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Monthly Archives: June 2016
Dengeki PlayStation Vol. 617
A new issue of Dengeki PlayStation came out today, and they printed 6 pages on NieR:Automata, which is only a fraction of their complete article that’s available on their site here.
Just like the article in Famitsu, there are a lot of comments from the various members at Platinum Games and very little new information on the game itself. That being said, there was a cute exchange between the interviewer, Yoko Taro, and Saito Yosuke, which I translated below:
ーOne of the questions that many NieR fans have been asking is… why does this game have “NieR” in the title?
Saito: I’d like to know as well.
ーHuh? You don’t even know?
Saito: I’d love to hear this from Yoko-san’s own mouth. What do you say, Yoko-san?
ーNier was the main protagonist of the previous NieR title, but he doesn’t have anything to do with this story, right?
Yoko: Of course not. He disappeared, remember?
ーThen why did you decide to call this a NieR title? What exactly does “NieR” mean?
Yoko: What does “NieR” mean…… You’re really putting me on the spot, but there’s one thing I can say: It’s a curse.
ーA curse? Not a “prayer” or “hope”!?
Yoko: It’s a curse. Maybe I’ll elaborate on that another time.
ーAnother time……!? I feel like you’re avoiding the subject!
Saito: He’s sticking with his favorite line, I guess. But anyway, I think you’ll understand how everything fits together once you get a chance to play. ……Isn’t that right, Yoko-san?
Yoko: It’s a curse.
Source: Dengeki PlayStation Vol. 617 | Fire Sanctuary
Most Popular Character – Twitter Poll
The official NieR:Automata (JPN) Twitter account just sent out a poll asking users which character they like or are intrigued with the most. The post is currently only in Japanese, but we may see the English side of things start a similar poll in the coming days.
Characters included in the poll are:
- 2B
- 9S
- A2
- Pod
In the meantime, feel free to cast your votes! I personally voted for A2 due to my YoRHa Stage Play speculations…but… Thus far, it looks like 2B is the most popular.
『NieR:Automata』今の時点で気になるキャラクターは? #NieR #ニーア
— NieR公式PRアカウント (@NieR_JPN) June 22, 2016
Famitsu Issue No.1436 Top 40 and More!
NieR:Automata remains at #35 in Famitsu’s Top 40 Most Anticipated Games a second week in a row! Conrats!
This issue of Famitsu was another in its series of celebrations for their 30th Anniversary! One of the main sections of the magazine this week featured a Top 10 Most Memorable Games by producers, directors, voice actors, and more.
Below is an image that I completely reconstructed from scratch [for the fun of it] and translated into English. I’m pretty sure *ALL* of the games Yoko Taro chose are shooters. xD
Lastly, please expect a 12-page spread of NieR:Automata goodness next week in tandem with E3! I can only imagine what awesomeness we’ll learn this time!! <3
Square Enix Reveals Their Lineup for E3!
Square Enix has just released their scheduled lineup for their presentations at this year’s E3. Here’s when to expect the next update on NieR:Automata:
- Date: Thursday, June 16 [Japan Time: Friday, June 17]
- Time: 10:00-11:00AM [Japan Time: 2:00-3:00AM]
- Game: NieR:Automata
- Languages: Dual, English and Japanese Available
- Title: Discussion with the Developers and PlatinumGames’ Takahisa Taura
- Scheduled Appearances by:
- Producer: Saito Yosuke
- Director: Yoko Taro
- Game Designer: Taura Takahisa
[ Watch on YouTube ] [ Watch on Twitch ]
- Things that are likely to be addressed:
- New trailer
The character introduction video that was shown at the NieR Concert & Talk Live was *not* a full-fledged trailer. - Release date or window
- Discuss future events
- New trailer
Thankfully, I don’t work on Fridays right now, so I will be staying up to watch the broadcast live!! How exciting! I hope the next trailer will be as awesome as I’ve been imagining it will be!! 😀
Source: Square Enix