YoRHa Ver.1.3aa – Jackass Makes His Official Debut!

At long last, Jackass has finally made his official appearance known! This is the first view of him in the new version of the YoRHa stage play:

“Jackass is an android with a distorted personality, always laughing from his lofty perch. Additionally, he seems to have a weak neck, or maybe it’s because he’s always craning it awkwardly in curiosity… His strength is unmatched among the Resistance.”

From this blurb, it seems like he will be a sort of crazy mad scientist sort of character… or maybe it’s just my imagination! I can’t help but wonder what interests he might show in Accord… Oh, no!!! (heeheehee)

This production is slated to be livestreamed, but the details are still being worked out. Once anything official has been released, I will report about it here!