Thanks to a heads-up by Sakurai Tamaki, I’ve learned that there will be a DVD release of the YoRHa play sometime in February. We will know further details by the end of the year!
I had a feeling there might be a DVD release of the show… The first night I went there was a camera crew set up right to my left. xD I don’t know if they will release both the Earth and Heaven versions of the show, but the first show I went to see was Earth…so maybe that will be the cast on the DVD…?
I was able to find a copy of the ILCA P@pper free magazine in which this announcement was made public. I was also pleasantly surprised to find a two-page interview with Yoko Taro (creator), Matsuda Ichidai (director), and Endo Ruka (No.2). I may attempt a translation of the interview someday, but the most poignant segment of the interview came at the very end where it seemed as though it may be a possibility to see a second run of this play…or even a continuation of the story. <3 I would love to see more of No.2’s story after losing so much (the storyline involving my original character No.34 also fits into this timeframe).

“YoRHa on DVD” announcement in ILCA P@pper Vol.2. Scanned and edited by me.