For the past several days, there have been a couple different rumors flying around, but the majority revolve around unconfirmed information that not only is a NieR:Automata 2 is in development but it will also have a large budget. The only authority that can speak about this is SQEX, so until that time comes, let’s avoid spreading uncorroborated rumors from unknown sources.
With this in mind, I have updated my original page dedicated to this subject, Yoko’s New Project, and I suggest everyone to have a read through it as I go into depth regarding the recruiting process for the project, who was hired and when, as well as what they are likely working on:
AFTERWORD: I realize the attached image that I selected for this post is a little strong for the point that I’m trying to make here. The image suggests that rumors stem from lies, but this isn’t necessarily accurate for this case. There very well could be some truth behind leaks like this, if that’s what this is, but the fact remains that it’s very easy for unsubstantiated comments to be taken at face value and therefore shared over and over again until no one remembers where the information originally came from or, more importantly, whether it’s valid or not.