Drakengard 3 – Novel


This just in! It was just officially announced in today’s issue of Big GanGan that a novelized version of DOD3 will be available on August 28! In the meantime, you can pre-order it from the Square Enix e-STORE from the link listed below!!

Just like the novelized version of DOD1, this book is also written by Eishima Jun and supervised by Yoko Taro, featuring a white stylized illustration of Zero and Mikhail on the cover, illustrated by Fujisaka Kimihiko!

*** This very well may be the specific timeline that directly connects DOD3 with DOD1!!! 

Here’s some more information:

Title: DOD3 “Story Side”
Written by: Eishima Jun
Supervised by: Yoko Taro

  • Type: Novel
  • Maker: Square Enix
  • Price: 1,008 (with tax)
  • Size: Small B6
  • Pages: 258
  • Release: August 28, 2014; Pre-orders currently available!!
  • Points: Pre-order Point Bonus: 15pts
  • Bonus: Specially Made Bookmark if ordered through the e-STORE

Tagline*: Beyond the myriad of mysteries… another story emerges. 
When and where were such things like “contracts”, “The Cult of Watchers”, and the “Seal” created? Where did the four Apostles come from, and where are the five Utautai sisters going? Where might it possibly lead, this new branch through time that the Utautai traitor Zero and dragon Mikhail tread upon?

Make your pre-orders through the Square Enix e-STORE here: http://sqex.to/HLn
Or on Amazon.jp: http://amzn.to/1nZEeod
Main DOD3 Novel page on Square Enix: http://www.jp.square-enix.com/dod3/storyside/index.html

* Unofficial tagline, translated by me. <3

Europe DLC Japanese VO Error Fixed!

Sounds like this issue has finally been solved! Anyone who has purchased the Japanese Voice Overs for the European version of the game, please redownload and reinstall the VO pack! It should work!! <3

And here is their post via Facebook: