Thou Shalt Not Die / Kimi Shini Tamou Koto Nakare, Chapter 33 Preview

Chapter 33, which was released on February 25, 2018, gave us some interesting new details that seem…awfully reminiscent to some aspects in the new YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0 stage play. I’ll discuss this further behind spoiler tags below.

This is only going to be a very brief look at the chapter right now, as I need to be out of the house in ten minutes, but this chapter brings back a familiar face…

Welcome back, Yanagi. It’s been a while.

As the students were preparing all night for the up-coming School Festival, Yanagi had other ideas. He round up a group of “defecting students” to stage a coup against the teachers and government that set up the whole “Special Abilities High School” in the first place. Using the gym as their base of operations, Yanagi and his gang sent out an email to an outside news agency that said there would be an important announcement made at 6am.

Leading up to that time, Yanagi and his goons were using their powers to kill the teachers and other staff near the school entrance gate. Police were alerted to the incident and went to take control of the situation, but they, too, fell victim to Yanagi’s group.

As more and more bodies littered the school entrance, Kuroi and his group finally get word from the “outside world” about what’s going on (they didn’t know because they were in a different area of the school, preparing for the festival). Also, it appears that communication going in and out of the school had been cut off… The chapter ends with Rokusho meeting up with Kuroi’s group.

What’s interesting about this is that… Yanagi began his coup because he learned that special ability students like himself were just pawns to the state of Japan. They were rounded up from all over the country, given drugs to give them special abilities, and subsequently slaughtered in further experiments. He apparently had had enough of it.

This feels very much like what No21, No3, and No6 had done in the YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0 stage play. They learned that they were just pawns to Command and were slaughtered left and right for their precious data. Maybe their coup was partially influenced by the virus, but… the similarities between YoRHa and KimiShini continue.

I’ve made a bunch of comparisons between YoRHa and the KimiShini manga as well as possible connections to NieR, so be sure to check that out here. It’s an old post that needs updating, but it brings up some curious similarities…

Yoko Taro says there may be an international NieR:Automata fan event in the works!

Could there be an international fan event in the works? Make sure you contact your local Square Enix and let them know that you want them to do it!!

Yoko Taro’s Manga “Thou Shalt Not Die” Could Still be Part of the Yokoverse

In today’s issue of Famitsu magazine, we were treated to a 14-page feature on NieR:Automata detailing more on its development, discussions by the creative and development team, plus we were given one more tease that there is still some “secret” left undiscovered within the game. As the teasers about this have stated, you are apparently able to zoom out the camera by pressing R3+using the directional buttons in order to “bug out” the camera… if you do that, you’re apparently able to see something that would be “very bad” and yet the dev team didn’t bother to remove or fix it because it felt very “NieR-esque”. xD

Now back to the topic at hand. In this issue of Famitsu, we are given a development timeline that details all the important points in Automata’s development. This includes things such as the YoRHa Ver.1.0 stage play in October 2014, the demo release in December 2016, and the NieR:Automata collaboration with Valkyrie Anatomia -The Origin-. All of the points listed in this timeline have *something* to do directly with Automata. That is why this is very curious:

The KimiShini – Zero stage play performed 9 shows up until Christmas day in 2016. The story was a prequel to the manga series. I wrote a long review and speculation piece regarding the manga and how it could relate to NieR here, but for the purposes of this post, I will take those ideas and outline them below. There may be some copy and pasting going on from the original post that I linked above.

  • The world has been thrown into chaos, but we don’t know exactly what is going on beyond the fact that fossil fuels are in serious demand, which has then triggered international conflicts and war.
  • Japan is unable to actively get involved in any international war because of its “self-defense only” constitution, but it also tries to bypass these restrictions by touting the NPO guise (more on this below).
  • Japan is desperate to protect itself from the rest of the world, so a drug is developed to give people “special abilities”, but the adults that took it lived no longer than 30 minutes after taking the drug before their brain literally explodes; however, if young people take the drug, their bodies are able to withstand the side affects and obtain seemingly random special abilities. Note: This sounds very much like the drug Luciferase in NieR.
  • This is why young adults are sought after to become test subjects. But the problem was finding suitable candidates for the project whilst putting on the guise that nothing illegal or unconstitutional is going on. This is why they use the guise of NPO work in foreign countries to get more recruits into the program. Likewise, any test runs of the kids’ abilities had to be carefully choreographed as to not be overly suspicious. Many “coverups” also resulted, such as with the opening conflict in Brazil when nearly the entire squad is killed–the whole thing was said to be the result of an unfortunate plane crash.
  • A school is set up to train these young people to learn how to use their special abilities. They are divided into three types: Short-range, Long-range, and Analysis… Pretty much the same as the three initial types of YoRHa androids: Attacker, Gunner, and Scanner. This is why I used the YoRHa type names in my translation of the manga.
  • The Enemy: It’s never said in the manga thus far, but they could be the Legion. They appear to be human but they have become infected with the White Chlorination Syndrome (WCS) and have entered into a pact with the god in order to remain “alive”. Or they could be a man-made enemy created through experimenting with drugs like  Luciferase.
  • Another important thing to mention is the true reason the kids were coerced into participating in the experiment in various ways (KimiShini -ZERO- stage play). In the end the mad-scientist Suou stated that it was to gather data on the kids’ performance in battle. It matters little if they survive; actually, they get better data if they die… This is exactly like the early YoRHa experiments, ie. the Pearl Harbor Descent Mission. The YoRHa are essentially pawns created to be destroyed in order to obtain valuable data for new androids.
  • The main heroine of the story, Mashiro, seems to be involved in a secret study called Project White. Mashiro is one of the “special abilities” students who was given superhuman strength. She’s able to easily crush or break through objects, receive multiple bullet wounds and still survive… and she also has “red eye” moments where blood pours from her eyes and she goes on a mindless rampage against anything or anyone in her way–friend or foe.
  • Update: With the release of Chapter 34 today, March 25, they’ve actually dropped a YoRHa term in the narrative. Yanagi explains that he has two unique abilities: the power to copy and another to cancel out others’ powers, the latter of which he dubs as the power of a “Canceller”. This term was dropped in the original YoRHa stage play back in October 2014.

◼ Further Speculation

  • I believe Mashiro and everyone are part of the “5th Crusade” that is talked about in the DOD/NieR timeline. They were deployed to Brazil and were nearly completely decimated in the battle with the Legion. We know that Mashiro’s unit was deployed somewhere in South America, but it’s never stated exactly who their adversaries are in the manga.
  • There may be a direct connection to some of these kids and the 13 Grimoire tomes. I originally speculated that Kuroi and Mashiro might be related to Grimoire Noir and Grimoire Weiss, respectively, but after reading the short story “And Then There Were None”, I believe it’s safe to say that we have not met the BOY who became Weiss nor the GIRL who became Rubrum. Three other tomes that were referenced to in the novella were the Amber, Emerald, and Azure tomes.
  • The drugs the kids are taking are probably the Luciferase that’s talked about in the DOD/NieR timeline. It was made from particles of “Maso” that would slow the effects of the White Chlorination Syndrome and was very effective to give young children magic-like abilities. This was not a cure for the disease, however.

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◼ So, long story, short

I don’t see why the KimiShini play would be listed in the development timeline for NieR:Automata if it didn’t have some direct connection.

The manga has now concluded with no definitive answers… except… for a tease from Yoko. Read more on that here.

14-Page Special in Famitsu This Week!

Famitsu will be running a 14-page story on NieR:Automata this week (release on Thursday).

One of the headlines reads that there is a “secret” that no one has realized about NieR:Automata yet but apparently they don’t go into any great detail about this “secret” in the article…?

The article welcomes 10 members from the development team as they discuss the various points in the game’s production. As you can see in some of the preview pages, there is a timeline that begins in 2014– I assume this is the first run of the YoRHa stage play since that was in October 2014… but YoRHa activities actually began in 2013, so it will be interesting to read if they mention anything about that in the text.

Lastly, some spoilers will be discussed, so it’s recommended to be aware of that.

  • Matsudaira Hito – Character Modeler (Platinum Games)
  • Negishi Isao – Game Designer (Platinum Games)
  • Koda Kazuma – Illustrator (Freelance)
  • Taura Takahisa – Game Designer (Platinum Games)
  • Yoko Taro – Director/Creator (Bukkoro)
  • Saito Yosuke – Producer (Square Enix)
  • Yoshida Akihiko – Character Designer (CyDesignation)
  • Nagai Yuya – Character Designer (CyDesignation)
  • Okabe Keiichi – Composer (MONACA)
  • Hoashi Keigo – Composer (MONACA)

YoRHa Musical Ver.1.2 – Scene 15 Monologue with No2 and No4

This is just a quick message. Comparing the script from the new YoRHa Musical Ver.1.2 with the script for the YoRHa Ver.1.1 Stage Play, this scene has *not* been changed in the slightest. Merely, my English translation has changed a little bit since then.

This is my translation directly from the musical script that was sold at the show:

No2: Our memories… are pseudo memories.

No4: They’re false memories programmed in order to promote diversity and evolution on the battlefield.

No2: In my memories, I lived in the country with my grandma.

No4: In my memories, I hung out a lot with my friends at school.

No2: Everyday, grandma and I would tend to the farm and knit… …The cold of the rain, the ferocity of  storms. The silence of the snow. The gentle warmth of spring…

No4: After school, we’d go eat the most delicious things, have fun dressing up, playing games…

No2: Since we lived in the country, I couldn’t have everything I wanted. But because the other villagers looked out for me, including my grandma… stranely, it wasn’t so hard.

No4: As long as I had my friends, I could endure my studies. We’d laugh day after day; no matter what hardships came our way, we were able to overcome them.

No2: ……My grandma taught me “kindness,” a gentle heart to cares for others.

No4: ……My friends taught me “hope”, a strong heart to laugh even in the face of difficulty.

No4: Holding tightly onto these false memories, we fight.

No2: But they are also our precious memories.

No2 & No4: The time… draws near…

No2 & No4: Our final moments… are about to begin…