My copy of the NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 came today! I haven’t had the chance to watch the whole thing again, but it seems like there are English subtitles for the whole thing! From what I’ve seen of it thus far, it seems like a pretty decent translation.
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NieR:Orchestra Concert Blu-ray Screening
To celebrate the NieR:Orchestra Concert 12018 Blu-ray release on February 27, there will be two special theatrical screenings of the Blu-ray in Tokyo next week!
- Monday, February 25: Shinjuku TOHO Cinema – 407 seats + 2 wheelchair seats
- Tuesday, February 26: Hibiya TOHO Cinema
Special guests for the talk portion of the event include Yoko Taro and Okabe Keiichi (scheduled appearances are subject to change).
Continue readingNieR:Automata Collaboration with Toji no Miko
Here is a quick look at the NieR:Automata collaboration gacha and other goodies available in the smartphone game “Toji no Miko”.
The videos are pretty basic and are really only meant to show off the collab BGM tracks from NieR:Automata, but maybe you’ll think it’s interesting.
- 刀使ノ巫女 刻みし一閃の燈火
- Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Toka
- Katana Maidens: Engrave a Flash of Light
- Short: TojiTomo
Support Characters – 2B, 9S, Devola
The following three images are the available support characters in this version of Toji no Miko. They are not necessarily playable characters, but you can equip them to use their special attack in battle.
In-game Demonstration – Featuring music from NieR:Automata
The following are a couple videos that I recorded from the game, mostly to demonstrate the BGM tracks from NieR:Automata, but you’re also able to take a look at the collab gacha and more!
NieR:Automata Concert – Memory of Puppets
I’ve realized that I never uploaded the photos that I took at the NieR Music Concert “Memory of Puppets” or even wrote up a recap about it. It’s unfortunate now since my memory of the event is pretty hazy. orz Therefore, the majority of this post will mostly be comprised of photos only.
The script books began to be distributed to customers at the first show in Osaka on Sunday, April 23rd, 2017, about a week and a half before the next two shows in Tokyo (May 4th & 5th). Only those who purchased the concert tickets at the SQEX e-STORE received a voucher ticket in order to redeem it for a script book.
In Famitsu Issue No.1494 with publishing date August 3, 2017 and released on July 20, 2017, there were interviews with Yui Ishikawa, Natsuki Hanae, and others. Ishikawa mentions that she was told a portion of the script for the final recitation drama would be different than what she was originally given. Hanae also mentions that he didn’t know how the script was going to change until the last minute, plus he didn’t even know if he would be able to attend until 3 days prior. Additionally, later on page 151, Yoko states in a group interview that he planned the change of the scripts as a method to control spoilers from getting out. Hanae was booked elsewhere on May 5th, so his lines were going to be recorded in advance, but just 3 days prior to the final concert, he was suddenly able to go and perform live. Because of this, Yoko made some additional changes to his original version of the “changed” script to account for this.
Santa Saito’s Christmas 2018
Saito Yosuke hosted a lengthy livestream talk show for Christmas, showcasing a bunch of idol projects he’s working on as well as various gaming projects.
About three hours into the program, Yoko Taro, Okabe Keiichi, and Taura Takahisa joined the show to discuss a little bit about Yoko’s series “Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare / Thou Shalt Not Die” before switching gears to NieR:Automata.
Below are a couple images and the various information that we were given about each topic!
Source: NicoNico Douga