Thou Shalt Not Die, Manga Volume #01

Thou Shalt Not Die // Kimi Shi ni Tamou Koto Nakare
Manga Vol.01

The first volume of Yoko Taro & Moriyama Daisuke’s manga series “Thou Shalt Not Die” will be released on Saturday, October 24. There will also be a ton of goodies available at various locations.


Bonus items include:

Also, Volume #02 will be released on Wednesday, November 25.

EDIT – October 24: I just went on a huge scavenger hunt across town to pick up the manga and all of the special items that were available at each of the different stores. The only one I wasn’t able to get today was the bookmark from all other stores. 😛 I’ll have to get that some other time.

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Legend of the Golden Dragon

I’ve been thinking about upgrading my older fiction/library pages to the newer WordPress based pages on my site… So, this is just a very preliminary post that I will gradually edit to include all the information that was originally available on my original Fire Sanctuary site.

This particular post will include all sorts of information and details on the story that I started writing in 1999, “Legend of the Golden Dragon”.

Please stay tuned for further updates!! 😀

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“NieR New Project” Director Yoko Taro Speaks Highly of Platinum Games

If you’re familiar with Yoko Taro‘s presence online, you’ll know that he often has some very interesting things to say about the video game industry. The other day he had some very high praise for the company–Platinum Games–developing his new game, which is currently only going by the name “NieR New Project“.

Here’s a quick glance at what he had to say about Platinum Games:


Yoko: Platinum Games do such quality work that I really don’t feel like I’m needed very much. Kamiya*: We’ll try our best to measure up to your expectations…


Yoko: In this industry, the term “subcontractor” is not frequently used any more, but a practical issue that many companies have is this mindset that “all we have to do is what we’re told.” However, frankly speaking, Platinum Games is a great company. It’s as though I went to Tenkaippin, and although I only ordered a regular-sized meal, they gave me karaage with rice, plus a serving of kotteri ramen free of charge.


Yoko: But since I’m in charge of the story, please, at any rate, at all cost, do not get your hopes up.

Always very humble, he is!! <3

As far as new news goes, we will be hearing more about the game as it’s featured at the Paris Games Week on October 29th. For more information on that, please check this entry that I made a couple days ago.

  • Kamiya Hideki is a member of Platinum Games working on this title. For more information on him, please check out his English Wikipedia page here.
  • As with any Japanese translation found on this site, I do all the translation work myself. If you like to quote anything from here, please credit me: Rekka Alexiel. Thanks!

NieR New Project – Exclusive Announcement Planned for Paris Games Week 2015

It has been announced that NieR New Project will have an exclusive announcement at the Paris Games Week 2015. It’s unfortunate the crew were not prepared for such an announcement for TGS, but it’s very good news nonetheless!

The Paris Games Week will host two leading game developers: Yosuke Saito (DRAGON QUEST X / NIER), Producer and Director YOKO TARO (Drakengard® / NIER) for presentation on exclusive scene on the SQUARE ENIX booth (Hall 1 Stand B024) 29 October at 11:00.
Pokett Video Games


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