『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』& Karaoke no Tetsujin

The new collaboration drink menu at “Kara-Tetsu” just started today! Here are the drinks and random coasters I got!

▲ Haseo’s drink & Piroshi3 & Natsume coaster.

▲ Ovan’s drink & Kuhn coaster.

▲ Atoli’s drink & Endrance coaster.

▲ Endrance’s drink & Haseo’s Xth Form coaster. ♡

▲ Close-up of the flower petals in Endrance’s drink.

▲ Sakubo’s drink & …yet another Kuhn. I actually drew him three other times, but the workers were nice and let me try again… lol


『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』Cafe in Ikebukuro

The 『.hack//G.U. Last Recode』collaboration cafe in Ikebukuro [ Official Site ] just started this weekend. Here’s a quick look at what to expect.

Collaboration Cafe Dates:

  • Saturday, October 14
  • Sunday, October 15
  • Saturday, October 21
  • Sunday, October 22
  • Saturday, October 28
  • Sunday, October 29
  • Friday, November 3
  • Saturday, November 4
  • Sunday, November 5
  • Saturday, November 11
  • Sunday, November 12

If you are interested in going to the cafe, you will need to make a reservation in advance from the link here.

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Kawano Marina Joins the YoRHa Ver.1.2 Musical!

This just in!

Kawano Marina, vocalist of the “Weight of the World” Japanese Version, joins the YoRHa Ver.1.2 Musical!

Live Performances by Goto Takanori and Kawaji Emi at the YoRHa Ver.1.2 Musical!

Guitarist Goto Tanakori and pianist Kawaji Emi will be performing live at the up-coming YoRHa musical!!

This is beyond awesome news for any fan of their work! This just keeps getting better!!

Open Auditions For Bio-machines in the Up-coming YoRHa Plays!

UPDATE: October 14, 2017

Auditions to become a Bio-machine on stage or other extra Resistance roles in the plays has been opened to *all* ages. So, if you’re currently in Japan and are free to participate, send in your application before 6PM on Friday!

▶︎ Auditions are for both the “YoRHa Ver.1.2” musical and the “YoRHa Boys Ver.1.0” stage play.

Check the tweet here for more info!