This is an old questionnaire in Issue Vol. 638 of Dengeki PlayStation magazine that I forgot to translate all these years. Below you can find a quick snapshot of this section on the page followed by my English translation.
It also appears that Chunsoft’s Zanki Zero is also featured in this issue! I’ll have to take another look at that later…
◼︎ Additional Questions for Yoko Taro
A couple days ago we had the opportunity to ask Director Yoko Taro for a couple comments (really quickly!) to questions regarding the story and the overall world view of the game. We’re going to post the whole thing here, so please enjoy reading through it. Additionally, the NieR:Automata World Guide is currently on sale, so for anyone who’s interested in reading more answers about the lore from Yoko Taro, definitely check this out, too!
Q: In the game, we see YoRHa units fighting each other multiple times, but in the event 2B, 9S, or A2 had to fight one-on-one, which model do you think would be the strongest?
Yoko: The E Type is the strongest. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: A2 and 2B are the same “No2” type, but do they have different “Personality Data”? Would it be possible for A2 to install her “Personality Data” into 2B?
Yoko: A2 and 2B have different “Personality Data,” however, it is possible to install A2’s Memory Data into 2B. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: Even though they are the same “No2” type, when 9S first encounters A2, his reaction was pretty benign. Why was this?
Yoko: Because he didn’t realize that fact. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: At some point when 2B is attacked right in front of him, why did 9S harbor such extreme hatred toward A2?
Yoko: Did he look like he hated her? I must be brief, so I’ll leave out any further details.
Q: There’s a curious mention of the “Kingdom of Day” and “Kingdom of Night” in the World Guide and the recitation dramas. Are you able to divulge any further information about this?
Yoko: According to an event which caused the planet to stop spinning in “NieR”, there now exists a world in daylight as well as a world in night. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out any further details.
Q: Within the “Project YoRHa” recitation drama, it turns out that No9 discovers this plan, but is it accurate to assume that this No9 and 9S are the same model?
Yoko: Their names are different, so they are different models. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: Originally, if No9 felt so indignant about the whole thing, why did he go along with Zinnia’s plan?
Yoko: There’s a misunderstanding here. No9 wasn’t indignant toward Project YoRHa but rather with the creation of the YoRHa android (in relation to the Black Boxes). I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: Is there a reason why Zinnia and Pod042 share Yasumoto-san for their voices?
Yoko: Pod042 possess the Personal Data of Zinnia. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
Q: We don’t see the depiction of A2 awakening within the recitation dramas, but is it safe to assume that she’s still out there somewhere?
Yoko: As with anything, you are always free to “think” what you will. I must be brief, so I’ll leave out the details.
- This questionnaire was originally translated by an anonymous user simply known as “The Captain” on 4chan; however, there are multiple translation mistakes that are aptly corrected here.
- Yoko is being his usual cheeky self when he continually says a version of “I must be brief…”
- The term recitation drama refers to the acts recited on stage by the voice actors during the separate shows of the NieR:Automata Memory of Dolls Concert. Please do not mistake this for any of the YoRHa stage plays.
- There is a clear distinction between “personality” and “memory” data. Technically speaking, A2 and 2B were said to share the same No2 base personality, but this was greatly altered post Pearl Harbor Descent Mission and M002. Newer YoRHa models were never installed with the classic “false memories” that past prototypes were, since the whole purpose of this was to elevate the probability of vital attributes shining through (aka evolution favoring certain attributes over others). A2 and 2B do share the same Number Type, but with all the advancements and alterations that took place between the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission and the main events of NieR:Automata, there is very little that still connects them together. It would be akin to suddenly meeting your great-great-great-great-great-grandmother and expecting to share something obviously in common with her. You are hardly the mirror image or a copy of the other, but your mutual origin is undeniable.
- Dengeki PlayStation
- Issue Number: Vol. 638
- Issue Date: May 25, 2017
- Publication Date: May 11, 2017
- Translated by: Fire Sanctuary