New Updates to the Official Website and New URL

The official NieR:Automata website has been updated and it looks beautiful and is easy to navigate. It currently only has a page for World, Character, Movie available at the moment, but it will eventually have other pages for News, System, and Battle. They’ve also added a couple extra photos from the image board. You can still hear J’Nique Nicole’s theme here as well.

Also, please note the new URL:


Designation: YoRHa No2 Type B
Blade of Silent Will

All-purpose model android, dispatched as part of the “YoRHa” squadron of autonomous soldier androids. She wields a sword for close combat and utilizes the support system “Pod” for long-range attacks. She rarely shows her eyes due to the goggles equipped for battle. YoRHa androids have no designated names and are instead referred to by their serial numbers. Each android is forbidden from expressing emotion; however, each one still possesses a unique personality. She has a very calm and collected personality.


Designation: YoRHa No9 Type S
Soul of Fleeting Kindness

9S is a scanner type model YoRHa android that, however fully capable of engaging in combat, is best equipped for hacking. He has a very gentle and kind personality.


Designation: YoRHa Type A No2
Vortex of the Past & Hatred

Although the A Type androids have since been retired from close-range combat, they are considered to be a specialized YoRHa prototype. She was used in the development of 2B and 9S as the next model series of YoRHa androids. She doesn’t speak much and prefers to stay to herself.


Here we witness the return of the Celestial Script that spell out ATGC, which is the abbreviation of the nucleobases adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, which composes DNA. This has been a recurring theme in both Drakengard and the previous NieR.


2B-01 2B-02 2B-03 2B-04 2B-05 2B-06 2B-07 2B-08 2B-09 2B-10 9S-01 9S-02 9S-03 9S-04 9S-05 9S-06 A2-01 A2-02 A2-03 A2-04 A2-05

Source: Official Website