Here are a couple notes that I took during the live broadcast from STORIA. Please be warned, though… these are very opaque notes. I’ll try to talk more in depth about them later. <3
Category Archives: NieR:Automata
7th Official Live Broadcast
First of all, I wanted to talk a little bit about the recent downtime this site was faced with. I received many messages from people who visit these pages, and I was really overwhelmed by the voices of concern. Thanks so much to everybody who went out of your way to contact me regarding this. If you’d like to read a little bit more about this, please check here.
In other news, the 7th Official Live Broadcast held at the Akihabara Square Enix Cafe is tonight at 8:00PM (Japan time). This is the second time a live broadcast was streamed from this location, but unlike the last time, fans were able to enter a lottery to join the event in person. Only 20 lucky fans were chosen to join the event and… I was one of them!! I’m so excited! So, if you tune into the live broadcast, you may see or hear me in the crowd should they turn the camera toward the audience! haha I’ll be in my A2/YoRHa hoodie… and I’m sure I’ll be the only foreign face in the audience, so I doubt it will be hard to spot me. lol
This is a link to the main SQEX page regarding this event, but you can view the live broadcast either on Nico Douga or YouTube!
NieR:Automata DLCs
We were shown a couple new DLC costumes, one for each of the main three cast members in the game. The new costumes resemble that of Kaine, young Nier, and older Nier’s (brother version only) clothes from the previous game.
Official Live Broadcast #6
The 6th official live broadcast will air a little bit later today. We’re not exactly sure what the topic of discussion will be, but the sub-title for this broadcast lists it as basically “Celebrating 1M Sales”.
- Date: Monday, April 17
- Time: 8:00 PM (Japan Standard Time)
Scheduled appearances by:
- Yoko Taro (Director)
- Saito Yosuke (Producer)
- Taura Takahisa (Game Designer, Platinum Games)
- Special Guest: ???
In the No.1480 issue of Famitsu Magazine released on April 13, Producer Saito Yosuke blatantly suggested that info on future DLCs may be dropping soon.
Check the links below to tune into the broadcast on YouTube or NicoNico Douga!!
Upcoming NieR Concerts
I’m sure I’ve talked about this in the past, but then again I’m not sure if I ever wrote a post about it here. I’m relatively active on various different places online that I tend to forget where I talked about stuff. orz I have a very bad short-term memory…
Anyway, here’s a brief look at the actual tickets for the upcoming NieR music concerts here in Japan.
First off is the Mond Tränen Philharmoniker aka Tsuki Oke (short for Tsuki no Namida Orchestra) completely fan based orchestra. Participation for this concert was pretty open, but it was probably a good thing if participants were somewhat musically experienced. I found out about this through Twitter and signed up as soon as I could and they apparently accepted me! I will be singing Soprano 2. I’m sure I’ll have lots more to talk about this once the event is over! Yesterday was our final rehearsal! The actual concert will be on Saturday, April 15!
Below are a couple *free* tickets I received to give to my friends…
Secondly, there are also several official NieR concerts coming up. The first is on April 23 in Osaka and then later on May 4th & 5th in Tokyo. Unlike our fan-based event, this one is “orchestrated” by Square Enix with official performances by Emi Evans and J’Nique Nicole. This particular event was probably made possible by the HUGE demand for tickets at the last NieR concert, last year on April 16.
Below, is a shot of one of my tickets…
There will probably be lots more to discuss about these events once they’ve come and gone, so please look forward to that! <3