quick Reference links on the right side of the page. You’ll find all sorts of handy links there. I’ve updated and taken out a couple excessive links from the NieR:Automata section since it was in need of restructuring. xD

But just to be concise, here are the new links:

Intel Archives  <spoiler warning>

Weapon Stories

*  I typed all the English directly from the game myself.
     All Japanese text is courtesy of the Japanese wiki page.