Now that we’re coming down to the end of the TSND manga, it feels like some loose ends are finally starting to come together. Exactly what light these revelations will shed on the overall Yokoverse or how the TSND story could be connected is still anyone’s guess at this point. But the more we see of this story, the more obvious it seems to get.
First of all, the main conflict taking place at the school is over. The US Army infiltration into the school to eliminate all of the kids was thwarted thanks solely to Asagi’s efforts. Because of his ultimate sacrifice, the main cast was able to retreat from the area… and after that, apparently the statute of limitations that connected the US Army to the whole thing in the first place ran out, so they will no longer be pursuing the kids after this point.
A segment of the chapter is dedicated to telling the story of the army’s side, focusing on a head general related to the latest mission at the school. He’s the one that tells his subordinates that they are not going to pursue the kids any further… But since their mission actually ended in failure, he has to take that responsibility upon himself… and he ends up committing suicide after briefing his subordinates. It’s almost like… Miyata is trying to cover its tracks.
The kids get away on a military vessel and are scheduled to be dropped off at a Yokohama port (maybe Osanbashi!?!). On the way, Kuroi calls up Yamabuki-senpai to discuss the progression he’s made on compiling all the information about Project White that Asagi had collected. I entirely forget now, but it seems as though Yamabuki has a direct connection to Project White and helping the others out like (I forget his motivations) also spelled his own death.
Yamabuki mentions that he has to take responsibility for the failure of the mission or whatever and was given some suicide pills from Project White (yet another instance of Miyata covering its tracks). He mentions he’s only got about 5 minutes to live.
He mentions that Miyata cannot be destroyed and that it was specifically created in such a way that it would survive. Apparently the “Special Abilities” side of Project White was just one of many it covered. The information that Asagi retrieved was the connection between the Special Ability High and Project White as well as its connection to the Political World and the Self-Defense Forces. But there’s apparently another plan that they haven’t yet uncovered…

It seems like it was one of Asagi’s final predictions that Yamabuki would have already compiled all the information to hand it off to Kuroi in preparation of his own untimely death. It’s super interesting that Kuroi would even go to say “This is the end both of us hoped for, isn’t it?” Kuroi certainly has his endearing moments!
Yamabuki transfers the information to Kuroi, and gives him the location where to find more answers: at the Miyata General Hospital.
At some point during the conversation, though, we find out that Mashiro isn’t on the ship… but Kuroi still knows–somehow–that she’s fine. It’s almost like they have a direct connection between them now…
Another interesting thing I noticed in this chapter was the prevalence of BIRDS throughout the entire thing, in every scene change even. Birds have never been a major focus in the story, so I can’t help but imagine what symbolic meaning they may have here.
I’m guessing they’re going to aim for a total of 60 chapters in this story, so that would mean we’ll have 3 more chapters left with the final chapter on September 25. That is assuming there’s no month break between any of the chapters and also assuming the chapter length. Nonetheless, we know the story will be wrapping up by fall… so best be prepared!! It’s been a long 6 years!!