YoRHa Boys Novel

The new novel by Eishima Jun and Yoko Taro was just released yesterday, July 27, 2018. I will post various notes and such about it as I’m able to read through the book.

Table of Contents

  • YoRHa Boys Ver.1.05 – Prologue (Project YoRHa)
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6
  • Epilogue
  • Flashback
  • 1994X, Treasure Hunting Trip

Written by: Eishima Jun
Supervised by: Yoko Taro
Cover Art by: Koda Kazuma
Illustration Art by: Itahana Toshiyuki

Notes and Such
(Spoilers are discussed below, so this is your one and only warning.)

  • The prologue is a novelization of the “Project YoRHa” recitation drama which was performed at the NieR:Automata Music Concert. You can read my translation of that script here, but this novelization seems to have reworked a bunch into a concisely formatted novel form.
  • We know that Zinnia was pretty much the one who created YoRHa, but it’s blatantly stated in this novelization (p.7).
  • No9 mentions that Zinnia’s words are really difficult to read whether he’s merely joking or is being serious. It’s just part of his personality.
  • No9 wants to know more about the situation and illegally accesses the server on the Lab and discovers that machine lifeforms have taken over a gigantic portion of Eurasia. He wanted to ask Zinnia more about it, but then he would know that he accessed the server without permission…
  • No9 sets off on his mission to create Project YoRHa after discovering the truth about YoRHa, why they were created, and also the truth that humanity is already long extinct.
  • No9 sets all the YoRHa into a deep sleep when they go in for a scheduled screening check and sets a fire to eventually ingulf the entire satellite. He made sure that No2 would be outside, testing a flight unit.
  • On the way to Zinna’s room, No9 comes across No4. He kills No4 and opens Zinnia’s door, where he finds No21 and he talking inside. No9 quickly dispatches No21 before she/he (unknown) can even utter a sound.
  • No9 then wants Zinnia to suffer. He stabs Zinnia straight through the gut, severs his arm at the shoulder.
  • The Lab has suffered major damage due to the fire and the artificial gravity no longer works. No9 freaks out when Zinnia’s door suddenly opens–he thinks that it’s No2–but discovers that it’s No4’s dead body floating in the air. It must have triggered the mechanism to open the door.
  • Eventually No2 makes it to Zinnia’s room. Just as she enters the room and before she has the chance to react to what No9 has done, he stabs her… and her blood slowly flows out as round balls floating in anti-gravity. No9 explains to her what happened and that he’s already set in motion his so-called “Project YoRHa”. There is no stopping it now.
  • Still she reluctantly stabs him through. He tells her, “The person I am now… I’m glad… you’re the one… to kill me…”
  • No9 dies thinking about how much he wants to see No2 again. He knows that new YoRHa will be made, there will be other No2s and No9s… And he wishes to meet No2 again somewhere warm and washed in light. “I want to see you again. What about you? Huh, No2?”


  • The flashback chapter is from Black’s perspective. There’s a scene that takes place before the start of the M001 mission and he’s talking with White…! The rest are sort of flashbacks that take place here and there at different points throughout the story, but it all takes place within the last couple seconds before No6’s core implodes, taking Black with him.
  • No6 was never infected with the Logic Virus, like No3 or No21.
  • No6 tells Black that he didn’t really want to be intimate with him… but rather he wanted to torture him…
  • The last chapter is of Cactus, Phlox, and Lotus… they meet Anemone, and even come across Emil. They initially think he’s a machine lifeform…
  • The three of them ran into Jackass…and she about killed them, saying how interesting they seemed. She wanted to “study” them…
  • “We don’t need to fight and kill each other. No one shall die. How I wish to go to such a place. After all, even a coward has the dream of a coward.”–last thought by Cactus.

Famitsu Special Feature on Yoko Taro – Interview

The interview with Yoko Taro in the special feature this week covers four pages worth of interesting details about his past and much more! There’s a TON here, so I don’t think I will be translating it word for word but will be making notes about all the interesting things that I come across.

This post will be edited the further I progress into this section (I’ve only read half of it yet), so please expect the info on here to change over time. I’m also getting pretty exhausted right now, so the phrasing here might be rather lackluster. I’ll try to fix this up over the next couple of days. xP

Here we go!

  • First gaming experience was with the Cassette Vision in 1981. The game that impressed him the most was “Gradius” and it was this game that eventually got him interested in entering the gaming industry.
  • Both his mother and father worked, so his grandmother took care of him most of the time. He felt like he was mostly raised by his grandmother. She gave him considerable freedom as long as he studied, so he often could have whatever food he wanted, etc. and his grandmother would do it for him. He got a little chubby around this time in junior high where his grandfather was the principal at his school. He knew his grandmother loved him very much but says that she had the “soul of a demon” and referred to her as a “Spartan”. Apparently, she would tell other teachers in the school to favor her grandkid. She was also extremely overprotective of him, and he thinks that this lead way to the collapse of his personality. (His real-life grandmother sounds a lot like Kali, Kaine’s grandmother…)
  • In junior and senior high school, he didn’t exercise and a strange feeling aimed against those who are good at sports: “Stupid offline ppl!” His grandmother stopped checking to see if he was doing his homework since he entered junior high and so he never did it or studied. His grades plummeted. He even thought that he was becoming a real idiot and still he loved games and anime–they were fun. So, this is how he passed every day in folly.
  • His parents wanted him to join the kendo club at school but he was more interested in the ping pong club that was next door, so he eventually switched clubs. He never aimed to enter the national tournaments, so he merely had fun.
  • In high school, he joined the manga club but was sucked into the art club. He grew to hate the authority of “art”. With a spirit of malice, he thought things like “at some point you guys will be replaced by games and new media.” This is around the point where his flame of hatred is ignited. “The people around me who chastised me like that are bad, aren’t they?”
  • Ever since he graduated from high school, he lost contact with his old friends. He called out three of his friends to contact him at his twitter: Mutou and Ichikawa from Ogidai JH, and Teshima from HS.
  • His father is a cook and owns a small restaurant that has unique set meals every day. He never had anything negative to say about Yoko going into the gaming industry, even though it’s very distant from his own profession.
  • Yoko has a younger sister.
  • He was in the “science” path in high school even though his grades weren’t very good and he knew he wouldn’t be able to go to a science focused college. Since he liked to draw, he thought to aim for an art school and from the summer of his third year in high school he went to an art cram school. Just, he never told his teacher that he wanted to enter the gaming industry since he was embarrassed by it.
  • He wasn’t very good in English, so he looked for a school that didn’t require English, and he decided on Kobe Design University. He also chose this school because they offered a course in CG art, which was a pretty niche course given the technology at the time. He learned some computer programming, video editing, and a bunch of other related things– it was a fun time.
  • He didn’t really play many games during college, though. He has very few memories of the Super Nintendo because of this.
  • He met many of his current friends and business partners at this school in Kobe. Iwasaki Takuya (ILCA) is the same age as Yoko but was one year below him. Okabe Keiichi (MONACA) is one year older than Yoko but because he was learning to be a hair stylist before, he was in the same school year with Iwasaki. Yasui Akira (director of DOD2) was in Yoko’s same graduating class.
  • Yoko went to study in the UK for a year, so his graduation was thusly delayed a year. He had just been dumped by a girl and felt like he couldn’t bear to be in Japan. It was during that time that he saw a recruiting notice about a study abroad program. After he decided on the study abroad program, he still had about a half a year before leaving, and in that time he was again dumped by a girl. He throughly felt like there was nothing left for him in Japan. He thinks even to this day that should he have been even the slightest bit more popular among the girls or if he had more fun in life, he might not have ever entered the gaming industry. He felt some strange darkness pushing him toward the world of making things.

Yoko Taro Featured in This Week’s Issue of Famitsu Magazine

There will be a whopping 22-page article featuring Yoko Taro in this week’s issue of Famitsu Magazine (the 8/2 issue, 7/19 publishing date). The article will touch on multiple Yokoverse topics, including the NieR and Drakengard series, SINoALICE, his stage plays, manga, and much more!

We’ll get a closer look at his history and who he really is, his quirks for game development, as well as a mash-up of various interviews, questionnaires, comments he’s made in the past. If you are a Yoko Taro fan, this is an issue you won’t want to miss!!

Images courtesy of Famitsu. The 1st image below may have actually inspired the most recent loading screen in SINoALICE. Additionally, the headline on the 2nd image says, “Yoko Taro and the Path of 48 Years” (Please note here that Yoko Taro just turned 48 years old this past June 6th).

Tickets to the YoRHa Stage Plays Blu-ray Special Screening Available Tomorrow!

Tickets to the special two-day blu-ray screening event on July 21 and 22 open tomorrow! Here’s to hoping they don’t get sold out right away to scalpers!!

More info about this will be released later tonight.


-> EDIT: 7:48pm

Tickets will go on sale tomorrow from 10:00am! Good luck to all! <3 Tickets are 4,000 yen a piece and you are able to reserve up to 4 tickets per show.

Here’s the screening schedule for both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, July 21

  • YoRHa Musicial Ver.1.2 Blu-ray Screening
    Open: 11:00am, Start: 11:30am
  • YoRHa Boys Stage Play Ver.1.0 Blu-ray Screening
    Open: 3:30pm, Start: 4:00pm

Sunday, July 22

  • YoRHa Boys Stage Play Ver.1.0 Blu-ray Screening
    Open: 10:30am, Start: 11:00am
  • YoRHa Musical Ver.1.2 Blu-ray Screening
    Open: 3:00pm, Start: 3:30pm


The best way to get to the UDX Theater is probably by taking JR to Akihabara. It’s a 2 minute walk from the Denkigai exit.