Interview with Yoko Taro and Saito Yosuke by Hooked

This is a pretty amazing interview with both Yoko Taro and Saito Yosuke. The intro and outro are conducted in German, but the actual interview is in English.

The part that I found the most amazing, if not shocking, was the fact that 2B is *not* the same character as No2 that appears in the YoRHa stage play! *mindblown* But, I was starting to lean toward that since her character and some parts of her design didn’t seem to match up.

No2’s final stance. Photo by Tantei File.

That being said, Yoko Taro is often known to say one thing and yet somehow contradict himself in the same sentence. It could be that this *is* the same character that has undergone some major changes to completely alter her mind/personality.

At any rate, I suppose it would be best to separate my own feelings for the YoRHa girls that appeared in the stage play from this new game that seems sooooooo heavily based on it.

Please stop reading here to avoid further speculation…

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NieR: Automata – Paris Games Week

This is the page that I will continually update as more and more information is released at the Paris Games Week.

Official NieR: Automata Trailer -from Paris Games Week 2015-

Paris Games Week – Nier Automata Presentation, Part 1

Paris Games Week – Nier Automata Presentation, Part 2

Some things that we learn from the new trailer:

  • 2B’s weapons seem to float or seamlessly affix to her back without touching.
  • Battles are pretty dang fast-paced! Much like that of the original NieR!
  • There seems to be multiple attacks for each weapon type; katana vs. heavy sword.
  • The magic bullets of the original NieR make a comeback for you to dodge with all your might in battle!! This time around, they appear much brighter with a glowing, circular outline.
  • 2B is able to grab ahold of “Pod” for some awesome-looking aerial stunts!
  • Much like Weiss’ magic bullet attack in the original game, “Pod” appears to be able to do some attacking of its own!

I’m also in the process of uploading the interview with Yoko Taro and Saito Yosuke, but here are some things that we learned from them:

  • Emi Evans has *not* been confirmed yet.
  • 2B’s weapons appear to “float” just off of her back due to magnetism.
  • “Pod” will talk but not in a similar fashion to Weiss. Yoko Taro called it more of a “car navigation” sort of thing.
  • 2B can grab ahold of “Pod” in order to reach things and enemies normally out of range.
  • The Beastlord sword looks like it’s back!nier-automata-beastlord

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NieR: Automata


Ruka Endo as No2. Screen cap from the initial DVD release of the play.

This just in! News has broken that the subtitle to the new Nier title is “Automata” aka “Automaton” or “Android”.

The so-called “enemy” of the game is called the “kikai seimei-tai” or the “Living Machines”, the very enemies which bore down upon humanity in Yoko Taro’s stage play “YoRHa“. There seems to be more and more similarities between the two, so I suggest you take a look at my notes on the matter here.

As it appears now, the main character will be “No.2 Ver.B”, taking place after the events of the YoRHa play! She is able to use both a katana and large-sized swords.

According to the Character Designer Yoshida’s storyboards, this character will have a long-range attack ability called “Pod”.

This is a short summary that I wrote for Siliconera:

During the during the 14th Machine Armament War in the year 11,939AD, humans are near extinction. With the invasion of the “Living Machines”, humanity had no choice but to abandon the planet, taking refuge upon the Moon. Their only hope lie in an armada of specially configured androids called “YoRHa”. Programmed with human emotions and feelings, they descend upon the surface of the planet to combat the ceaseless onslaught of the Machines.

With the destruction of No.1 in the decent to the planet, No.2 assumes command over all units… however reluctant and unsure of her own abilities. She remains this way throughout the entity of the play; she keeps her black “visor” on the longest…only taking it off in the final scene when she faces the machines on her own.

No.2, after witnessing the destruction of her unit and the last of the Resistance, a failed YoRHa expedition hundreds of years before her time, is alone among a cold, unfeeling world ruled by machines.

Source: Game Johou

Other interesting notes:

Definition of “autamata“:

  • noun
    1. a plural of automaton.
  • noun, plural automatons, automata
    1. a mechanical figure or contrivance constructed to act as if by its own motive power; robot.
    2. a person or animal that acts in a monotonous, routine manner, without active intelligence.
    3. something capable of acting automatically or without an external motive force.
    “automata.” Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 28 Oct. 2015. <>.

ECO 10th Anniversary Concert


ACE Special Live!!

Scheduled Performers:
ACE: CHiCO & Tomori Kudo
Daisuke KaminagaShakuhachi
Reiko TsuchiyaViolin
Emi EvansVocal
Ryo KawamuraBass
Hidenobu “Kalta” OtsukiDrums
Tatsuro ArikiPiano/Keyboard
Kozo ToyotaIrish flute, Tin whistle, Bamboo flute

ECO Fair 2015 Tokyo & ECO Summit Vol.4
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2015
Place: Differ Ariake Arena

Shin Koutsuu Yurikamome: 1 minute from Ariake Tennis no Mori Station
Rinkai Line: 5 minutes from Kokusai Tenji-jo Station — Turn left out of the gate and another left at Beltline #2
Kai #01 Bus Toward Tokyo Big Sight/Tokyo Teleport: 2 minutes from the Ariake Tennis no Mori bus stop

From Yokohama YCAT Bus Terminal:
—Bus #5 Toward Big Sight and Odaiba to Tokyo Teleport Bus Stop (55 minutes)
—5 minute walk to Differ Ariake Arena