Comic Market 105 – Penny Blood

Welcome to a look back at this year’s Winter Comic Market (Comiket, C105). This was my first time participating in the event as a circle member.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do as much as I wanted; I had initially planned on completing a full novel style book to release at the event, in both English and Japanese, but various circumstances got in the way (work related and then I got sick with pneumonia)… so I was only able to release a very short snippet of my fanfic story based within the Penny Blood world.

I also wanted to showcase my friend Kubaushi’s artwork, so that’s why I tried to sell some postcards and photos with the key visual that he created for me.

I also got a lot of help from a good friend, Keisuke, who joined me to set up and helped throughout the day. He typically goes to events like this to participate as a cosplayer, but this time, he didn’t dress up as anyone. If anyone is interested in checking out some of his work, you can find him on Twitter here.

Here’s a quick look at my booth and crazy me sitting there all day. I am not a fan of the cold, so I might try to avoid winter events in the future (we’ll see), but I think I’m much more capable of handling hot temperatures than I am with cold ones…

Here, I was selling 3 different things:

  1. Story Preview page (EN/JP) – 200 yen
  2. Postcard Set of 2 – 300 yen
  3. 2L Size Photo – 500 yen

Most people who stopped by decided to combine the story preview with the postcards for an easy 500 yen, but I was shocked that some people actually bought they preview alone as it is. My booth neighbor was one of these kind souls! Thank you!

▶︎ Sales

  • Preview: 5
  • Postcard Sets: 3
  • Photos: 0

So, as far as turn-out goes, not too many people stopped by and actually purchased something, BUT many people did stop by to chat, and for that I’m eternally grateful!! Since my memory is super bad, I took a tally of how many people came by… which was about 9 people, including my kind booth neighbors!

Suffice it to say, I did not end my first Comiket endeavour in the black– I probably printed too many things in anticipation, but this was not unexpected. I mostly wanted to give a presence for Penny Blood at Comiket at all.

Here’s a view from my booth. Actually, the location was REALLY good, right at the front of the hall and sort of in a rather visible area. For that reason, I was glad that I made a large tapestry to catch people’s eyes, even if they didn’t stop by.

I’m also wondering if I should have put the title of the series on the tapestry… I wanted to avoid it a little simply because I’m an unofficial fan, but maybe I should have posted it somewhere recognizable… I’m sort of learning as I go, so if anyone has any advice, that’d be super-duper!

I also took a few photos from before the general public was let in and after, although I don’t think I took a photo during the afternoon, after the fast-pass time period expired.

So, my first experience as a circle member at Comiket was exactly what I imagined it to be — I wasn’t expecting much or to really sell a whole lot, it was mostly just to learn the ropes for what to do next time!

That being said, I might try for Summer next year! So, if you can, please cheer me on! Every little bit of encouragement goes a long way!

Penny Blood: Hideseeker | Last Part in the Upcoming “Inheritors” Novel

Updated:12/14/2024 – 5:50pm

We’ve been getting some exciting new material to better flesh out the overall Penny Blood IP recently by the creators! This is the 3rd, and I believe the final, part that will be included in the up-coming Inheritors novel.

Below is a list of sections in that novel along with their corresponding author:

  1. The Vessel of Summoners by Toya Katsuta
  2. Erebus by Ari Lee
  3. Hideseeker by Pen Name: Matsuzo Itchoda (Matsuzo Machida)

“To answer your question, Matsuzo Itchoda is the pen name I use for writing novels.
I’ve been using it since Grimorium Verum of Thirteeth

(The app does display his name as “MATSUZOMACHIDA”)

Even more details were released in the announcement on the official Studio Wildrose website.
The following is a quick machine translation of the announcement with added human edits:

Hello, everyone. This is Machida from Studio Wildrose.

This week, I’m excited to introduce Penny Blood: Hideseeker, one of the three stories included in the Penny Blood Inheritors Story!

Hideseeker is a dark horror novel set in Europe in 1924.

The story follows Emilia Dawson, an agent of the British Intelligence Service (SIS), and Matthew Farrell, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (BOI) agent from New York who has come to assist her. These two protagonists also appear in the main story of Penny Blood.

Their partnership began a year earlier, in 1923, when they joined forces to stop a world-threatening invasion from another realm. Since then, Matthew and Emilia have been active in their respective home countries. Now, in Hideseeker, they reunite to confront a mysterious new case.

* Please note that there are some typographic inconsistencies in the following images.
 It should be corrected later down the road.

“So… let me hear the details. It’s our territory, right?”

Their reunion marks the beginning of a battle to protect the world from a new threat.

“Leave the rest to me.”

The scars of the 1923 battle remain—literally. Matthew’s face bears a mark that appears when he transforms.

“I’m glad you’re happy!”

Meanwhile, Emilia fights fiercely to protect the peace of ordinary people.

“Matthew Farrell. Emilia Dawson. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

But those from another world, targeting the awakening world, may already be closer than anyone realizes.

▶︎ Production Notes

Hideseeker draws inspiration from infamous historical murder cases and incorporates elements of the Cthulhu Mythos, continuing the legacy of dark storytelling established by the Shadow Hearts series and carried forward into Penny Blood.

The game-like narrative structure of Hideseeker is designed to give readers a taste of the rich, dark, and heavy atmosphere of Penny Blood. It showcases the characters’ personalities, their interactions, and their battles with monstrous foes.

Every effort was made to highlight the characters’ unique charms, not only for the protagonists but also for supporting characters. Some unexpected personalities even bring comical moments into the mix, adding a lighter touch to the dark tale. Personally, I’m very fond of these elements and hope readers will enjoy them too.

The story also introduces key terms like Inheritors, the World in Between, and the Awakening World, offering glimpses of future story developments and a cosmic horror-inspired worldview. Fans of history or the Cthulhu Mythos may recognize certain elements, while newcomers can enjoy unraveling the mysteries as they go.

Interestingly, the name Hideseeker signifies a “hideout” or “secret base,” adding a layer of intrigue to the story.

With the release of information about Hideseeker, all three stories included in the Inheritors Story are now revealed. Each tale is unique, contributing to the world of Penny Blood while offering its own distinct appeal.

We hope you’ll look forward to the Penny Blood Inheritors Story!

— Machida

Stay tuned for more exciting information!!

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Penny Blood Fan-made Social Media Images

Hello, and welcome!

Below are a bunch of images that I made for fans to help spread the love for Penny Blood on social media. I made all of these as a fan, so please keep in mind that there is no official OK received to distribute these images. If at any time I need to remove them, they will be gone in an instant, so please keep that in mind! My goal here is merely to share the love and hype for this title, so maybe the official guys will be a little lenient. haha

Banners & Icons

Dengeki Interview with Machida Matsuzo from Penny Blood

With the sudden announcement of a dual Kickstarter for the spiritual successor to Shadow Hearts and Wild Arms, I’be been utterly beside myself, trying to compose my thoughts and emotions. Thankfully, we’ve got some interesting interviews to share with fans in the meantime!

Here’s an interview conducted by Dengeki with Machida Matsuzo:

We’re very pleased to present a special interview with the developer of the new Penny Blood RPG, a new title that’s part of a dual Kickstarter campaign.

Working under Studio Wildrose, production on Penny Blood is led by game designer and scenario writer who developed the Shadow Hearts series, Machida Matsuzo; Kato Miyako, character designer who illustrates unique characters, and Hirota Yoshitaka, a legendary composer.

The dual Kickstarter for Penny Blood and Armed Fantasia is currently in progress (actually, it reached its minimum goal within the first 19 hours of the campaign!).

We were able to conduct a mail-based interview with Machida-san to share with you! We asked about various highlights and features of this game, so definitely keep reading!

A challenging world view for JRPGs!

ーThank you very much for your time today.

Before we get started, I am very happy to have the opportunity for an interview with Dengeki again. You were very helpful when I was working on the Shadow Hearts series back in the day. Even now, I’m extremely grateful for how you act as a welcoming bridge between developers and fans. I’d like to talk as much as I can about Penny Blood, so I really appreciate this opportunity.

ーWhen did you get the idea for this title?

Actually, the concept of Penny Blood has been around for quite a while. It’s been maybe a year since we actually wrote up the plan and started working on it. 

ーWhat set you on this endeavor?

Well, the biggest trigger was meeting Kaneko from Armed Fantasia, who we’re actually working with on this dual Kickstarter. As one of the best game creators in the whole world, I have massive respect for him. The mere thought of tackling such a huge project with him ignited my adventurous spirit, and that’s how I made that decision.

ーThe other two characters besides the main character that we’ve seen, are they playable?

Yes, they are. Emilia is a brave and strong female character. I wanted to express how difficult it is for women in society today and how hard they work every day. Emilia had half of her body turned into cyborg, so she’s able to use a variety of battle techniques.

On the other hand, Suseri is a girl from an organization that protects the imperial capital in Japan. She’s a pro with magic-based attacks and support skills.

When the girls meet Matthew, they’re influenced by each other, and strive for a better way of life.

ーWho’s the main baddie in Penny Blood? Will we see historical figures appear as enemies?

Yes, you will. I tend to write in famous historical figures. You’ll see both strong allies and enemies to despise.

You can say that they all share historical accurate depictions of people’s determination and hopes from that era. I don’t intentionally drop famous people in for the name recognition alone.

ーWhat are somethings you changed from the previous titles, or maybe somethings that remained the same?

We made this entirely for adults this time. What hasn’t changed is that it’s an RPG that has love, tears, and comedy.

It’s really difficult to tell a story that evolves within a world of dark horror in a JRPG. As far as staging goes, I want to use images of the grotesque, much stronger depictions of bizarre and elements of the occult than before.

ーHow many characters can we have in the party?

You can have up to four characters in battle. Since we have a total of eight playable characters you can control, it’s possible to make two parties. You may need to make two separate parties depending on the area.

ーCould you tell us more about the Psycho Sigil mechanic in battle?

The Psycho Sigil is a system that judges success or failure by accurately timed button presses. The design of the sigil (crest) has a different motif for each character, varying the number of light points that determine the timing for each button press.

Battles in Penny Blood are turn-based. You select a command and then perform that action, but the input is seamless within the action. Depending on the situation, your action might trigger a special move or combo attack. Combos have special effects in which allies won’t act in order but rather in sync.

ーHumorous aspects such as the Han festival, torture events, and strange creatures were quite popular with fans of the Shadow Hearts series. Will we see more of this in Penny Blood as well?

Yes. (grin) Penny Blood is a completely new game that has nothing to do with the Shadow Hearts series, so I think it will have many more powered up sequences.

ーAnd, what about the vampire clan…?

They won’t appear since they’re already included as a special class within the main cast of characters. But I think it would be interesting feature a similar clan. Let me know if you have any cool ideas; we can keep it between just the two of us.

ーDid you talk with art director Kato Miyako and sound director Hirota Yoshitaka about what they wanted to do in this new title?

Kato is both the character designer and art director for Penny Blood. It’s impossible to create a photorealistic model and world like other blockbuster RPGs, so I worried about how to create art that conveys the concept of Penny Blood.

After mulling it over a lot, I decided on a more American comic style. It was difficult to reproduce it with semi-cel shading, but I think Watanabe, the visual director, did a great job. The world of Penny Blood was decided quickly thereafter, so I’m really grateful to both of them.

Conversely, we knew what we wanted for the music and sound effects from the start, so I only asked Hirota to create the atmosphere of the whole story and special sound effects that would be vital to the story.

I especially liked the main theme song that I named “Fhathast beò” in Gaelic. It basically translates to, “and yet I live.” I think it sums up the core theme of Penny Blood precisely.

ーWhen might we be able to listen to these favorite songs of yours?

I would bet pretty soon. They’re all musical masterpieces that illustrate the world of Penny Blood before your eyes, so I hope you give them a listen. I’ve listened to them, like, 100 times already.

ーAnd finally, one last question… Will we be getting two endings, a good and bad one as usual?

Yup. (grin)

―Thanks for your time.