3rd Live Broadcast – Recap

This last broadcast was for the most part uneventful, but there were some interesting moments, I suppose.

First, we’re introduced to a pre-recorded video with Yoko Taro, Saito Yosuke, Taura Takahisa in which they played an early prototype version of the demo. They weren’t able to participate in the live broadcast this time due to a double-booking error that co-producer Ehara Jun’ichi explains later in the broadcast.

Yoko Taro first states that Square Enix asked them to present more about the game, but at this point there’s very little they can show without spoiling the story or other contents of the game, so they decided on showing off a little bit of the prototype demo. Taura says he’s a little embarrassed to show it, however.

* Note: I’m not translating what they’re saying word-for-word, nor am I translating everything they talked about.

Yoko: Alright then, cue the game. LET’S GO!

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NieR:Automata Store Displays

I wasn’t able to watch the 3rd Live Broadcast tonight because I was out for an interview… but I got to the location a bit early… and there just happened to be a Bic Camera, so I chanced that they the finally put up some displays for NieR:Automata.

I wasn’t disappointed. xD

Here are some photos that I took at the Bic Camera in Shin Yokohama.


NieR:Automata Original Soundtrack to be released on March 29 with a secret 4th disc!

This just in! The NieR:Automata OST will be released on March 29! The soundtrack alone will be three discs, but the initial release will come with a  “secret” 4th disc as a bonus!! I wonder what it could be!!!

The bonus disc is not only for pre-orders!!! The initial release, whether you pre-order it or purchase it when it’s released, will come with the bonus CD. I expect it to be similar to the bonus discs that originally came with the previous NieR soundtrack.

Title:NieR:Automata Original Soundtrack
Product Number:SQEX-10589-91
Release Date:Wednesday, March 29
Price:3,200 yen (+tax)
Composers:Okabe Keiichi, Hoashi Keigo, Takahashi Kuniyuki (MONACA)
Details:Three 12cm CD set
Publisher:Square Enix

Source: Square Enix | MONACA