A NieR:Automata Novel Has Been Revealed!

The Square Enix e-STORE has just posted a NieR:Automata novel up for pre-order at the following page (click the image):

Title: A Long Story
Teaser: When Androids Dream of the Glory of Mankind, Do Machines Dream of Mankind?
Author: Eishima Jun
Yoko Taro
Publishing Date:
August 5, 2017
Pages: 322 pages (tentative)
Size: B6 (tentative)
Price: 1,008 yen

When you purchase this novel from the SQEX e-STORE, it will come with the following bookmark as a bonus:

Written by Eishima Jun with supervision by Yoko Taro. The story is to take place during the events of the game and give us a better insight into the characters.

“When I said, “Eishima-san is more knowledgeable about NieR, so she can write the novel without me supervising it,” she was like nope.”

Terra Battle: Team Fujisaka Collaboration

Last night during a live broadcast on NicoNico, Sakaguchi Hironobu from MISTWALKER revealed that character designer Fujisaka Kimihiko will be joined by Yoko Taro and Okabe Keiichi to create a new story scenario in the smartphone application game Terra Battle.

Sakaguchi revealed the rough color sketch and line art version of the main protagonist for this scenario during the broadcast. I made the following images directly from the video.

You can also hear three new themes that Okabe created for this collaboration with likely vocals by Nakagawa Nami.

More about this and the new IP by MISTWALKER will be revealed next Saturday during another live broadcast, which you can view on NicoNico here.


Sources & Thanks:

KimiShini DVD to Start Deliveries Next Week!

The KimiShini / Thou Shalt Not Die stage play DVD is said to start deliveries early next week!

The stage play was performed nine times from December 21-25, 2016 at Shinjuku Mura LIVE.

The DVD is also available for purchase from the Odd Productions store here for 6,000yen, but shipping is only within Japan.

You can read more about my experience at *every single show* here.

SINoALICE: 6/8 Current Status

1:32pm Update: The smartphone application game SINoALICE went into maintenance mode last night at 10:00pm (JST), was temporarily up around noon but then died once more about 30 minutes later, and has now entered an unexpected extension of said maintenance, listing the time of availability as “undetermined”.

2:30pm Update: The game came back up around 2:30 and was SUPER FAST! I got through 5 stages in just a couple minutes… but then around 3pm, it started throwing me back to the title screen iver and over again….

7:30pm Update: The game is currently in maintenance mood for an undisclosed period (from 6:30pm to who knows when).

10:30pm Update: According to the official Twitter account, the game won’t be available until sometime tomorrow. Get used to this.

6/9 1:00pm Update: The game was back up around 10am this morning and playing great. I got through the end of Akazukin and the entirety of Kaguya-hime’s first chapters.

Then around 11:00-now the server’s been messing up as usual: not connecting, timing out, throwing you back to the title screen, etc.

The official Twitter also mentions the server is currently unstable and that they’re trying to figure out what the cause is…




2:30pm Update: The battles are completely broken for me. I can defeat the enemies in Wave 1 but it won’t advance to Wave 2…and the timer continues to tick down…

Another odd thing it’s doing in battles right now when it’s working is that when I select a weapon to use, the weapon card disappears once it’s used…but no attack actually happens. I repeat this over and over, and the weapons list refills and everything but there is no attack animation or anything.


3:00pm Update: And down again for maintenance.





8:55pm Update: There is no chance for the game to be back up yet today. They’ll be shooting for getting it back up tomorrow… We should be used to this schedule by now…  

6/10 12:00pm Update: The game was up around 5am (JST) but performance was poor closer to 10am. 

Another round of maintenance began at 9:30am and will continue for an unknown period… again.

3:30pm Update: The game has been scheduled for an extended period of maintenance and is planned to be back sometime tomorrow morning.

They’ve also said that they’ve been able to make some steady improvements and are very greatful for your understanding. Maybe they’re just about on top of this problem…?