NieR Re[in]carnation Complete Guide – The Story of “the Cage” and Prayers

A 528-page memorial archive celebrating the completion of NieR Re[in]carnation, including character designs and illustrations, Weapon Stories, and other stories that weren’t implemented in the game will be released on November 28 and is available on Amazon.

  • Title: NieR Re[in]carnation Complete Guide -The Story of “The Cage” and Prayers
    (Official English title not decided)
  • Content: A memorial archive commemorating the conclusion of NieR Re[in]carnation. The book contains character visuals, weapon stories, and stories that had not been implemented in the game.


Content Details:

  • NieR Re[in]carnation – Guidepost of Those Memories and Recollections
  • Character Visuals and Settings
  • Main Story, Dark Memories, Recollections of Dusk, Weapon Memories, Character Stories, Hidden Stories
  • Weapon Stories, Companion Memory Stories
  • Timeline, 4-panel comics, Lost Archive, etc.

Additional Information:

  • Release Date: November 28, 2024
  • Details: 528 Pages, B5 Size
  • Price: 4,950 yen (tax included)
  • Publisher: Dengeki Books
  • Amazon
  • Kadokawa

One of the unreleased Weapon Stories to be published in this book will likely be the Si’F-00 story that was revealed in a previous livestream. You can read my translation of it here.

Service for NieR Re[in]carnation ended on April 29, 2024 after a little more than 3 years from its time of release on February 18, 2021.

Ayaka Suwa, voice of A2, gives birth to her first child

Ayaka Suwa, voice of A2, tweeted about the happy news that she recently gave birth to a healthy baby. In the tweet, she mentions that she hopes to return to work soon to deliver more wonder things to all fans. 

Simple translation: I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who’s supported me with kindness and care, both before and after the birth of my child. Your warm encouragement has meant so much, and I truly appreciate everyone who’s been there for me.

Every day is filled with new experiences, and I’m touched by my child’s every movement. As I gradually return to work, I look forward to sharing even more wonderful things with you all! It would mean a lot if you could continue to support and cheer me on.

Thank you for your encouragement. I will keep working hard each day!

Tsuki Oke 2024 – NieR Fan Orchestra Concert

▶︎ About Tsuki Oke / Mond Tränen PhilharmoNikeR

Mond Tränen PhilharmoNikeR (also known as the Tsuki Orchestra aka Tsuki Oke) is a volunteer-based musical group formed by fans with the goal of performing music from the NieR game series.

In 2017, they arranged music from NieR Gestalt/Replicant, and in 2019, they performed pieces from NieR:Automata with a full orchestra and chorus. At this concert, they performed music from NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… featuring an orchestra, chorus, and pipe organ. The group is dedicated to creating concerts that capture the essence of the NieR universe, continuously striving to innovate and improve their performances.

Read the full article here.

Bakuken 4 Key Visual Revealed

The key visual for the next edition in the Bakuken stage play series has been officially released. It seems like we’re going back to the black/white color scheme from the first play.

And, I can’t help but imagine that the hairstyle for Michael / Akiyama Yoshifuru is reminiscent of Masayoshi Yura’s bandage/eye patch… I’m sure that’s not intended here; just, I can’t help but see things that aren’t necessarily there. haha

The new subtitle reads:

Swordsmen & Servicemen & Gluttony & War & Deception

▶︎ The Cast
  (Left to Right)

  1. Ukai Mondo // 鵜飼 主水
     as Tokugawa Ieyasu // 徳川 家康
  2. Fumitaka Kuroki // 黒木 文貴
     as Ono Zenki // 小野善鬼
  3. Moe Tsurumi // 鶴見 萌
     as Amakusa Shiro // 天草 四郎
  4. Kyosuke Suga // 須賀 京介
     as Akiyama Yoshifuru // 秋山 好古
  5. Sakiho Motonishi // 本西 彩希帆
     as Suzuki Magoichi 雑賀孫市
  6. Ui Hinagata // 雛形 羽衣
     as Yatsume
  7. Sho Kadono // 門野 翔
     as Togo Shigekata // 東郷 重位
  8. Miyako Maikawa // 舞川 みやこ
     as Sasaki Setsu // 佐々木 セツ
  9. Tomohiro Sato // 佐藤 智広
     as Hiraga Gennai
  10. Mizuki Chiba // 千葉 瑞己
     as Minamoto Yoritomo

▶︎ Related Links

NieR Composer / Pianist Keigo Hoashi leaves MONACA after 15+ years

Since today is the first of October, this is often when various contracts come to an end, and this is unfortunately true for Keigo Hoashi, who had been working with MONACA for over 15 years. He will be going independent, so we may still hear his music somewhere in the future.

If you are a fan of the NIeR soundtracks, half of them is all thanks to Hoashi’s work. As far as the NieR:Automata original soundtrack goes, you can see how each of the tracks are attributed to each of the MONACA composers here.

Here are a couple of his memorable tracks on the NieR:Automata OST:

  • Amusement Park
  • A Beautiful Song
  • Treasured Times
  • Vague Hope – Cold Rain
  • Forest Kingdom
  • Copied City
  • Widespread Illness
  • Vague Hope – Spring Rain
  • Bipolar Nightmare
  • The Sound of the End