Soundtrack, Manga, Story Speculation, and more!

Well, the first day of December has been officially over for roughly 2 hours now…and we’re that much closer to the inevitable release of DOD3 in 18 days!  Now that we’re heading into the final stretch, recent news has not been all that astounding, although we have had a couple awesome tid-bits!

More Soundtrack News!
Emi Evans has finally been given the official go-ahead to announce that she is indeed back performing vocals for the DOD3 soundtrack.  You may recall her from the exquisite work she did for the Nier soundtrack.  A sample of her newest work for DOD3 can be streamed directly from Square Enix’s page with other info about the soundtrack.  As I’ve mentioned before, you can see that there is still room to hear 3 extra tracks on the page….but they are currently unavailable.  Maybe they will upload a new track weekly until the release?  Hmmm!  Definitely bookmark this page:

Next up:
The two manga series.

Volume 1 of both Utahime Five and Red Obtained by Death will be released on December 20th.  The biweekly publication of the latter in Young GanGan has been pushed back until the December 25th issue due to possible spoilers for the game.

Also on the subject of the manga, I find the latest coloration for “One” quite interesting. At the beginning of the Red Obtained by Death manga, we’re introduced to a character who calls himself “One”.  He apparently wears a lot of white, has a somewhat similar hood/cloak as the Utautai Sister One…but he has very pale eyes and hair color; you could argue that both LACK color at all, although I would call his eyes gray and hair white–BUT, maybe my perception is wrong!  The white fluffy stuff that I thought was hair could have simply been the feathery trimming around the hood that he used to hide his hair?  That’s all very interesting, but then why would his eyes change color?  Hmmm… 

* Story Speculation *
I’m going to throw out a speculation idea and see where it goes.  Quite some time ago, someone suggested that we might learn more about the two-faced Goddess design that appeared in the original DOD1.  I thought on this and a couple other ideas, but I keep coming back to this one idea–In the video in which Zero says that those with such great powers as the Utautai Sisters, there need not be six of them when just one will do.  What if she succeeds in killing her younger siblings but is unable to completely defeat One and in the end, somehow, they merge.  I really don’t think Zero has it in her head that SHE will be the one to survive in the end.  Maybe she was very literal (not so much in Japanese) when she said, “Only one will suffice.”  Hmm.  What, if anything, that would have to do with the characters in the Red Obtained by Death manga, I have no idea…

Moving on…

Display Kit
I was recently able to obtain a complete store display kit and am in the process of scanning the images.

Hmmm, maybe that’s about it for news tonight/this morning.  ðŸ˜‰

2 thoughts on “Soundtrack, Manga, Story Speculation, and more!

  1. Hey Rekka,

    Just wanted to thank you for all the news and info you’ve gathered about Drakengard 3, I’ve been checking your website every day and I can’t wait for the game to come out. So big kudos to you and keep up the good work.

    • Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! My main deal is to get Western fans interested in the game, and if I can do that by sharing my own enthusiasm for the Japan release, then awesome!! 😀

      It’s sometimes difficult to keep doing this when I get so little feedback–and it doesn’t help that Google apparently doesn’t know this site even though I’ve done everything and followed the instructions to get it listed, etc. *sigh*

      So, thank you again for taking the time to make that first comment!!! I hope others will follow! 😀

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