Watch me play NieR:Automata live on Twitch!

For anyone who’s interested in watching me play Automata–and not afraid of spoilers–I will be streaming it live on Twitch. I just played about 3 hours or so of it and… I need to sleep now, but I’ll be back at it again in the morning.

You can find the link to my Twitch page at the top of the main page here or simply by clicking the link below!

Rekka’s Twitch Page

Countdown to NieR:Automata – 1 Day


This illustration is by the NieR:Automata head character designer and director of CyDesignation, Yoshida Akihiko. (吉田明彦). 

Source: NieR Official Twitter
Actually, we’re down to about four hours until the game becomes playable in Japan! My cat is very impatient!

Also, a release-day patch is now available for download!

And don’t forget the two new PS4 themes:

▲ NieR:Automata Ho229 Type-B

▲ NieR:Automata Ho229 Type-S



For anyone who is not spoiler-shy and would like a livestream to watch of the game, I plan on streaming at midnight…that is, in three hours from now. <3 I may stream a bit of Toukiden 2 before that to help pass the time.

Join my channel on Twitch!

Countdown to NieR:Automata – 3 Days

Sorry for the huge delay in uploading the most recent Countdown artwork. It’s been a very hectic couple of days.


This illustration is Platinum Games concept artist, Sugita Yuki. (須田裕貴). 


This illustration is by Platinum Games modeling artist, Matsudaira Hito.


This illustration is by Platinum Games concept artist, Koda Kazuma.


This illustration is by the Square Enix character designer who worked on the new designs for Devola & Popola, Itahana Toshiyuki. (板鼻利幸). 

Source: 6 Days | 5 Days | 4 Days | 3 Days