NieR:Automata Concert, Evening Show May 5th

So, it turns out that the final scene in the final live recitation story played out differently on stage than what’s actually printed in the script. This was potentially done to avoid spoilers for the actual performance. This particular ending wraps up the story in a much more positive manner than how it’s actually written in the script.

Since there is no direct print version of this anywhere, here is a rough translation that I made tonight, but please be aware that there could be some mistakes here. I pick up on page 200 of the script, then after the S.P. mark, it’s all new.

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7th Official Live Broadcast

First of all, I wanted to talk a little bit about the recent downtime this site was faced with. I received many messages from people who visit these pages, and I was really overwhelmed by the voices of concern. Thanks so much to everybody who went out of your way to contact me regarding this. If you’d like to read a little bit more about this, please check here.

In other news, the 7th Official Live Broadcast held at the Akihabara Square Enix Cafe is tonight at 8:00PM (Japan time). This is the second time a live broadcast was streamed from this location, but unlike the last time, fans were able to enter a lottery to join the event in person. Only 20 lucky fans were chosen to join the event and… I was one of them!! I’m so excited! So, if you tune into the live broadcast, you may see or hear me in the crowd should they turn the camera toward the audience! haha I’ll be in my A2/YoRHa hoodie… and I’m sure I’ll be the only foreign face in the audience, so I doubt it will be hard to spot me. lol

This is a link to the main SQEX page regarding this event, but you can view the live broadcast either on Nico Douga or YouTube!

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