The Film Score Philharmonic Orchestra Performs “The Magic: FilPhil and the Boy Who Lived” Featuring Music from Harry Potter

The Film Score Philharmonic Orchestra will be featuring music from the Harry Potter movies in their next concert on January 29, 2022.

Additionally exciting, Emi Evans will be singing “Lily’s Theme” in Part 3 of the concert!

Here’s the teaser for the concert:

Fun thing to note is that the Film Score Philharmonic Orchestra official site is still sporting a photo from our John Willams concert in 2018. You can see me in the chorus, off to the left. xD

This concert marks nearly 2 years since the last PhilFil concert that I participated in the chorus at the same venue as this concert: MUZA Kawasaki Symphony Hall. We were JUST BARELY able to perform to a smaller sized audience due to the first major wave of COVID in early 2020.

I’m very excited to get the chance to go and not only support Emi but my other friends in the orchestra as well! (hopefully work doesn’t get scheduled on that Saturday…)

And just for fun, here are a couple images from our concert back in 2020!
