In a recent interview with 4Gamer, Yoko Taro answers a couple questions as he reminisces over the past year… and it ends on a typically odd Yoko note.
Q1: Among the games released in 2018, which one impressed (or shocked) you the most?
The “Tiny Arcade” series. Releasing licensed mini arcades first began on Kickstarter. As one who pretty much grew up in arcades, I was surprised that the feeling of the times could fit into such a tiny thing, and before I knew it, I ended up importing them all. It’s pretty easy to get through domestic forwarding services, so if you’re a fan of these mini arcades, by all means… (And I’d really love it if somebody, somewhere, could make mini table arcades in the future.)
Q2: What do you think was the most impressive piece of entertainment sold or released in 2018?
I was shocked the most by the move “The Greatest Showman” this year. It’s about a man who’s failed at his job and starts a freak show. The story is pretty flat and it’s not a movie that appeals to your ideological beliefs, but the “show” that fits between the story scenes were amazing. The idea of the showman who “abandons all and devotes himself to the show” is embodied in the movie itself in a meta-structured way that “abandons the humanity of the main character and the story”. When I realized this, I found myself crying in the theater and I couldn’t get up for a while after the end of the movie. I think I was just overwhelmed and tired with various things going on in my life at the time, though. As member of the entertainment business myself, it made me think what you win and lose. I think this was a movie that really confronted me with this.
Q3: In 2018, who spiked your interest the most?
I thought about talking about “someone who released something in 2018”, but I suppose I’ll change that thought a bit and answer candidly. I would say Ueda Fumito and Iuchi Hiroshi. I honestly can’t wait for their new work.
Oh, I’m also curious about Hijikata Kurone and her needle felting dolls. The way she melds the soft curves of animals with a feminine figure is so facinating. I’d like to get one someday (although it’d be difficult to obtain since they’re sold separately).
Q4: What is your New Years Resolution for 2019 and message for our 4Gamer readers?
I feel like this was a year of events, with the YoRHa Musical, YoRHa Boys and KimiShini Zero_KAI stage plays, as well as the NieR and SINoALICE orchestra concerts. This is all because these titles were a hit and all the fans and customers supported us. Thank you very much.
Therefore, I plan to be reduced to nothing in 2019,
Simply, I will not die that easily. Yoko Taro
Yo Yo
Gaming industry hang on
shining young guys crush 'em
find the cute guys kill 'em
medical exam escape the numbers
here is my liver all worn out
here is my doctor all pissed off
hee hee hoo hee hee hoo
Advent of Lamaze
Yeah, Thank you.
(Aw, give me a break. No one’s going to call me to work on this project next year…… What is Lamaze……?)
Source: 4Gamer
Translated by: Fire Sanctuary