Tokyo Game Show 2022

Please note that as a registered member of the Press, all photos in this article are courtesy of the Tokyo Game Show Press Committee.

After 3 long years of online-only content due to COVID, this year’s Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is a return to somewhat normal as the venue opens to business members and the public starting tomorrow, September 15-September 18. I will be going as Press on both Thursday and Friday, so I hope to add more news and information on the site and I might even attempt to stream a little on my Twitch.

Event Name: TOKYO GAME SHOW 2022

Business Day:
September 15 (Thu.) 10:00a.m.-5:00p.m.
September 16 (Fri.) 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.

Public Day:
September 17 (Sat.) 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
September 18(Sun.) 10:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
※”PM Tickets” are also available for admission at 2:00 pm.
※Entrance may open at 9:30am depending on conditions.

Venue: Makuhari Messe 
Organizer: Computer Entertainment Supplierʼs Association (CESA)
Co-Organizer: Nikkei Business Publications, Inc., DENTSU INC.
Supporter: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Points of Interest

Additional items will be added to this list later.


  • 5:00pm – [SQUARE ENIX]
    Square Enix Trailer Lineup 2022 – Livestream


  • 3:00pm – [SQUARE ENIX]
    Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden – Livestream
    Public Recording Studio A


  • 5:00pm – [SQUARE ENIX]
    FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Stroll with Yoshi-P at Tokyo Game Show 2022 – Livestream
    Please note that the audio will be available in Japanese only.

Follow me on Twitter for immediate updates and Twitch for some exciting livestreams!

Try Not to Cry Challenge: Getsurenka (月恋花)

Before streaming a little more of Shadow Hearts 1 last night, I went to karaoke for an hour or two and sang a bunch of songs, one was the Shadow Hearts 2 Ending Theme, which almost always makes me cry. It’s become a sort of game to see how far I can go without sobbing to death. I’m not actually trying to sing well here; I’m absolutely letting my emotions take control on purpose.

The reason why this song has such an emotional impact on me, even after 17 years is based on the story and characters, so I can’t really explain it without spoiling the story, which I won’t do here. But just know that my strong emotional reaction to this song isn’t a negative thing but is actually proof of how amazing the storytelling and character development was to cause such a visceral reaction.

This is a series of clips from my latest karaoke session in which I entirely fail to not only to keep my emotions in check but also utterly fail to sing properly whatsoever. Some might only see it as total cringe, but maybe it’s somewhat amusing as well, given the context.

Here’s the full video and the individual clips will follow below:

Clip #1: 泣くしかない / All I can do is cry…

Clip #2: オープニングのピアノで完全に泣く / Completely sobbing with the first piano notes

Clip #3: Okay, okay! I’ll sing!

Clip #4: もう無理… / I can’t take it any more…

Clip #5: 無理無理無理 / nope nope nope

Clip #6: もう無理だよ、この曲… 弘田さん!! / I can’t bear this song anymore… Hirota-san!!