Thou Shalt Not Die // Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare – PV

During Yoko Taro’s appearance on the 27-hour broadcast marathon on NicoNico to promote the PS4 release of Gravity Daze, he promoted his up-coming game NieR: Automata that is currently in the works, developed by Platinum Games.

He also showed a new PV for the first time to promote his manga series “Thou Shalt Not Die // Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare”, illustrated by Moriyama Daisuke.

I’m still getting some very good vibes that we will see much more of this series in the future… <3

***| Credits |***
This is the first time that I’m using new software to record live video and edit the footage, so I’m pretty happy with it thus far. The audio problems in this clip are due to the fluctuating buffer rate in the original NicoNico broadcast.

The image that I used for the thumbnail of this video was an image that I scanned of the manga cover. You can purchase the first two volumes of the manga on Amazon here:

Vol. 1
Vol. 2

NicoNico Broadcast URL

Moriyama Daisuke All-night Comic Release Party


Read my previous post regarding this event here. →

This past week was crazy busy at school with the end of Term 2 and all grades were due by the end of Friday. As a sort of gift to myself, I purchased a ticket to attend Moriyama Daisuke’s comic release party in Shinjuku. Since it was an all-night event, I also booked a room at a hotel in town.

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ACE Special LIVE – ECO祭2015

I’ve had a busy past couple of days, of which I’ll gradually make some updates about it all here.

First off, since it’s still fresh in my memory, I’d like to talk a little bit about the ECO 10th Anniversary Party 2015. Unfortunately, I knew very little about ECO until around this time last year when I learned from my friend Sierra that she would be performing with another band of amazing composers, artists, and performers that I adored: ACE!! The core of ACE is comprised of vocalist CHiCO and guitarist Tomori Kudo. According to my friend, Sierra, she and CHiCO have been friends for a very long time…!! Such a small world!

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