More spoilers abound!
Here are my videos for Ending C, with the short clips in between battles.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
I have been pretty submerged into playing this game…so I haven’t been able to make an overall impressions post yet. I hope to be able to do that soon!!
In the meantime, though, I’ve made it through both the A and B endings and have posted my bad videos on YouTube, unlisted and hopefully a little secret, since they are huge spoilers. Please do not watch them if you don’t want to be spoiled!! If you are a spoiler whore like me, then go for it! Just don’t blame me afterwards!!
* Zero manages to defeat One on her own but then she summons her dragon, Gabriel. Zero & Mikhail fight against the beast for a long time and manage to defeat it, too, but Mikhail pushed it a little too far in order to win and protect Zero and subsequently dies.
* One says her farewell to Gabriel just before Zero approaches to send her off. Just before the final blow, One says, “I’ll go on ahead.”
* With One out of the picture and her mission complete, Zero pauses a brief moment and creating the perfect chance to be ambushed from behind.
* A near duplicate figure of One stabs Zero in the back, and as her blood freely flows from her body, it stains the figure’s white garments a crimson red. In the dialogue, the figure says that he is One’s younger brother. Just as Zero had created her younger five sisters, so had One created him…for the sole purpose of killing Zero should One be killed first.
* One’s little brother tells Zero to please not hate him for his actions. Zero comments that she does not hate anyone, even her younger sisters whom she wanted to kill. She wanted to become the last standing Utautai Sister–that was all. Hate was never part of the picture. The male Utautai shrieks back in disgust/fear at this statement.
* Zero slowly crawls her way toward the body of Mikhail and is only able to say a half “thank you” before dying.
* The male Utautai stands victorious, his mission he obtained from One now complete. But now he’s at a loss for what to do next… Beside the body of One he asks, “How can I live in a world unprotected by the Utautai?”
* Then it comes to him! “If there are no more Utautai to protect this world, then I will do it. I will create a church of my own–a new church to worship my sister One. No, I am One. From this day forward, I am One!”
* As the male One exits, an unknown female figure enters the stage. “I knew this would happen, following this path. We’ll have to find another one then.”
* The scene ends with the figure mysteriously disappearing as though she was never there amidst the flight of many doves.
(The scene before the end battle shows Zero thanking the four Apostles for their assistance and that they cannot interfere in the last battle. She then says that since their corresponding Utautai goddesses have been killed, there is nothing holding their forms together…and thus she reverts them to their original forms…white doves.)
The game restarts somewhere during the original journey as in Path A, but is somehow changed along the way. As Zero searches after Three and One, she witnesses their untimely deaths (not by her blade) before a serious confrontation with Two. This is when Cent betrays them all and kills Dito. The other two apostles also meet a similar fate before Zero must fight the two of them alone.
With the two of them nearly disposed of, they slowly crawl on the ground to reach one another…and in the simple touch of their hands, they are able to summon what looks like an upgraded form of Five’s spider-monster Phanuel: Raphael.
This is the video after the battle…
* One of the main attacks of the monster Raphael was its use of poison. During the battle, it seems like Mikhail was exposed to too much of the poison. Zero tells her to begin the necessary steps to regenerate, but Mikhail tells her that she doesn’t have the strength and apologizes before dying.
* Zero, at this point, is beyond distraught. She lashes out at Mikhail’s body, “Why did you go and die on me? You’re going to leave me alone–again!? Why…why am I the only one…? This damn flower!! …The flower. I’m sorry.”
* From here Zero enters into a sort of incantation or spell. “I command thee! As one who wields the power of Song, in order to save the life of this dragon, I hereby swear by this Contract! To the God in the East and the Goodess in the West, this I give thee as compensation…”
* Having complete the spell/contract, Zero says, “I’m glad I met you.”
* Next we see Mikhail groggily waking up to show us her new face… with Zero’s flower in one eye.
* Then we hear a the voice of a young child: “Hey, how long do you think you’re going to sleep? You’re really not a very good dragon, are you?” To which Mikhail responds, “Sorry, I’m awake now. Alright, shall we go, Zero?”
It is no officially the date of Drag-on Dragoon 3’s release, but we’re still hours away from getting our hands on the game, even though there has already been some lucky people out there who have nabbed it early! I expect my 10th Anniversary Box to arrive sometime in the morning (I HOPE THEY ARE ON TIME!!).
In the meantime, check out the 4th and final track available on the Soundtrack page here:
Lastly tonight, I made an interesting image that shows the two different dragons that we have seen thus far in previous PVs and the latest Opening Trailer.
We know from Mikhail’s profile information that has been up on the Official Web site for some time now that Mikhail has been reincarnated… we just didn’t know the details on this until recently.
Of course, this is still sketchy speculation, but from the Opening Trailer that was released the other day, Zero may be referring to the bottom, gray dragon as Mikhail, pronouncing the K.
There is a brief moment in the movie that shows Zero dismounting from the back of the gray dragon and very much drops her guard… Just then, a giant monster ambushes them and attacks Mikhail, from which you can see splashes of blood briefly move across the screen. Perhaps this is how Mikhail dies…momentarily, of course. We know that the souls of dragons cannot be killed, and even if their lives are taken, their soul lives on to regenerate anew.
Later, we see a nice image of Zero surrounded in floating orbs of light as she says “You’ve truly become a magnificent dragon,” implying that Mikhail has just been reincarnated or regenerated a la Doctor Who style.
Hmm! That’s all for now! Stay tuned!
Here are some highlights from tonight’s NicoLive Broadcast:
* They again showed the two TV spot videos, both the Normal and Hard version. They commented that since the “hard” version is a little more grotesque, that one would play late at night when wee-little kids might not see it. haha
* They also showed two variations of the TV spots with Mikhail sounding extremely *happy* at the end of the clip, and the other sounding extremely *unhappy*. I’m pretty sure both of those were only meant as a gag. heh
* Voice actor Peter announced that he will be in DOD3 as well. He also provided voices for Angelus in DOD1 & 2 as well as Shiro in Nier. It was a bit of a shock, however, to hear his voice as a dragon named “Mikhael”. Could this be Mikhail’s parent…or possibly the previous incarnation of the dragon, since we are told that dragons have eternal souls. Perhaps Mikhael died and thusly became the naive/baby dragon that we know of Mikhail. Interesting.
* We were able to see a short gameplay demonstration of the DLC for Furiae’s costume for Zero. They are also thinking of a proper price for a bundle of DLC costumes including Eris, Mana, and Nier outfits for Zero.
* Apparently 63.3% of people asked have already reserved the 10th Anniversary Box set. They also offered extra copies for sale during the broadcast, but were again sold out within mere minutes.
* Aoi Eir displayed a new PV for the theme song “Kuroi Uta”, which will be available with her new album, slated for release in January. More info on that later!
Here’s a short clip Sony Entertainment Japan released thus far, the first three minutes of the 6-minute song. Still excellent quality!!
* A nice shikishi signed by Uchida Maaya and Toyama Nao and DOD1 Midgard T-shirt were the giveaways for this week’s keyword provided by Aoi Eir! Congrats to whomever won those! 😀
* Last but not least is the *new* trailer, the OPENING MOVIE! For this NicoLive broadcast, a few scenes and spoken lines by characters were bleeped out, but still…it’s an awesome video! You can check it out from the Official DOD3 Web site… although it wouldn’t play for me. Maybe too many people are watching it now! xD
SE just uploaded the Opening to their official YouTube account:
And here’s the link to the Trailers page on the Official DOD3 Web site:
Square Enix just officially released two versions of the TV spot/commercial that has been airing on TV & on YouTube ads. The version that I nabbed from Nico Douga was the “Hard” cut version…but like many others have already voiced, the other “Normal” cut seems much superior!!