NieR Replicant Coming Back to Life on PS4, Steam, and Xbox! Plus Yoko Taro’s New Game Announced!

There are lots of announcements from the beginning hour or so of the NieR 10th Anniversary, so let’s take a quick look at everything!

NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139… will be released on PS4, Steam, and Xbox. This is neither a remaster or a remake, but rather a “Version Up”, according to Yoko-san. But if you were to choose one or the other, it may be appropriate to call this a remaster. It will include complete FULL VOICE that has been newly recorded and with additional new scenes. This time, the role of Weiss, originally portrayed by PETER, will be performed by Yasumoto Hiroki, aka Pod042.

And we have new concept art by Koda Kazuma! Look at this gorgeous stuff!! He is amazing!

  • The new NieR Replicant is neither a remaster or a remake, but rather a “version up”. This is the same sort of thing that they’ve been doing for all the newer versions of the YoRHa stage plays as well. Generally speaking, the story remains the same, but little bits here and there are touched up and maybe fleshed out with additional scenes. If you need to call it one or the other, then perhaps “remaster” would be the closest thing.
  • All dialogue will be spoken by the voice cast.
  • Yasumoto Hiroki, voice of Pod042, will be portraying Weiss instead of Peter since he is currently “on break”.
  • Various aspects from the original game will be added in the new version.
  • The soundtrack will be re-recorded, plus there will be some new tracks as well.
  • There will be a new character.
  • Ishikawa Yui (2B), Hanae Natsuki (9S), and Suwa Ayaka (A2) will appear in the game, but not as their respective characters from Automata.
  • There may be a new ending…? We know the novella “The Lost World” is generally considered Ending E, so it’s also possible for this to appear in some shape or form.
  • That being said, I can’t help but be reminded of the blurb in Grimoire NIER in which Yoko discusses the possibility of a second Original Gestalt. You can read more about that here.

Below is an example of some of the new NieR merch that is currently available from the SQEX e-STORE!

Next up is Yoko’s New Project, “NieR Reincarnation,” which will be a smartphone game developed by Applibot with character designs by the great CyDesignation, who collaborated with Automata, such as the lead character designer, Yoshida Akihiko, and sub character designer Nagai Yuya.

And here are some more juicy bits that we learned in the very final Premium section of the livestream:

  • Accord is ALWAYS a female android. He is male in the YoRHa Ver.1.3a/aa stage plays because the cast is all male; she is actually female.
  • Accord’s origins begin in the Kingdom of Night during the war with aliens. If you’re curious about this, I wrote a bunch about this here.
  • Accord was created by humans.
  • Since her creation, Accord has been multiplying, but Yoko won’t reveal why or for what purpose. For example, Emil creates many copies of himself to fight the aliens, but Yoko wouldn’t say why Accord is basically doing the same thing. Which means, like Emil, there must be an Original Accord as well. Saito asked for more information about this, but Yoko refused to answer because it would be bad. Perhaps we WILL get some sort of story that takes place during this time/location.
  • All androids were installed with false memories, but A2 was the final android to have false memories. All other YoRHa after her were not installed with these memories because they often caused problems.
  • The planet became tidally locked sometime after the 6.12 and before the time of Replicant.

This is all breaking news, so more information will likely become known later. Please expect this page to be further updated once more information is released.

NieR:Theatrical Orchestra 12020 – Tokyo & Osaka Completely Cancelled

We had high hopes that the Osaka concerts would go on as scheduled, but alas… they also fell victim to the bouts of cancellations due to the Coronavirus pandemic. All of these cancellations are for the best, but that doesn’t make the disappointment sting any less.

Here’s the official announcement by SQEX on Twitter:

This also came on the heels of Falcom announcing that the jdk BAND concert scheduled on April 29 would also be cancelled.

So everybody, please hang in there. Even though so many of these awesome events are getting the axe, it really is for the best. Please stay vigilant and take precautions to avoid the virus. The best way to do this is to STAY HOME, avoid crowds, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and maybe even wear gloves for places of high traffic. These events will likely be rescheduled again in the near future, but until then, let’s try to keep our spirits up… We’re definitely not out of the woods yet!

Global SINoALICE Finally Coming This Summer!

I have discussed the status of the Global release of Yoko Taro’s SINoALICE smartphone game in the past, but we’ve got some big news that should make a lot of international fans excited!

NEXON has finally relinquished its rights to the global release back to Pokelabo, the developer. According to their announcement, the game should be out sometime this summer, around the beginning of July, if everything goes well this second time around!

I’ve updated the Global SINoALICE Status page to reflect these updates, so please check out that page for additional information!

NieR 10th Anniversary Livestream Details

Additional information has just been released regarding the up-coming livestreams for the NieR 10th Anniversary scheduled for March 29.

Please note that all times are listed in Japan Standard Time (JST).

View the Schedule in Google Docs.

NieR:Theatrical Orchestra 12020 Concert – Talk Corner

  • Page Open: 3:00pm
  • Time: 3:30〜5:00pm
  • Free to Watch: Yes

NieR:Theatrical Orchestra 12020 Concert

  • Time: 5:00〜7:30pm
  • Free to Watch: No
  • View on Demand: Only the beginning of the concert will be accessible to those without a Net Ticket:
    • Premium Members: 4500pts
    • Standard Members: 5000pts
  • The concert will include vocals by Emi Evans and J’Nique Nicole with new recitation dramas by the following voice cast members:
    • Yusa Kouji – Older Brother Nier
    • Nonaka Ai – Yonah
    • Ishikawa Yui – 2B
    • Hanae Natsuki – 9S
    • Akiyama Kaoru – Pod153
    • Yasumoto Hiroki – Pod042, Beepy

YoRHa Ver.1.3aᵃ Stage Play – Talk Corner

  • Page Open: 7:30pm
  • Time: 7:40〜8:00pm
  • Free to Watch: Yes

YoRHa Ver.1.3aᵃ Stage Play

  • Time: 8:00〜11:00pm
  • Free to Watch: No
  • View on Demand: Only the beginning of the concert will be accessible to those without a Net Ticket:
    • Premium Members: 2500pts
    • Standard Members: 3000pts
  • Will include an “after talk” segment after the performance
  • Watch on NicoNico Douga

YoRHa Ver.1.3aᵃ Stage Play – After Talk

  • Time: 11:00pm〜11:55pm
  • Free to Watch: No
  • This segment is only available to those who purchased a Net Ticket for the Stage Play.

NieR 10th Anniversary – Talk Corner

  • Time: 11:59pm〜1:30am
  • Free to Watch: Yes

NieR 10th Anniversary Late Night Talk

  • Time: 1:30am〜
  • Free to Watch: No
  • This segment is only available to NicoNico Premium Members.
    There is no Net Ticket for this segment.

The final free-to-watch segment of the Anniversary livestream will likely be around 5 hours and function as a typical talk show like we’ve seen the crew do in the past. It’s currently unknown exactly what will be discussed during this segment, but there’s always a possibility they will drop something important on us (perhaps something about Yoko’s New Project?) We shall see…!

YoRHa Ver.1.3aa – Jackass Makes His Official Debut!

At long last, Jackass has finally made his official appearance known! This is the first view of him in the new version of the YoRHa stage play:

“Jackass is an android with a distorted personality, always laughing from his lofty perch. Additionally, he seems to have a weak neck, or maybe it’s because he’s always craning it awkwardly in curiosity… His strength is unmatched among the Resistance.”

From this blurb, it seems like he will be a sort of crazy mad scientist sort of character… or maybe it’s just my imagination! I can’t help but wonder what interests he might show in Accord… Oh, no!!! (heeheehee)

This production is slated to be livestreamed, but the details are still being worked out. Once anything official has been released, I will report about it here!