The Official Complete Guide Book + Settings


The release of the Official Complete Guide Book and Setting Designs will be released on February 28th. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? Do so, here!

Anyway, Dengeki Online has just published a short reminder about the guidebook and reminded us what goodies we can find within it. I believe I’ve posted about its contents before, but here’s one interesting thing they’ve added: The settings for “DOD1.3“.

What is DOD1.3? Well, if you’ve played through DOD3, you will know that [SP: time is not a single, flowing entity. It is like a tree which may brach out from its original path to create a new “future”. It’s the classic Back to the Future idea: Change the past to create a better future.] So, what if events in DOD3 effectively alter the events which now may or may not occur in DOD1? That is where the idea of DOD1.3 comes from; It’s the same general idea, with both small and very vital aspects changed, melded into a new timeline.

For example, the guide book will talk about various possibilities with DOD1.3 like this:

  • Since there is no such thing as contracts between humans and dragons, Caim and Angel have merely a symbiotic relationship.
  • Perhaps there is a parting of ways between Caim and his younger sister Furiae.
  • Many other unpredictable yet exciting new twists and turns!

Looks like I never updated this post with more information on the guidebook.  ^^;;

More information on the Complete Official Guide Book!

Pre-orders for the Complete Official Guide Book have been underway for a while now!  Have you ordered yours yet?  Here’s what you can expect:

The only Complete Guide and Settings book

*  A ton of data and information on how to reach each of the endings

*  A ton of setting designs and information, especially previously forbidden information on various things that many fans have been wondering about


Must read information for fans from the developer on story and world of DOD3

* Featured story by Yoko Taro, series creator

*  Highly detailed information on the world view, development terms and materials to enjoy the game even more


The book is jam-packed full of maniac-level articles by the Dengeki staff that brought you the legendary “DOD2” and “Nier” guide books

*  An extensive view of the DOD3 world from the perspective of the Dengeki staff

*  In the fan book-like corner of the guide, you will find a character popularity poll and much more


Beautiful illustrations and character designs, especially from fans

*  Rough illustrations by character designer Fujisaka Kimihiko, including other design materials and notes that can only be found here

*  Rough images that eventually were cut in the development process

*  Various tribute illustrations from the illustrating team:  Ayakura Juu, Tanno Shinobu, pako, Fukahire, MAYA, Morii Shizuki, and Yaegashi Nan

Dengeki Online – News Release

Amazon – Pre-order the Complete Official Guide Book here!

Possible connections between YoRHa & DOD/Nier?

For those of you following the news of the secret track ripped from the game which was labeled as Accord’s battle theme, here’s some interesting food for thought for youー but please be warned of spoilers.  I would recommend not reading any further in this post if you do not want to be spoiled on the story of DOD3.

First of all, Accord has no battle theme within the game.  She is not a playable character.  Although she technically *does* have a little bit of an action role, she has no such theme that could be categorized as her battle theme within the story of the game.  Now, if they had initially planned for her to have such a role in the game but thusly needed to cut it in the end, that would be entirely a different story, although I’m a bit skeptical on that front.

Secondly, the actual track is another vocal performance by YoRHa (ヨルハ) on their CD entitled “Normandy / Guadalcanal”*, which you can hear in a longer remix version here:

According to YoRHa’s official Web site, there is a specific story background for the singing/talent group. Here is my translation of the very sparse information on their Web site:

西暦11939年 第十四次機械兵器戦争勃発
11,939AD Outbreak of the 14th Machine Armament War

In the distant future when the world is conquered by mechanical live.

As the remaining humans fled to the moon (or artificial satellite), they were unable to deal the decisive blow to the mechanical life which found a way to fortify their propagation.

The humans descended from orbit with a fleet of ships, firing all of their torpedos and bombs, but all attempts to destroy the machines were ineffective.

Although a few friendly forces arrived on the surface of the Earth, they were completely annihilated before the overwhelming enemy forces.

As their ice-cold enemies approached, the entire human race was forced to stand on the precipice of extinction.

Automatic humanoid soldier androids developed to combat the mechanical life forms.

YoRHa No2: Healer (Re-Assessing)
YoRHa No4: Executer (Seriously Injured)
YoRHa No9: Scanner (Deported)

YoRHa No11: Defender (Deployed)
YoRHa No12: Sniper (Deployed)
YoRHa No13: Attacker (Deployed)

2013.6.28 Akihabara Dearstage Reboot MTG #1
2013.3.8 Akihabara Dearstage Strategy MTG #4
2012.12.13 Akihabara Dearstage Strategy MTG #3
2012.9.27 Akihabara Dearstage Strategy MTG #2
2012.7.13 Akihabara Dearstage Strategy MTG #1
2012.5.27 Shibuya WWW First ACT

Now take this new information about this very distant future in which the world is conquered by robotic life forms…humans are nearly completely wiped out…and their only means of survival is to create other androids in which to combat the machines and reclaim the planet…

Is this a completely separate story from the world of DOD & Nier? Perhaps. It seems like YoRHa has been around at least for the past two years or so…but then again, this could also have been around the time when DOD3 was entering development (how long does it take to begin working on a game…?), so it all still could be the concoction of the DOD team.  It’s an interesting thought, but I am also skeptical on this because the group has their own performances in the fashion/indies music front in Akihabara, unattached or unaided by anything related to MONACA or the game series.

Could the overall view or the “Big Picture” of the DOD world actually be from the perspective of the real humans who were nearly exterminated and yet cannot defeat the machines… Their only chance at survival was to send androids into the past to find a way to stop the machines from coming to be in the first place??

Hmm, pretty far out there, but it’s hard not to imagine the possible connections. It’s still very unclear whether there is a firm connection between YoRHa & the story of DOD/Nier.  If the track is a secret data file on the game itself, it could have been placed there as a nice shout-out to the group for participating on the soundtrack.  Kinda sad if that’s all it is…but…

What do you think?

Read more on the Invasion of Normandy/D-Day and the Guadalcanal Campaign here:

Kuroi Hana: An Interpreted Translation

I was asked to translate the lyrics from “Kuroi Uta”, but since lyricist Kikuchi Hana also wrote this in complete katakana, it’s very difficult to make an exact translation. There are a few reasons why I am okay with this:

1) Like poetry, song lyrics need not be completely coherent and they can break from traditional norms of grammar.

2) Simply by using all katakana like this conveys a sense of an old language, or perhaps even the language of gods.

3) Somethings are not meant to be fully understood, but rather felt or experienced. It is what it is and holds no room for explanation. There is a sense of beauty in ambiguity.

Continue reading

New DLCs!

Today a couple more DLCs have become available! Here’s what they are:

Caim’s Costume — 300 Yen
(originally only available in the 10th Anniversary Box)

Kaine’s Costume — 300 Yen
(originally only available in the First Offical Guide Book)

Mikhail’s headgear, Nier’s “No.7” — 100 Yen

BGM DOD3 Arrangement Set — 200 Yen

The BGM set includes DOD3 arranged versions of “This Silence is Mine”, “Kuroi Uta”, and “Battle End”.

Here is a brief, low-quality sample of the following BGM tracks avaialable in the new set:

“This Silence is Mine (DOD3 Ver.)”

“Kuroi Uta (DOD3 Ver.)”

“Better End (DOD3 Ver.)”