Kimi Shini Signed Poster by Yoko Taro and Moriyama Daisuke

Big GanGan and Square Enix recently hosted a giveaway for a large signed poster by Yoko Taro and Moriyama Daisuke for their manga series “Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare // Thou Shalt Not Die” that was advertised in this live broadcast:

Toward the end of the broadcast, they introduced a hashtag on twitter to participate in the giveaway, which of course, I did!

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3rd KimiShini Signing Event

Today was the second book signing event in the Tokyo area for the release of Book 4 of Yoko Taro’s manga series “Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare // Thou Shalt Not Die”.

I managed to get a participation ticket back in March and I knew this day was coming for a long time… but my brain is super stupid sometimes, especially when my usual rhythm gets thrown off. I haven’t worked on Saturday in a long time since I’ve been busy with chorus practices and concerts, so for whatever reason, I was thinking that I had today to just lay around the house and do nothing, then tomorrow would be the signing event. Turns out, this was wrong, today was Sunday, and I had already missed the first session that I was scheduled to attend. orz

I read the fine print on the ticket and nothing said that if I missed the time that I would not be able to attend either of the other two sessions, so I threw clothes on quick and ran out the door. orz orz

Luckily enough, I got there just as the 2nd session was beginning and they allowed me to join it. I was taking my seat just as Yoko Taro and Moriyama Daisuke made a very brief greeting before starting the signing event. WHEW!! So, yay!! I was able to get the 4th manga volume signed by both of them! <3

There was also a little time to chat, but… I’m horrible with small talk and I get really nervous sometimes. Hopefully, I didn’t seem too nervous this time, but I still felt a little at a loss of words. We talked a little bit about the KimiShini stage play…and that I went to every, single show. haha And we talked a little bit about the last manga all-night event and how I’d really love for them to do another one. I told them that I stayed at a hotel that night since I live in Yokohama and the event got out well after the trains stopped for the night. I probably could have just gone to an internet cafe or a family restaurant for a couple hours before the morning trains started, but I already had plans in the early afternoon the following day in Tokyo, so it made more sense for me to stay in town.

ANYWAY, it’s always a pleasure and a joy to meet with my favorite director/creator no matter how brief. I completely, honestly, sincerely hope that he’s not sick of me stalking him to all these events. LOL

Here are a couple photos that I took at the event!

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