ILCA P@pper Vol.05


According to the newest issue of ILCA P@pper (Vol.05), some sort of “Reality & Games” event will be announced soon. In very Yoko Taro fashion, information on this topic is quite cryptic at the moment, but hopefully we’ll have a clearer idea of what’s going on in the next issue of ILCA P@pper, however the exact release date has yet to be announced.

Might this have something to do with his “YoRHa” stage play? Nier 2? His “Thou Shalt Not Die” manga series? The questions outweigh the answers…


Play Game “We’re doing a ‘Play Game'”


Stay tuned to Vol.06 of ILCA P@pper for more information on an up-coming event related to the new concept of the “Play Game”.

Thou Shalt Not Die – Upcoming Dates


Here are a couple important dates to put on your calendar!

Thou Shalt Not Die // 君死ニタマフ事ナカレ Vol. 1

Release Date: 10/24/15 Amazon

Thou Shalt Not Die // 君死ニタマフ事ナカレ Vol. 2

Release Date: 11/25/15 Amazon

Thou Shalt Not Die // 君死ニタマフ事ナカレ
Meet and Greet Signing with Yoko Taro and Moriyama Daisuke

Date: 11/08/15 Animate