Character Designer Yuya Nagai has posted a couple AMAZING, un-official fanart illustrations of characters he designed for NieR:Automata to his Twitter account. Although they are not official illustrations, they are still beautiful works of art for these characters.
The first illustration is of the mysterious twins, Adam and Eve. The second is an intense look at the YoRHa Commander. I especially like that image due to her distant looking gaze that seems so deeply sorrowful. If she is the same “Commander” from the stage play, I can entirely see why… and how very heavy her duty and obligation to her job actually is…
Making translations from Japanese to English is a massively cumbersome and exhausting task. Going further to localize the vernacular and cultural ideology is even more difficult. I do not envy the people whose job this falls upon, but on the other hand, it gives them a very unique level of creative license.
They are able to sculpture a unique voice and overall feeling for whatever they’re working on. Exactly how drastic this leeway may turn out to be depends on a multitude of variables from the actual script translation and editing to voice actor casting and directing. There are so many things at play when any game is brought over from Japan that it’s almost impossible to guage what the final product will look like in the end. I’m always brought back to the idea of author’s intent. As long as the heart, the core of the project is left intact, the rest is fair game.
Now, this is a completely unnecessarily long introduction to an even more unnecessary editorial on the official NieR:Automata NA website. In this post, I take a closer look at the design of the website and how it shapes up to the original Japanese site. This has turned into a rather long post with some [hopefully] interesting speculation thrown in, so buckle up and enjoy the read!
It’s been a long time since I went over to the NA page. I usually tend to avoid such sites due to my irrational abhorrence for translations and the unavoidable changes made between the lines. I am by far fluent in Japanese, but I would rather accept my insufficiencies and merely work harder to understand and learn the original Japanese, unfiltered and untampered by the localization process.
So, on to the website! The first thing that actually surprised me was the front page of the site:
It appears very similar to that of the original Japanese site…but If you look further and compare the two…
They both have the same basic design, but it’s very obvious that the NA version has the annoying menu floating freely over the background image, whereas the Japanese version is positioned in place and the menu doesn’t obscure any part of the background image.
The title is also centered better whereas the NA version looks like it’s trying to split the screen into two. I believe this is due to the particular design that they’re using, which (as far as I know) is a sort of template that is used on many other websites because it’s easy to design, but I think it loses a lot in the overall aesthetics of the page.
The NA version also appears to be much darker and uses too much black compared to its original counterpart. The Japanese site seems much brighter with its vibrant colors. The really nice catchphrase from the Japanese site is also missing on the NA page:
Is this a curse? Or is this our punishment?
…and what’s the deal with the Facebook icon sticking out like a sore thumb at the top of the NA page? Really? Was it really necessary to put that there? orz
Moving on… There’s not much of real content available on the NA site right now, with just three categories available: Story, Trailers, and Gallery. The categories on the Japanese site includes the following categories:
Pod042 / Pod153
Operator 6O / Operator 21O
Adam / Eve
Devola / Popola
What is “NieR:Automata”
Open World
The NA site is really lacking a ton of information right now, but let’s take a look at what’s there anyway. Since I have quite a lot to say about the Story section, let’s take a look at the Trailers section first. Here’s what it looks like:
The first thing I think that’s important to note with this design is that… those darn menu icons overlap whatever’s beneith them, whether it’s one of these trailer videos like you can see above or even the image of 2B below.
Maybe people are okay with this style of design, but I really dislike it. Why would you want to cover up ANYTHING like these key visuals on the page? This is especially evident when you try to click on the third trailer video (or the photos in the gallery section below). You have to be careful to put the mouse cursor on the trailer image so that it lights up in more vibrant colors. Otherwise you’ll click on one of the menu options. Maybe this image will help illustrate what I mean:
As for the trailers themselves, there are only THREE trailers listed on the page:
The Japanese page lists FOUR other important videos. I’ll post them below incase you haven’t seen them.
TGS 2016 Trailer
PlayStation Conference 2016 Trailer
Boss Battle
Character Introduction
Now, I can understand why these videos aren’t included on the NA site because that would require them to have the English translation with voice acting completed. Thus far, there has been absolutely no word on the English release date… but I’m going to guess that they’re holding off posting these videos until they can post them ALL AT ONCE for maximum impact. If that’s why the videos aren’t included on the NA page, then I suppose that’s okay… but… there really isn’t any Japanese in the Boss Battle video, so why couldn’t they at least post that one, too?
As for the Gallery section, there’s really not much to say about it other than it’s quite bare. There are only SEVEN photos listed and I’m pretty sure they’re relatively old by now, too. I’m sure anyone who’s following this game has already seen them. Why don’t they include the new photos that the SQEX PR department just released a little while ago?? Doesn’t the PR department work with the website team… even remotely??
And now on to the Story section. I’m using a funky new spoiler tag for this portion because I do go into some detail regarding the story text on the NA page. I don’t discuss any major spoilers, but I do talk a bit about the YoRHa stage play and how it may relate to the story in Automata, so if you want to remain completely spoiler-free, then perhaps skip this portion.
I also talk a bit about the English name for the machine enemies that the YoRHa team is fighting against. I’ve seen multiple different names for them, so I’m curious to know which name you like the most. I have a Twitter poll for this listed within the spoiler tag below, but if you’d like to see the actual post on Twitter, you can find it here.
[su_spoiler title=”Spoiler” style=”fancy”]
Notice the words or phrases in yellow. These are areas that I edited to bring attention to them for further discussion. Since the background story of Automata is based upon Yoko Taro’s stage play “YoRHa”, I do have a little knowledge pertaining to its contents. The highlighted portions in the image above are areas of concern for me, and here’s why (beware of potential spoilers!):
It appears like they can’t decide what to call the 機械生命体 (kikai seimei tai), essentially the machines that the aliens used to exhile humanity upon the moon. When I originally translated the material from the YoRHa stage play, I translated this as Living Machines, a proper noun. Later, I discovered a page on the official Square Enix NA site that listed them as Bio-machines, another proper noun (I can’t relocate this page now, though). And then there’s this page that lists them as Mechanoids to contrast with the androids on the human side that fight them:
Again, all three of these names are proper nouns that are capitalized. Out of these three names, I began to call them Bio-machines as it seemed the most fitting. But take a look at the Story image above again. It seems as though they’ve decided to not refer to these beings with a proper noun but rather with a generic, common noun: machine lifeforms.
Next we’ve got the Council of Humanity name drop. Just to let you know, this is a first. This group of people have NOT even been named in the YoRHa stage play. This ought to be the elite people of humanity that oversee the YoRHa operations. This is the same group of people that the Commander and those on the Bunker should belong. Notice that the Commander herself is an android…
Following this we have some unfortunate usage of the word resistence, both as a common and proper noun. This is why this is problematic:
The Council of Humanity organizes a resistance of android soldiers in an effort to take back their planet. –> This is an accurate statement. Humanity had to construct androids that were able to match the might and power of the Bio-machines. Since the Bio-machines are capable of reproducing and evolving to become stronger and stronger, the androids were required to be continually upgraded and/or replaced with newer model series.
To break the deadlock, the Resistance deploys a new unit of android infantry: YoRHa. –> Here’s where it gets confusing when they suddenly throw in the proper noun Resistance. This was already defined in the YoRHa stage play as a group of android survivors from the 8th Machine War. Their contact with the home base has been severed and they act solely on their own. They still fight the Bio-machines, but it’s not for the “Glory of Mankind” but rather for themselves, so they can continue living and lead somewhat normal lives.
Please note here that the term Reisistence was only used for the rogue androids that remained on the surface of the planet. The Resistence androids are also NOT YoRHa androids. There is a clear distinction between these model series. The YoRHa androids were first constructed toward the beginning of the 14th Machine War and were first deployed in the Pearl Harbor mission in 11941 (See the YoRHa Stage Play).
Therefore, in this particular sentence, the Resistance most certainly did NOT create the YoRHa androids. This is a huge mistake as far as I’m concerned.
And finally we have this curious line: In the forsaken wasteland below, the war between the machines and the androids rages on. A war that is soon to unveil the long-forgotten truth of this world… –> What is this “long-forgotten truth”? I can’t help but imagine this is foreshadowing for a more in-depth exposition for the entire DOD / NieR universe, how separate timelines branched off and/or converged into others, how certain singularities can influence and even transcend the boundaries of time and space to alter or create entirely new timelines. Mmm, such sweet goodness!!
So, that’s my thoughts on this little blurb. Sorry it turned out to be a little longer than I thought…[/su_spoiler]
Second to last thing to discuss here… I started a poll on Twitter to ask fans which English name they preferred the machine enemies to be called in Automata. Here are the results:
Mechanoids won out but only 3% more than Bio-machines. This is quite stunning since it appears as though the least favored machine lifeforms will be the official name for these beings… But we’ll see, things could change in the meantime. xD
And that’s about all I’ve got to discuss about the NA website right now! Please let me know what you think of the two sites and what you’d like to see them do with the NA site!
It was just announced on the official NicoNico Douga Live Broadcast regarding Tokaigi 2017 tonight that NieR will return for a musical concert–which will include NieR:Automata— sometime that weekend.
This is a sort of “revival” of the NieR Music Concert & Talk Live that took place this past April, so it is more than likely to feature some of the themes that were performed during that concert. Since NieR:Automata will also be featured, such talents such as Nakagawa Nami, Emi Evans, and J’Nique Nicole may also be involved in this show!*
*We don’t know any detailed information regarding a specific timetable or who might make an appearance, but this is still some really awesome news!
Tokaigi 2017 is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, February 11 and 12 at Makuhari Messe. –> Tokaigi Official Website
We don’t know whether the concert will be on Saturday or Sunday yet, but I’m hoping it will be on Saturday because I’m already scheduled for choir practice with Gametakt on Sunday. And here’s something a little more positive that may somewhat semi-confirm this:
Good morning. Over here*, it’s 10 o’clock in the morning. We’re working on being able to publicly release which day the concert will be held. It’s still being worked out, but you can imagine that it will be on Saturday. ーYosuke Saito, November 11, 2016, 3:01am
* Saito recently went to San Francisco, possibly to oversee the event for journalists to get a test run of the NieR:Automata demo there and maybe at Square Enix EXP in Mexico.
What is Tokaigi?
Tokaigi is an event gathering for all video game enthusiasts, not just for home consoles or mobile devices. This event was originally created in 2015 by DWANGO, whose subsidiary Niwango runs NicoNico Douga, a popular video sharing website in Japan.
Much like with their popular “Kaigi” or “offline meeting” for NicoNico Douga, they wanted to have a similar event for video game enthusiasts of all kinds, and this is what became known as Tokaigi -Game Party Japan-.
January 31-February 1, 2015
January 30-31, 2016
February 11-12, 2017, Joint event with JAEPO (Japan Amusement Expo)
Tokaigi 2017 will be jointly run alongside JAEPO, which may effectively combine these two separate events into one huge gaming party. JAEPO mostly exhibited arcade games and attractions.
I went to JAEPO in 2015 to check out the arcade game School of Ragnarok by Square Enix. Here are a few photos that I took then.
Exhausted from Election Day? I’m not even in the continental 48 and I couldn’t be more exhausted…among a plethora of other emotions that I will not bring to this blog. But, for those looking for a slight distraction, maybe this will help…
There was a new, official NA press release yesterday (I’m in Japan, yo!) that made public a couple new images that we haven’t seen before for NieR:Automata. The majority seem familiar, so I’m pretty sure they’ve been released in such things like Famitsu and Dengeki PlayStation magazines among other official websites, but there’s one photo in this bunch that struck my interest. There are 18 total photos, which I will post them all here, but just for fun…see if you can guess which photo I’m talking about.
Okay! Any idea which photo makes me the most excited and tingly all over? Well, not that tingly but maybe just a little.
Need a second yet? Okay, I’ll wait.
What? The last one? Really!? What by chance gave THAT away!?
Maybe this?
Yay! You guessed right!! 25 points for you!!!
But why is this potentially very significant? Oh, well… it’s just the specially designed insignia that appears on the cover of the Black Box Edition, as you can see below, as well as the individually packaged NieR Music Concert & Talk Live Soundtrack CD.
I don’t have much speculation on the meaning of this insignia besides this…
It appears to be a vital part of the game.
If an android within the Resistance Camp bears this insignia, I’d like to believe this is some sort of “religious” symbol…
Maybe the androids themselves need something to believe in beyond their suffering and battle against the Bio-machines.
Maybe this is a new insignia not unlike the three-eyed Gemini that stood for the Church of Angels aka the Cult of Watchers.
Maybe this is merely a call-back to the Flower of DOD3 and how it is still very much alive in the present predicament.
…if that’s the case, then perhaps these “religious folk” have some connection to Adam & Eve? Maybe those twins believe and follow the teachings of the Flower… the teachings of the Church of Angels aka the Cult of Watchers… Maybe THEY will become the new mouthpieces of the Bio-machine onslaught against humanity?!
Yeah… pretty out there, I know… But still!!! The meaning and significance of this symbol is only now coming to light… Just imagine what horrible wonders could be revealed within the narrative of the actual game.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with an interesting perspective on the scope of the game… Take a look at this image as you can see it on the official PSN website:
Hmm… Nothing seems out of the ordinary. This is just what you’d typically see on any game’s page on PSN. What gives?
First of all, this was originally brought to my attention by Extrain on GameFAQs in reference to another user’s tweet regarding the details listed on the NieR:Automata site on PSN. The tweet specifically pointed out a part of the Japanese page that mentioned…
If you’d like to play multiplayer, you need to sign up for PlayStation Plus.
… … …What? Wait a minute. Did I read that right?
Yes, you did indeed read that correctly; however, exactly what that means is currently unknown.
But if you take for example an already known multiplayer RPG from Square Enix… what comes to mind… … …?
Oh, well, sure!! FFXV, right!?
Yes, that’s right. We know that FFXV will be some sort of multiplayer. I haven’t personally followed the whole FFXV hype (I *know*!!!! Sue me!!), but… this is the same exact text that is displayed in the description for the Japanese FFXV Digital Premium Edition.
There has been no word on whether or not NieR:Automata will be multiplayer. But, given the coincidence between these two series… the possibility has grown exponentially.
Should the game be an online, multiplayer game… I can’t fathom exactly what that would be like!? How would they involve that into the narrative of the game?! The questions over way the answers we currently have. But the prospect of an online, multiplayer mode is extremely invigorating, whether it’s accurate or not!! Here’s to dreaming, yeah?
* Note: Yes, this line mentioning online multiplayer is a default statement, but it may also be important to note that this text is *not* listed on every game page, which is why I looked at games that we know utilize online connectivity.
Whether or not this suggests an MMORPG level of online multiplayer gameplay has yet to be proved. It could, however, suggest an entirely different method of connectivity between players.
Other RPGs in which this text is *not* listed include the following:
Persona 5
Tales of Berseria
Star Ocean 5
I am Setsuna
Exist Archive
Tokyo Xanadu
Other RPGs that *do* list this include the following:
Sword Art Online: Game Director’s Edition
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Edition
Gravity Daze 2
Please note that Gematsu also posted the same images that you see on this page; however, they FAILED to state where the images came from, which was from the official NA NieR:Automata PR department. How hard is it to state this? I honestly do not understand. This news is not thanks to Gematsu, but rather to the NieR:Automata PR team. Thanks, guys!!
Hello, everyone. This is the PR Director once again. This will be the final editorial to introduce the items included in the limited Black Box Edition for NieR:Automata. Lastly, we’d like to take a look at the live audio recording from the NieR Music Concert & Talk Live.
Track List
Snow in Summer
Hills of Radiant Winds
Song of the Ancients / Devola
The Wretched Automatons
Possessed by that Accursed Disease
Weight of the World
Ashes of Dreams
Song of the Ancients / Fate
The Blu-ray of the concert will go on sale on December 14th, which you can pre-order here. In the meantime, check out this new clip released by Square Enix that shows the amazing final song of the concert: Song of the Ancients / Fate.