The Black Box Edition: The Novel

This is my translation the October 28 blog update on the official NieR:Automata site.
The photos and original content is from there.

Hello, everyone. This is the PR Director. Thank you very much for the overwhelming support for this limited release, but from this point in time (October 28), we’re looking to close pre-orders sometime next week. So, please get your order in soon!

So, this time, we’d like to introduce the novelized story of NieR Replicant as viewed from the perspective of the android twins, Devola & Popola. The novel is entitled “NieR RepliCant Recollection”.


We were lucky to get Eishima Jun to write the novelized version of the game. You’ll get to see the sentiment of many characters with a multitude of feelings. We’d be very pleased if you could play NieR:Automata after reading this novel to give you a better understanding of the NieR world. ーNovel Leading Editor


The novel has more than 280 pages, but here we can only show you three of them.

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Next, we’d like to share the comments from author Eishima Jun, and director Yoko Taro.

I’ve wanted to write the novel version of NieR RepliCant for so many years, and now my wish has finally come true. This series is long-lived, huh? For those of you who’ve played the game, the book is jam-packed with memorable scenes and lines from the game. There are also bits that you’ll notice were not in the game, too! For those just now entering into the NieR world with Automata, I hope you to get the feeling of perusing an old, used book when you read this novel. ーEishima Jun


Hello. I’m the director, Yoko Taro. There’ve been several spin-off short stories written for the first game, but there hasn’t been a full-fledged novel until now. It probably makes sense to include the novel in the special edition box since it will “help give new-comers a look into the previous game, explaining what all happened there, and for those who have played the first game, maybe this book will help rejuvenate your memory of those events. In actuality, though, this novel gave me the opportunity to fill in some final pieces in the story that I had regretted leaving the way it was. Even I thought this was pretty amazing, how I could arrogantly talk on and on about this book even though I didn’t write a single word of it. Look, I’m just rambling now. But, I suppose these are the perks of being director, right? Right… ーYoko Taro


Next up, we’ll take a look at the soundtrack from the NieR Music Concert & Talk Live! Stay tuned!

The original Japanese article was written by NieR:Automata PR Director No1.

NieR:Automata Package Art Revealed


This is the new package art, illustrated by character designer Yoshida Akihiko, that just dropped today. There is still a disclaimer printed at the top of the image that states that changes may occur without warning for the final product, but it looks like this will be the official packaging jacket for the game.

Taking a closer look at this design, it seems as though this cover would confirm that we’ll be able to take control of these three characters: 2B, 9S, A2. Exactly how or when they may become playable has of yet not been stated, but seeing them all featured in this manner, I think, is rather suggestive.

As for what happened to 9S here… it’s all speculative, but if you care to read a little bit about the possibilities regarding that please read further… ( Beware of possible spoilers!! )

[ Rekka’s Speculation ]

And since this may be our official jacket cover for the game, this brings back to the previous jacket cover below:


Although we now know that the new artwork by Yoshida will most likely be the actual jacket cover for the game, the back may end up being like what’s shown above. We shall see, I suppose!


PlayStation Store Bonus DLC: Game Console

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This DLC is available for anyone who pre-orders the Downloadable version from the PlayStation store. The game will be available at midnight on February 23, so this is probably the FASTEST way for you to get your hands on the full version of the game!

Here’s what the NieR:Automata page looks like on the PlayStation Store!
( Click the images below to be redirected to the PlayStation Store page! )

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So, that’s all for the “new” news for right now. I expect there to be something new in the Famitsu magazine tomorrow… but like I said before, we shall see…


Also, a huge important thing that was just announced…

Pre-orders for the Black Box Edition release will CLOSE this Friday, November 4th at 1:00PM (Japan time).

If you haven’t already made an order…and you REALLY want the box at the flat rate… now’s your chance! Of course, that’s assuming you have means to order from Japan… 😛

At any rate, you can pre-order your copy of the Black Box Edition here.

Thou Shalt Not Die / Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare -Zero- Comment from Yoko Taro and Matsuda Ichidai

Gearing up for the run of the “Thou Shalt Not Die / Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare -ZERO-” stage play later this December, creator Yoko Taro and director Matsuda Ichidai recently gave a short comment regarding it! Check it out on YouTube below.

I also included a rough interpretation of what they were discussing. I don’t call this a translation because there are a couple places were I can’t clearly hear. I may make edits later.

  • Stage Adaption, Director: Matsuda Ichidai (M)
  • Creator: Yoko Taro (Y)
M:    Yes, hello! We’ve got a play coming up in December! The creator of the play “Thou Shalt Not Die / Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare -ZERO-” is with us today, Yoko Taro!
Y:    Hello, I’m the original creator behind this show, Yoko Taro.
M:    (haha) Your voice… it’s so muffled!
Y:     I guess I wrote a pretty dark story…
M:    Yeah, it’s pretty dark.
Y:     Plus, we’re debuting it over the Christmas holiday season…
M:    That’s right, it’ll be out over Christmas, huh?
Y:     I can’t be more sorry for that. I’m really sorry.
M:    No, no, no…
Y:     Thank you very much.
M:    What do you think is the best way to spend the Christmas season?
Y:     I think it’s best to share a toast with your significant other and then break up.
M:    Toast & break up? (haha) That’s pretty much the feeling I think you’ll get from the play.
Y:     It’s nothing really.
M:    No, no, no. It’s pretty sad. There’s a bit of love in there, too, right?
Y:     No, not really.
M:    (haha) Didn’t you just say that? What about romance?
Y:     No, there’s no romance, either.
M:    (haha) There’s no romance, either? Okay, I got it.
Y:     There’s nothing.
M:    (haha) Nothing! Well, this is the meaning of “Zero”, the play that starts from nothing, but I think it looks pretty fun, interesting—interesting? Fun, gorgeous, and painfully beautiful—with fighting, too. There’s no romance, or anything else for that matter, but…
Y:     Absolutely nothing.
M:    Maybe something—or nothing happens—BUT… I have a feeling this is a really great story. I hope you look forward to it! Thank you very much, sensei!
Y:     Thank you! See ya!
M:    Bye!