This just announced, the special two-day screening event of the YoRHa Musical Ver.1.2 and the YoRHa Boys Stage Play Ver.1.0 will be held at the UDX Theater in Akihabara on Saturday and Sunday, July 21 and 22. This is about a week before the official release of the blu-ray sets on July 27.
Ticket information for these special screening events will be announced via Twitter in the days to come! Aside from merely screening the blu-ray, they will also have a talk event with the cast members!
舞台ヨルハ BD発売記念上映会
2018年7月21日・22日、UDX THEATER(秋葉原)にて上映会の実施が決定いたしました!BD映像の上映のほか、キャストトークイベントも予定していますので、詳細情報が決まり次第随時お知らせいたします!
BD予約受付中!— 舞台「ヨルハ」公式 (@YoRHa_STAGE) June 19, 2018