There have been a couple theories going around as to the essence of each Utautai Sister, one such theory utilizes the 7 Deadly Sins. The problem? There are only SIX sisters. Let’s review each individual Sin and its possible correspondence with one of the sisters.

We know that Zero has been going on a killing spree for quite a long time; her main goal is to eventually kill her younger sisters. Why she has started down this bloody path, we do not know, but she is certainly carrying out Wrath’s will.
One seems to be a pretty strong character, hence the Red is her color. She stepped up to take care of her younger sisters and lead them and much of the rest of the world–she does not see, however, that she may also fall prey to such power.
Two is not your typical image of gluttony, but she certainly enjoys cooking and eating, especially if she’s able to make a meal for her #1 man.
Three: SLOTH
Three is laziness personified. She hates physical labor and often loafs around with little will to do anything at all. She gets irritated when finally she does have to do something herself.
Four: ENVY
Four is also clearly personified with the color GREEN and its association with ENVY. She has a major inferiority complex and can get quite uncomfortable when others flaunt their personal lives in front of her since she is never able to take that final step toward intimacy.
Five: LUST
Again, Five is pure LUST personified, not only in her words and actions but also in her choice of clothing. She takes great pleasure in throwing around her sexual life and loves to make people a little uneasy by it. She also has an insatiable desire for the next best thing–or even person, but once she obtains that thing, she often becomes bored with it.
Next, let’s take a quick look at the color wheel.
As you can see, there are 6 main points to the color chart above: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet. Each of these colors has a direct connection to one of our sisters, except for ZERO which is virtually void of color by appearance alone (Pink is, however, considered to be her symbolic color).
What is interesting here is the absence of ORANGE among the sisters. Why is it absent? Where is Zero then, if she’s considered to be Pink? Perhaps there is one more character that will complete the sister’s ring that we do not know about, a SEVENTH sister? In that case, perhaps Zero, the eldest, is in the center within the white nothingness part of the circle.
Then again, according to the coloring of this image from the main DOD3 Web site, perhaps Mikhail is part of this ring, since her color is ORANGE/GOLD.

Okay, so now let’s take a look at the various meanings attributed to each of these main 6 colors from the images below.

This color symbolism may not fit perfectly for each individual sister, but it at least gives an interesting thing to think about and wonder as we head into the final month of waiting before the game is released!
As for associating a color with Zero, I much rather give her an empty color such as WHITE or a dark and corrupt/dead color like BLACK. I think both colors sum up her character, for what little we know. Perhaps the PINK imagery could be reflecting upon her true character, what could be if all the layers of pain and sorry are pealed away.
And as a final tie in with the 7 Deadly Sins and Color, let’s take a brief look at how color is actually made, through a prism.

Clear, WHITE light enters the prism and is separated into its corresponding colors. I’m sure everyone will remember ROYGBIV: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. 7 Deadly Sins and 7 Colors of light, but only 6 sisters. Hmmm…